Bullies: Ted Cruz Shares Videos of Pro-Hamas Goons Protesting Outside His House

Bullies: Ted Cruz Shares Videos of Pro-Hamas Goons Protesting Outside His House
By: Twitchy - Politics Posted On: June 15, 2024 View: 10

The Left are bullies. This isn't a newsflash, but it's also amazing at the double standard. Protest outside VP Kamala Harris' home, get arrested. Spend six months outside Sen. Ted Cruz's house? Nada.


They're not just bothering Cruz, they're bothering all his neighbors.

Waaaaaay back there. They crossed it a long time ago.

Or take a page from John Fetterman's book and mock them.

Gotta keep that grass green.

They should be, but they won't.



Good question.


That would be an epic troll.

Good plan.

They do not.

Fight fire with fire.

Jobs are white supremacy or Zionism. Or something.

No, there is not.

Unfathomable losers.


Once upon a time, we enforced the laws.

They are vile.

There are neighbors who have nothing to do with Ted Cruz and they are making their lives miserable.

All this does is turn people off to your cause.

Because they realize the Left will do this to them as well.


They throw grandmas in jail for standing outside abortion clinics.

Read this on Twitchy - Politics

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