Biden’s G7 antics: Letters to the Editor — June 17, 2024

Biden’s G7 antics: Letters to the Editor — June 17, 2024
By: NY Post - Opinion Posted On: June 16, 2024 View: 10

The Issue: President Biden’s gaffe in which he meandered during the first day of the G7 summit.

President Biden’s perplexing antics (“Roamin’ Holiday For Joe,” June 14) are outright disturbing to watch on the world’s center stage.

If this concerning behavior had been from a child, we would have recommended using a child-safety harness to keep him or her within reach.

Ronald Frank

West Orange, NJ

Dr. Jill Biden spends more time with President Biden than anyone else.

So, she obviously has to have seen his cognitive decline, his faltering and his unsteadiness more than anyone. It’s a travesty and a shame that, likely for her own ego and hubris, she doesn’t want to surrender her status as first lady and all the obvious perks that come with it.

If she has any love and any respect for either her husband or our country, she would not torture him, abuse him and subject him to ridicule. She would tell him its time to leave the White House and enjoy his remaining years.

Rolly Lessin

Staten Island

Good old Joe.

You wouldn’t let him drive a car, run a bingo game, man the cash register at the grocery store, travel on his own, flush out the boiler, organize a vacation, be a school crossing guard, cook his own meals, take orders at Chuck-E-Cheese, play blackjack in Vegas, use a weed whacker, shovel snow, hang Christmas lights or take your kids trick or treating — but we let him be the president of the United States.

Jake McNicholas


This poor guy. President Biden is clearly demented and has no idea what is going on. And yet his family and the Democratic apparatus put him out in front of the whole world and let him embarrass himself.

Our family has had some dementia; it’s an ugly disease. I can’t believe that a family who loves him would let him go through this instead of just taking care of him and making sure that he’s OK. What have they beome?

Bob Robustelli

Stamford, Conn.

Another embarrassing moment for our country, as President Biden wanders off to nowhere at the G7 summit. If it weren’t for Italian PM Giorgia Meloni’s actions in catching up to Biden, he’d still have been walking to nowhere.

How long must this go on? It’s so obvious that Biden is showing signs of dementia. I can’t help but blame the Biden family — starting from his wife on down — for letting this go on. It’s cruel and uncalled for.
The Democratic Party is also at fault for nominating Biden in the first place.

Rob Johann


I am writing with a mix of astonishment and disgust in response to the article regarding President Biden’s alleged gaffe.

The Post has once again proven its dedication to sensationalism, fear-mongering and unabashed political bias. This article represents a new low in the depths to which your publication is willing to sink.
The ongoing obsession with undermining the president’s credibility and mental acuity is both transparent and disgraceful.

It is clear that journalistic integrity has been abandoned in favor of advancing a partisan agenda. Such blatant bias undermines the public’s trust in the media and perpetuates political toxicity.

Kellyanne Suarez

Richland, Wash.

I couldn’t help but think: What will it take for the media to demand a cognitive test for President Biden?

Democrats pressured former President Donald Trump to take the test during his presidency, but have chosen to turn a blind eye to the many goofs, gaffes and disasters taking place on a daily basis during the Biden administration.

They, in some instances, are now accusing Trump of mental instability. Good luck with that.

It is time to recognize that Biden is not competent to finish his term — never mind run for another. The denial isn’t just ridiculous, but downright dangerous.

There is no doubt that if the situation were reversed, Democrats would see to it that he was already a memory.

Joyce Saueracker


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