Community Notes Alerted After the White House Brags About a 'Biden Win' on Inflation

Community Notes Alerted After the White House Brags About a 'Biden Win' on Inflation
By: Twitchy - Politics Posted On: June 15, 2024 View: 11

We say it often, but the Biden campaign's strategy when it comes to the economy (and just about everything else) is simple: Lie like crazy and hope people can be gaslit into believing their rhetoric over their own lying eyes, ears, bank accounts and credit card balances.


Today's offering from @JoeBiden and the serial liars who run the account is no different:

The "Biden's wins" account thought this was worth spiking the ball over: 

If that's a Biden "win" we'd hate to see what a Biden "loss" is.

It's also a Biden lie. 

Lying is the only thing they do.

It's a "Biden win," everybody!



It's entirely possible the Biden White House hires staffers who they know will go by the philosophy "It's not a lie if you believe it."

They hope everybody else has the same number of functioning brain cells so somebody will buy the BS they're trying to sell.

Read this on Twitchy - Politics

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