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The White Pill Emporium - Part 1

The White Pill Emporium - Part 1

This article was originally published on Badlands Media. You can read the original article HERE

The Artificial Confusion of the Modern World

Greetings Friends and Patriots.

We were told things were going to get dark, weren’t we?

Well, friends, we are faced with more and more signs every day that the precipice is slowly but surely approaching. As soon as possible, please get food and supplies ready, because, as we’ve witnessed with illegals commandeering entire apartment complexes, intentionally botched disaster relief efforts (DISCLAIMER: my views are my own), amongst other atrocities, it’s clear that the Biden administration doesn’t value the lives of Americans. Not even slightly.

In fact, some might argue (including yours truly), that the mass death of Americans is precisely what they want. But this is not the article for that topic. We have much happier things to discuss today!

Several months ago, I began a series entitled In Defense of Q.

Much of the material for it has undergone dramatic change in recent months, due to the mind-boggling pace of the news. I really do try, dear friends, to not waste your time! Everything I publish is intended to be timely, practical, and of genuine benefit to all of you. Whether I succeed or not in these aims is not for me to judge—but, at the very least, that is my aim.

We’re going to reiterate several themes about which I’ve written many times. This is intentional, because repeated exposure to certain ideas is very helpful for training the subconscious mind to recognize certain patterns.

So now, I present to you something new and improved: the White Pill Emporium! This series is intended primarily for anons who are familiar with Q and Devolution, but it has something for everyone who is willing to read and listen in good faith.

Given the extreme nature of the current times, I shall prescribe every White Pill in my arsenal to you! Of course, you can take or leave any of them as you see fit. You are the ruler of you, after all… are you not?

Many of my White Pills are not “mine” per se—they were given to us anons by Q, albeit, in a puzzle form that forces us to assemble the Big Picture ourselves. Others came from more brilliant analysts and thinkers than myself; my main goal, simply put, is to make their ideas accessible (aka understandable) to others. In this and the immediate follow up article, we will be discussing what I believe is the single most important theory of reality one could learn, entitled the Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe (CTMU).

I daresay that if the CTMU were widely disseminated and, more importantly, comprehended, then it would deal a fundamental death blow to the propaganda of the dark occultists. For anons who follow Q, the CTMU contains certain features and concepts that make it possible for us to intelligently analyze some of the more, shall we say, “far out” parts of the Q operation (particularly when it comes to such things as Project Looking Glass technology, and the mind-blowing possibility that the Trump family may indeed have figured out methods for manipulating time itself… and yes, I recognize how crazy that sounds, but I’m prepared to back up my claims).

It's a dense theory, but once understood, it’s one of the most important White Pills out there. Interestingly, its author, Chris Langan, happens to be one of the most canceled figures of the 20th and 21st centuries. I wager that the controllers of this world simply don’t appreciate it when a super-genius* logically proves the existence of God, and the resultant, intrinsic value of the human spirit…

Before we begin in earnest, I should point out that my comprehension of the CTMU comes from reading it myself—Chris Langan is not responsible for any errors or misjudgments on my part, and if anything he says about the CTMU contradicts anything I’ve said, then you should go with him. I have also taken some liberties to express my understanding of the CTMU in poetic—rather than painstakingly technical—terms, because I feel this makes the material significantly easier to digest for newcomers. (Additionally, I know of nobody besides myself currently using the CTMU to make sense of the Q operation).

Now, let’s get a few things into perspective before we get into the nitty-gritty.

(*Langan’s IQ has been measured around 200, making him one of the smartest human beings on the planet, if not THE smartest one.)

The Reality of Being a Digital Soldier

The Great Awakening (GA) requires that we all perform different roles, and that we do so in a self-selected capacity.

Consider this analogy: a football team has multiple roles (linebacker, quarterback, etc), and these roles coalesce into a single, coherent team; along similar lines of thought, there are a multitude of roles within the GA that anons can fulfill, according to their natural inclinations and talents.

Case in point: I’m a better writer than public speaker, and I’m better at both of those than I am at using phones and computers. I can analyze propaganda from a psychological perspective for days on end without pausing—at the same time, I have no business trying to elucidate the more technical, cyber-warfare aspects of the 5G war. It is what it is! We all have our strengths and weaknesses, not to mention divergent interests, even whilst under the umbrella of the GA.

The difference between a football team vs our situation, however, is that, in football, the rules of the game and the lay of the land are explicitly identified and explained before the game starts. We, on the other hand, find ourselves in the bizarre situation of having to learn the game and form our team during the end phases of a said game. Were it not for certain friends in high places (such as Q, amongst others), there’d be no hope whatsoever for the future of humanity.

Q, you see, has offered us something I call rational hope, which is not the same thing as wishful thinking—rational hope is hope based on logic, not blind belief, and for that reason it is significantly more powerful than the alternative. (Many people equate “faith” with blind belief, but such comparisons aren’t justifiable in the slightest… but that’s a conversation for another time).

Rational hope, as you are about to see, can alter reality itself for the better (the same can’t be said for blind belief). When one fully comprehends the CTMU, it becomes crystal clear WHY this is the case.

Theater of War

At the end of the day, almost everything one sees in the news is a theatrical production of a very specific kind, in which the majority of participants have no clue they’re living in a movie, and where most of the features of the movies are decidedly NON-fictional. The spin is fictional—the thing being spun is real. Oftentimes people get upset with you for saying such things because they think that you’re somehow denying the death toll caused by these theatrical productions, but that is just lazy thinking. As Q told us, “the news is fake, but the war is real”. How long will it take for people to finally grasp that concept?

The cabal have been blending fact and fiction for a long time, you see… The aim is always the same: to influence mass consciousness in a certain direction.  But, alas, when it comes to psyops and theatrical productions, two can play at that game…

There are many who say that Q is a “psyop”… and I agree. It’s a psychological operation, for sure—and it’s a necessary counter-operation against MSM programming. But, whereas the standard psyops of yesteryear were largely fomented by highly paid pundits and propagandists, our counter-op is made possible by self-selected Patriots simply telling the truth as best they can online. Does it not remind one of David vs Goliath? (Remind me, who won that battle in the end?)

I believe one key condition of this war is that Trump needs US to fill in the gaps for the normies! WE are the ones who can, in the initial phases, break things like pizzagate, whilst his role in the game prevents him from doing so (at least, up until a certain point). When we force these issues to a sufficient degree, this FREES public figures such as Trump to address them. The CTMU is another thing that has been deliberately obfuscated by the mainstream, and which requires that self-selected men and women learn about it and proceed to force the issue.

Trump simply doesn’t have the option to come out and blatantly tell us what’s going on in unambiguous terms—I find it deeply suspicious when certain popular so-called “right wing” influencers hold that against him. Equally suspicious are those folks who have all the criticism in the world to pile on Q, and yet cannot describe Q with the slightest degree of accuracy.

Q gave us a puzzle, the purpose of which was to steer us in the direction of critical information that we subsequently assemble and disseminate (to the best of our ability). Some people have chosen to dismiss the whole thing without ever reading the drops or connecting the dots; but enough people were ready that Q came on the scene nonetheless. I sincerely believe Q could NOT have appeared, had we not collectively reached a certain level of moral and spiritual maturity.

To come back to our main point here: though we will be sharing White Pills, we cannot do so without fully understanding the spiritual disease(s) they’re formulated to address and heal. The bitter prelude to said White Pills is the recognition that the cabals power is at least partly derived from the sleeping masses—the ones who, as they say in the Matrix, are so plugged in that they’ll fight anyone who threatens the status quo (many members of “Con Inc” fit this description just as much as anyone else).

Mankind must collectively mature to the point where they’ll never fall victim to the cabal again, otherwise our efforts will have been in vain—and, if you ask me, one of the main purposes of the “movie” we’re watching is to shake the sleepyheads awake.

You see, this really IS about us. It’s not solely about Trump and Q. This is about ALL of us waking up—it’s about humanity becoming a genuinely mature collective of adults who are willing to do the right thing. It’s time we learned how to divest ourselves of the training wheels of reliance upon 3rd party expertise; it’s also time we learned how to identify predatory personality types, so that we never again collectively hand over our energy to psychopaths; and, perhaps most importantly, it’s time we learned who we really are, and once and for all lay claim to our rightful destiny.

With that said, it’s time to talk about laws—not manmade laws, but laws of creation itself that are self-evident, against which no reasonable person would argue, were they to be fully appraised of them.

Enter, the CTMU…

To Be or Not To Be

What follows may seem a bit odd, technical, obtuse, etc… Please stick with it as best you can. You are a Digital Soldier, not an ostrich or a lemming. With enough determination and focus, you have what it takes to learn this material! (That said, be kind to yourself if it takes many re-readings to gain said understanding… I didn’t “get” the CTMU at first either!).

Now… if I walk into a room and see a table and a chair, I cannot simultaneously observe their absence. Despite all the hoopla about “binaries” out there, the reality is that 2-valued logic is CRITICAL for maintaining the coherence of reality itself. In the CTMU, 2-valued logic is an indispensable feature of reality, without which the universe loses all coherence.

Think about it this way: you are reading these words, and this means that you’re not not reading them. You cannot simultaneously be reading these words whilst not reading them—to suggest otherwise would be as absurd as saying that one can walk forwards and backwards at the same time. This is what’s known as a boundary—an ontological* limit that reality imposes on its own internal content to maintain it’s own intelligibility.

(*Ontology is the study of that which objectively exists. To describe something as “ontological” simply means that it’s not merely a figment of mankind’s imagination.)

Another binary that we must come to terms with is whether God does or doesn’t exist. That is to say, reality itself is either the creation of a single creator, or it isn’t. There is no room for “fuzzy” logic here—this is another example of 2-valued logic upon which existence depends.

Furthermore, with respect to any attribute we may believe God to possess, it must also be the case that we are correct or incorrect regarding said attributions—the laws of logic itself do not permit us to pussyfoot about these matters. A universally correct (and recognizable) means of discernment is what we’re after; those who say such things do not exist, or cannot be discovered, end up accidentally shooting themselves in the foot, because the only way to know such things aren’t possible would require one have the very thing they say cannot be had—namely, true knowledge.

Indeed, the next time someone tells you something akin to the phrase “truth can’t be known”, simply ask them, “how do you know?”. Do you see the checkmate there?

So let me cut to the chase: God is not only real, but His existence is logically demonstrable. And there are implications for this that are heartening beyond any of our wildest dreams. Among other things, God’s memory is perfect—and since God’s memory is perfect, this means YOU will NEVER be forgotten! And nor will any of your loved ones. This is not merely a nice idea, but an inescapable logical conclusion.

In so many words, for reality to function at all, things must be identifiable for precisely what they are. How exactly the universe creates and individuates things out of its own “base materials” is a topic unto itself, which we will get to soon enough; nonetheless, when you get down to it, reality is one thing creating many things out of itself. The universe cannot reach outside of itself to fetch the materials it requires to make itself, and therefore it’s inescapably true that the universe is SELF CREATED. When we fully understand how the universe generates AND differentiates its own contents inside of itself, using itself as its own base materials, we will experience a revolution of science on par with the discovery of fire itself.

On Science and Religion

As a quick aside, it needs to be said that if religion is one way of describing reality, and science is another way of describing the very same reality, then it’s logically impossible for science and religion to contradict each other. If they DO contradict, then, at minimum, one of them must be wrong, at least regarding the contradiction at hand.

Additionally, what we generally call “miracles” MUST cohere to the same universally correct knowledge that underpins both science and religion—in other words, all things, miracles included, are explainable when one possesses the degree of knowledge commensurate to explain them.

Now, back to the CTMU…

The Reality Principle

The first thing one must understand about reality is that reality contains everything that is real, excluding nothing. In this context, “real” means anything empirically or theoretically capable of influencing the contents of reality in any way. This includes not only physical objects, but also metaphysical concepts, and cognitive operations as well. In other words, if its real enough to be identifiable in any way whatsoever, it has its place in reality, somehow, some way.

It is for this reason, that “parallel universe” theories of reality need some “tweaking”—for anything that influences reality in any way is necessarily contained within reality (do your thoughts, dreams, and emotions affect you? Of course they do, and are therefore real, but not necessarily in a traditional physical sense).

The general notion that electrons are blipping in and out of various universes (which is but one idea believed by some in the quantum physics field) implies that a bridge exists between these realities, thus instantaneously rendering them as one and the same universe once again.

Put another way: the very concept that parallel realities have any means whatsoever to interact immediately negates the idea that they were separate realities to begin with. At best, parallel realities could be conceived as different rooms in a gigantic house—but it is only one house!

Accordingly, one of the main purposes of reality theory is to boil the answer to the question “what is reality?” into a singular thing/process/etc. To say, “reality amounts to a collection of sub-realities” is a circular definition that tells us nothing. When you add it all up together, what do you get, in the singular? This is what we’re looking for.

(Spoiler alert: the answer to the question is that reality is the self-simulation of God Almighty, in which Gods children [all lifeforms] partake of said simulation, and are bestowed a level of agency appropriate for their development… but I’m getting ahead of myself again).

In the CTMU, there is a feature called the “syntactic metaverse”, which, for brevity, could be summarized as all parts and expressions of reality considered simultaneously. It is a necessary object—according to materialism, only material things exist, but the “syntactic metaverse” would be more understandable as an information structure that contains all possibilities and is metaphysically woven into everything, not in a material sense, but as a ruleset that governs matter, and which also doubles as a “field of potential” that contains future possible states and coordinates for material things.

Where are the Past and Future Located?

Can you measure the past or future? Can you physically point to them, saying, “the past is located here and the future there”?

Of course, this cannot be done—and yet you don’t hear people arguing that the past and future don’t exist. Physicalism, you see, is limited to the physical-sensory world of the present moment (for those who want to get into hair splitting arguments about this, I recommend familiarizing yourself with something called the “problem of induction” discovered by philosopher David Hume).

Anyways, consider how often your intuition or the intuitions of others correctly picks up on things that you could not have “rationally” known. For example, I’ve asked hundreds of people of the course of the past 15 or so years if they’ve ever had the experience of thinking of someone they hadn’t seen in years, only to suddenly hear from (or run into) that person soon after thinking of them? Every single person to whom I’ve asked this question has said yes—we’re talking a 100% rate of yes.

Do phenomena such as this not suggest that a grand, interconnected awareness is afoot? Not in our imagination, but in genuine, objective reality? And does this grand interconnected awareness possess conscious awareness, not to mention ultimate sovereignty over the material world?

Now we’re starting to cook with gas...

The “syntactic metaverse” is one feature of what ultimately amounts to the cognition-based theory of reality—hence the “Cognitive Theoretic” aspect of the CTMU. The implication of all this is that you, quite literally, are the universe itself observing itself (don’t start thinking you’re special, because the same goes for all of us!).

It is objectively the case that you are a child of reality—not some “sub reality”, but reality when considered at the ultimate level. With this in mind, the concept of “observer participancy” in physics should suddenly make MUCH more sense. We do indeed mold reality, to some degree, with our cognition/observation—and since this is the case, it can furthermore be speculated that Q, in a sense, utilized anons as a sort of “signal repeater” to seed certain ideas in the collective psyche. (As you will see, the White Hats had no other option…).

Of course, had we not been ready to receive Q’s writings, it’s more likely the case than not that Q would have never appeared at all. HOW the Q team could possibly measure the “spiritual readiness” of the collective to receive certain ideas is an open question; my current thinking says that, since reality cannot ultimately be separated into “mental” and “physical” halves, that it’s fair to posit the existence of advanced/exotic technologies that allow us to pry into things like timelines, collective thought-forms, you name it.

Project Looking Glass would be a famous example of this type of tech.

We’re Just Getting Started

Those who have read my Werewolf seriesknow that I generally strive to make articles “stand alone”, so that way anons can selectively take whatever they like from what I write and simply run with it. At the end of the day, it’s a luxury to be able to afford to read epic, 10-20 part series on any given topic, and this is why I structured the Werewolf Series in the manner that I have.

I hope you can forgive me, but the present article cannot stand alone—everything you just read was a necessary prelude to what will come in Part 2. The payoff for reading both together will be more than worth it, I assure you.

You may not realize it yet, but by reading what you have just read, you have already become more well-informed about the true nature of existence than the vast majority of college professors, researchers, scientists, etc. (It bears repeating that not a single one of those people has yet proposed a formal refutation of the CTMU, preferring instead to cancel it and its author, hoping the sheeple will be none the wiser).

Of course, please don’t let what I said get to your head—do not lord it over people that you know things that they don’t. Instead, try to use your knowledge to benefit people as much as possible. That’s really the point of all this.

You need not ever doubt the existence of God, nor of God’s good intentions towards mankind.

Our society—steeped in psychopathic propaganda as it is—CONSTANTLY uses various psychological techniques to try to blackpill you, especially when it comes to matters relating to God. The White Pill we’re formulating here is intended to be a PERMANENT antidote to such blackpilling, and it is meant for everybody of all belief systems.

After studying the CTMU at great length (here is the paper, for those who want to go directly to the source), I promise you that it vindicates the religious beliefs of most people. You see, the dark occultists LOVE to inflict false choices on people, and one of the most egregious of these is the false dichotomy between religion and science. There is simply no need whatsoever to see these things as being at odds with each other. The great divide between them does nothing other than get in between ourselves and our highest potential as children of God.

All the above having been said, I promise I will show you, dear friends, how we can use the CTMU to understand the Q operation on a level that few have ever considered.

Prepare to be shocked (in the best way possible).

“God wins” — Q.

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