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Micro vs Macro…

Micro vs Macro…

This article was originally published on The liberty Beacon. You can read the original article HERE

By: Joseph M. Lenard

First: No, we’re not talking MICRO-WAVE OVENS here 1 – LOL! You know me, if you’re a usual reader of mine – cannot pass on the lame/bad Puns. Second: All this should be left to/for Private Investment – NOT (especially at Federal level, UnConstitutional) Government Funded (yep, foreshadow, LOL). And, yes, this is going to be LONG, but likely some things you already know you’ll be able to skim-over and onto other sub-headers/parts….

Next – gotta say – Trump blew it during the September Debate on the SOLAR/WIND issue… What he should have said….

Previously in other writings and/or CTP episodes I have mentioned “Micro vs Macro” concept – this piece/CTP-episode will delve a bit deeper into a simple examples, using the Green Scam phenomena. If you recall, I wrote a piece called “Left Always Ignores (All Pay) Natural Law ‘Unintended Consequences’” back in June of 2023 for TheLibertyBeacon 2 – that discussed The Left and do they really understand or not understand likely consequences we on The Right they are pushing but still go ahead anyway?!?! And, also, will discuss MICRO/MACRO regarding Governance a bit at end.

This too, similarly, does The Left really not understand that just because something works on a small-scale doesn’t mean it is large-scalable capable (or vice-versa, large-scale makes practical, but cannot efficiently/effectively/cost-wise shrunk down) or not – but, too, like we’ll endeavor into below, they know but just don’t care as it really is all, just, only, about their chances for Money-Laundering operations and Campaign Kick-Back plans 3 from start?!?!?


Do I really need to spell this out in detail? I mean, seriously, if anyone does not already understand that Solar-Panels on a Building (Residential, Industrial, whatever) has far greater chances of actually bothering to provide any real degree of direct usable energy (especially when coupled with on-site high-capacity battery systems, and during daylight hours potentially producing real-chance at excess energy production that can be pumped into the local Energy-grid (sold-back to whomever your Electric Energy provider is, by Federal (and even most States re-iterate on/for Local levels) Legislative Statute dictates they must do)) they are never going to get it. Frankly, not because they are incapable of learning, they are UNWILLING to learn.

As I say in my CTP2 book Quotations chapter:

“Never before in the course of Human history [via online sources] has humanity had such easy access to facts and truth readily available at their finger-tips. Sadly, too, conversely, never before prolific access to falsehoods they can engage in confirmation-bias to feed delusions and preferred narratives. Many preferring lies.” (ME) Joseph M. Lenard (former IT guy)

The huge-acreage farces with large Solar-Panel displays can/may supply a DEGREE of the Energy needed for a SMALL-CITY (but certainly not, ever, never, a full Urban-landscape or an entire State, any contention such is just pure FANTASY). The MASSIVE warehouses of batteries to even remotely make them “practical” for day/night Power supply is untenable. Thereby rendering them really USELESS in grand, broader, overall, Energy needs scheme of things.

WIND (and Solar continued):

Ditto really, same basic micro/macro concepts apply as with Solar (providing FAR LESS ENERGY than needed, expected, when Sun doesn’t shine or Wind doesn’t blow – leaving such vs Coal, Natural Gas, or Nuclear (and we’ve come a long-way from Nuclear Plants built decades ago (with Military models, that could become reasonable in short-order to/for small-scale operations in City settings)) 24×7 ability Energy Production models) that render the MACRO models virtually USELESS as their Power Production can and will never, ever, be able to determine a “consistent” flow (again, as Wind doesn’t always blow, and Sun shines to varying degrees depending upon Weather conditions)…

I wrote an email to Federal and Michigan Dept. of Energy as well as a slew of others carbon-copied (including Wyandotte (my hometown) Michigan Electric and DTE Michigan) about something I’d been talking about for decades now… It reads, in-part:

Subject: Drum/Barrel generation… Home Solar…. 2 birds, 1 email…

I am NO SCIENTIST but I have COMMON-SENSE, something so lacking these days!Rather than endless cordoned off areas for MASSIVE WIND MILLS it is OBVIOUS that smaller Drum/Barrel Wind Generators could be lining the medians/dividers and generating Energy EVEN WHEN WIND ISN’T BLOWING cuz during most daytime’s anyway Cars are whizzing both directions along the Freeways (even some Highways, and some wide county roads) and CREATING WIND OF THEIR OWN that could/would help drive (pun intended, rotate) the Drums/Barrel Generators! I have written on this, spoke on Radio Shows on it, for DECADES NOW, and yet nothing seems to happen cuz unfortunately it has become MORE A POLITICAL BS STANCE to want to invest in the Windmills KILLING BIRDS (as well as off-shore ones Mechanical-Resonance causing Whale (and other Marine Life) beaching/deaths) and falling apart very frequently and FILLING UP LANDFILLS themselves — not really helping the overall BOTH SIDES OF LEDGERS/EQUATION —- whole picture, big picture, just GET RICH QUICK for some (like with Solar-Farms also) schemes/scams (WE NEED LASTING AND REAL LONGER-TERM OPTIONS). ☹


Yes, sure, has come a long-way over the last few decades, but still a long-way away from really, truly, being practical to be able to hold enough of the massive charges needed for the MACRO needs vs MICRO (home, business, local) uses. Plus, how many Electric Vehicles Fires have you heard about (even when and how the #ENEMEdia (pro-Left, wanting more Green Scam Projects) try hide?!?!? And, of course, for those who do not know, the added costs of having Fire Departments to have proper equipment themselves to respond to EV Fires as you cannot douse them with Water from a regular/standard Pumper-Fire-Vehicle (or hosed via a standard Water Fire-Hydrant).

I was going to say next – The Left never THINK things all the way through. But, of course, THINK would be the wrong word – Snowflakes never THINK at all they just EMOTE. Everything is about their feelings and what makes them feel-good and consequences be damned (as, yes, you should recall my writing on that before here on TLB). We are left (um… pun unintended, but there it is anyway LOL) to deal with picking up the pieces and/or finding the work-around/fix to the idiocy they’ve given us all (forced, dictate, upon all, they are FASCICRATS) to deal with.

Then, of course, I cannot leave it unsaid (for the Leftard idiots) the lack of bio-degradability of these batteries which will require special-made burial areas for. They cannot be refurbished/recycled (and each EV usually requiring battery replacements once at least every decade). Yuka Mountain may have been abandoned as a National Nuclear Waste site but it is likely going to have to be re-imagined as a Battery-Graveyard area.

There is actually ONE PRACTICAL APPLICATION of Electric Vehicles and that would be locally operated USPS or other “LOCAL” area run only Delivery Vehicles. And, yes, one thing I can/do agree with the Climate Hysteric Folks on (and I wish I could remember/find article I spoke on/about this to link to) which is short-haul, local-pickups/drop-offs, School Buses can/could be Electric (as their LARGE FRAME allows for the massive amounts of batteries to fit upon required to have/hold reasonable/usable charges for use (every School District, or a co-opt of Districts would STILL REQUIRE Deisel (or Natural Gas, Hydrogen, whatever) Buses for longer-hauls like for School Sports Teams to travel to away Games and/or School Field-Trips)).

VIDEO (1h 03m 55s): CTP How Stupid Have Americans Become (part 1) BTS/SP

ALL (including Methane, Natural Gas, Coal, Wood, Hydro, Tidal, Wind, Sun, etc.) OF THE ABOVE (as we migrate some partial solutions that Wind/Solar are). AMAZINGLY, I actually saw a “NUCLEAR NOW” program (aired on NEWSMAX) hosted by Oliver Stone (former anti-Nuclear-Energy-nut) who finally EDUCATED himself and now trying to Educate others (as too the former Co-Founder of GREENPEACE that wants nothing to do with his former creation cuz it is all Emotionally Hysterical Leftist Politics now, NOT true Conservationist/Environmentalism organization (real Conservationism, as JFK even spoke of/on as POTUS then)). That show, finally, also making same MICRO/MACRO reality comparisons like me as well as more (as they had a 2 hour TV show (that images, helped show things) slot, I can’t write 10,000 words as no-one would read the piece) and how we’ve come a long way since 1940’s (or those newer, still now many decades old, 1970’s-ish built plants/technologies, but nowhere near advanced as we tech-wise would have today) with modern/Advanced Reactors and now have MICRO-NUCLEAR (SMR – Small Modular Reactors, which regular Nuclear takes far smaller footprint than Solar/Wind-farms SMRs take very, very, little space (and expected advancements that we can/will move from more fission to fusion)) capabilities. And, of course, cuz often these loons are really just ANTI-AMERICAN Cultural Marxists or Maoists, while HALF (of the ENTIRE) Worlds Coal is burned by China alone they say ZERO about that (and China is escalating the building of Coal Plants rather than any other options). And to get around HOLLYWEIRD’s over-blown, over-dramatic, over-hyping, of threat/danger; no-one died directly (or over time by Radiation) at Fukushima, Three Mile Island, nor even David Bowies over-blown “Panic In Detroit” song about Fermi-II near Detroit, but indeed many did at Chernobyl by bad design and bad Soviet response; start by putting Nuclear Plants out in middle of our Deserts (which will run-up some costs, transmitting from middle of nowhere to where the Energy is really needed be transmitted to).


As I’ve discussed before THE BRADFORD COLONY tried/failed at Communism long before Marx rolled around. I supposed COMMUNISM could work on MICRO level IF people indeed Voluntarily abide by concept “all must put in” for “their Equity share out” but that would then be COMMUNITY and NOT COMMUNISM… COMMUNITY (Voluntary (Free Will), Charitable, lift UP, etc.) Biblical – COMMUNISM/SOCIALISM (Forced, theft redistribution, tear down, etc.) IS NOT! Cuz, it comes down to Human-Nature LAZY people if getting something no matter what they put in, will then just want to do nothing and be pulled around in the Cart (and eventually Atlas will Shrug, and the Bible distinction between “unwilling” and “unable” and us having no obligation to “unwilling” folks.). 

[image source: TheLibertyBeacon]

“Man-Made” Climate Hoax

OK, briefly, as this is way too long now already… NO, there is no such thing as Man-Made Climate-Change (more in previous TLB “Death Of Global Warming” piece). YES, there is natural, normal, Climate-Shifts and Climate-Cycles that happen. The patterns, or lack there-of, of Sun-Spots and/or Solar-Flares, Earth wobble, etc., matter far more than Man does on our Climate and our WEATHER! And, NO, Hurricanes are NOT more “Powerful” than out of normal Cycling AND Leftards/Climatards SPIN about “damage” by Storms easily debunked by/with basic Accounting, Economics, and Math! Hey, ‘tards – there are ever more and more People inhabiting Hurricane (and Tornado, too for that matter) Alley and more and more Buildings to House, Feed, provide Employment, etc., in those Zones. So, Yes, morons, current dollars damage (yes, inflation factors too) compared to before DOES NOT equate to more “Powerful” Storms and NOT how measured (as even NASA Reports, no real change in CYCLES of Storms (sometimes more, sometimes less – sometimes higher up the CAT scale, sometimes lower end)). PERIOD! Enough SPIN and LIES.

This piece already LARGE 5 and I’m supposed to aim for under 1,200 words for TLB and nearing twice that already, so I’ve cut out some things – there is indeed a LONGER (almost double content) even more detailed Sneak-Peek (before this dropped here on TLB) version over on BeforeItsNews (far more text, more images, etc.; far more direct aim at ClimateTard fictions calling out) – if you care to dive even deeper!! Maybe show that one to Libtards, as again more Pictures for them to look at, but nothing in Crayon that is likely needed for their pre-School age-mentality to potentially better grasp.

Sorry for the length, but all needed be said and I just not having chance with all planned/scheduled to break this into 2 parts.

Additional Cross-Reference-Links:  

1 Cannot pass on the lame/bad Puns (as said in the very opening) – more on that see my TLB piece “Need to Keep a Sense-of-Humor” from December 2022 via this link.

2Left Always Ignores (All Pay) Natural Law ‘Unintended Consequences’” which that 2023 piece can be seen on TheLibertyBeacon via this link.

3  “Fascicrats Money-Laundering (and, yes, too, sadly, some CINOs and RINOs)” which an old RedState/TownHall piece of mine (bit dated, from Feb. 2009, so just (in your Head while reading) replace the older Bill names with more recent FAKE NAMED Bills by/from The Left (like mentioned in “How Stupid Have Americans Become” piece 4 mention: Biden let the secret out in Sep. that Inflation Reduction Act was a Green Scam Money Laundering Bill as is case with all Leftist Bill names FRAUD)) can be seen via this link.

4  “How Stupid Have Americans Become” recent (October 12th 2024) TLB piece can be seen via this link.

5  “Micro vs Macro – and EnvrioHoaxes” expanded (double the details) BeforeItsNews version.

Coming soon from Joseph M Lenard to TLB and CTP podcast…

  • How Stupid Have Americans Become (part 1) – Oct. 12th [last week]
  • Micro vs Macro – Oct. 19th [this week, this piece]
  • RFK Jr. as Health Secretary? – Oct. 26th
  • How Stupid Have Americans Become (part 2) – Nov. 2nd

[ feel free to reach-out to me via https://JosephMLenard.us/contact ]


About the Author: Joseph M. Lenard was a former writer for Super Simple Computer Enterprises, REDSTATE, Grassfire, and Rattle With Us – MI TEAParty (where he was Writing Committee Chair) and others. Joseph is a current content provider at Before It’s News and The Liberty Beacon. He is also the Author of: “Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You”!

Joseph Martin Lenard (@JLenardDetroit)
author: Terror Strikes (buy)
Former 12CDRC, Wayne12, WCRC, Committees member
W12 Newsletter Editor Wayne-12CDRC Newsletter
MI 12th CDRC Webmaster
Taylor (MI) Republicans Club TRC Michigan Webmaster
Terror Strikes book (B4IN write-up)

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This article was originally published by The liberty Beacon. We only curate news from sources that align with the core values of our intended conservative audience. If you like the news you read here we encourage you to utilize the original sources for even more great news and opinions you can trust!

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