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Three Possible Election Outcomes

Three Possible Election Outcomes

This article was originally published on Badlands Media. You can read the original article HERE

We Must Be Prepared for All

Photo by Katelyn Perry via Unsplash

In theory, there are more possible outcomes than just three, but in reality, there are probably only three election outcomes that could occur in November. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I don’t think there is any way Kamala Harris could win a legitimate election.

I’m sure there are people who genuinely support Kamala Harris. These same people likely believe everything the media tells them, they believe social media, and they believe the polls. They are able to convince themselves that the country needs change, and that Harris would bring that needed change. They are able to block out the reality that Harris and Biden have been in power for the last four years and four more years would actually be more of the same, if not worse. They are able to get excited when war mongering Republicans endorse Harris, thinking they have somehow all changed their ways, without ever considering that they haven’t changed, but she is one of them.

There are plenty of people whose minds have been manipulated and altered to the point that they are incapable of discernment or reasoning. These Stockholm Syndrome victims will do anything to protect the people who keep them mental prisoners. This is the reality of things, but I strongly doubt there are still enough of these people to legitimately win an election for Kamala Harris.

I suppose the Deep State could choose not to certify a Trump victory, but that would likely do even more damage to them and insure they will never hold power again. It’s also difficult to reject the election results when you’ve spent the past four years going on about how secure the US Elections are and ridiculing anyone who questions the results. That being said, one can’t put anything past the Deep State or their cult members’ ability to change direction and accept anything they are told by their mental captors, even if it is the polar opposite of what they had been told up to that point.

The likelihood is that one of three election scenarios will occur:

  • One, Trump wins, despite election interference, Trump’s support is enough to overcome any and all cheating that may occur, and he will be announced the winner on or around Election Day.

  • Two, Kamala Harris is declared the winner through a rigged election, and because her administration is already in power, the stolen election would be steamrolled through as it was in 2020, locking up anyone who opposes the fake election results.

  • Three, Harris wins a rigged election, is declared the winner, but a trap has been set and the election interference is exposed. Eventually, Trump is declared the winner, days, weeks or months after Election Day.

I agree with Elon Musk when he essentially says that if Harris is successfully pushed through as the winner of the election, America will be over as we know it. I believe Harris taking office in 2025 would likely result in a massive economic recession and the removal of personal freedoms that Americans have taken for granted their whole lives. I don’t think it is an overstatement to say 2024 is a “make it or break it” election. If Harris comes into power, there is no going back, America is done. If Harris is inaugurated, I have no advice, it will be a free for all.

This may come across as being very negative, but I’m not saying I think Harris will be the next POTUS, just that it must not happen.

Many people have heard about the sixteen-year plan. The plan was for Barack Obama to be POTUS for eight years, followed by Hilary Clinton for the next eight years. Obama’s years would set up the Clinton years, which would eventually result in the total destruction of America. Trump being elected is said to have thrown a monkey wrench into this Deep State plan. Trump’s team undid a lot of the damage done in the prior administrations. A second Trump term may have been the death blow to the Deep State Cabal, hence their desperate need to steal the 2020 election.

If one looks back to past Deep State presidents’ two term administrations, most of the damage they’ve done has been in their second terms. They couldn’t do too much damage in their first terms, otherwise they couldn’t get re-elected for a second term, even with election tampering.

In Bill Clinton’s second term, we had the Monica Lewinsky scandal that ushered in a moral decay in America. This affair between a 22-year-old intern and the 49-year-old POTUS created an acceptance of immoral behavior. The majority of America was okay with its President having an affair in the White House. What once would have immediately forced a president out of office in shame was now just comedic material for late-night talk show monologues. But imagine for a moment if President Trump had an affair with an intern less than half his age while in the White House. The same people who minimized the Clinton affair would suddenly turn Puritan before our eyes.

By the way, the Lewinsky affair started in 1995 and lasted until 1997. The affair was publicly revealed in 1998. Care to guess what year Jeffery Epstein bought his island? You guessed it, 1998. Was the Lewinsky affair a giant Epstein honeypot to gain control of Bill Clinton?

Additionally, any moral outrage of Americans in Clinton’s second term was pacified by a tech boom in America. Everyone is more forgiving when their 401k is going up.

George Bush Jr’s two terms were a little more unique than others, in his first year in office, 9-11 was used to rip away American’s rights through the Patriot Act, while getting the US into wars with countries that didn’t appear to have anything to do with 9-11. 9-11 and the wars that followed, in theory should have torn apart the country, as was the case with the Vietnam War, but instead, the nation actually became unified behind Bush. Both political parties and most of the media were in lock step with the White House. It didn’t hurt that American’s house values and 401k(s) were going up as well.

Bush’s second term ended with eventual division and the collapse of the financial system, which was something that couldn’t occur during his first term, or we wouldn’t have become united, and he couldn’t have been re-elected, and Dick Cheney wouldn’t have been able to still control the country. As a result of Bush’s second term, Americans lost their jobs, businesses and homes.

What is the expression? “Americans vote with their wallets.”

The financial collapse occurred immediately before the 2008 Election. A suffering economy caused the nation to divide again.

There was a stark difference between Obama’s first and second term. While plenty of damage was being done to America in his first term, it wasn’t until he was re-elected and became a lame duck president that the moral destruction and racial division really began.

With the start of Obama’s second term, the Smith Mundt Act was essentially repealed, allowing the media to basically say and do whatever they wanted without any repercussions. Propaganda against Americans was now legal again. This was when the Trans movement was released on Americans, created at the Tavistock Institute in England and released in America at the dawning of Obama’s second term. The race-dividing Ferguson, BLM riots began a couple years later in 2014. The President that was supposed to unite the country in hope ended up fueling more racial division than ever before.

Something to understand: BLM is controlled by the CCP, and Tim Walz is controlled by the CCP. He first went to China in 1989 and has been strangely connected to them ever since. The CCP decided to unleash the 2020 George Floyd BLM riots in Minneapolis, MN, the state in which Walz is and was the governor at the time. His crazy-eyed wife talked about opening up the windows of their house during the riots so she could smell the burning of tires. There is a reason why Walz was put on the Harris ticket after CCP puppet Biden was forced to step down; they needed to replace some of the control they lost with Biden being forced out.

Notice if you will, the Uniparty pattern that seems to occur over and over again. Wars are started when Republicans reside in the White House: both Gulf Wars were started under a Bush, and moral and cultural decay occurs when Democrats call 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW home. But because Trump refused to allow a war to start, wars and cultural decay needed to both pick up during Biden’s term. In my opinion, a Harris presidency would be the nail in the coffin of America. She would bring in the destruction that was to occur in Hillary Clinton’s assumed second term.

A Harris presidency is something I don’t want to even think about, but if it was to occur, we would need to be prepared, as the destruction of the American economy and American freedoms would be inevitable. I don’t think the country would go into mass chaos on election night if Harris was declared the winner, but I do believe it would be the start of the clock on the coming of the next great recession.

This is not financial advice, but rather a trend that has been observed by economists over the years. Once the Federal Reserve begins to cut interest rates, on average, a recession occurs 18 months later. Sometimes it comes sooner and sometimes later, but on average, recessions occur 18 months later. This would mean a recession would likely occur in roughly 18 months because the Fed just started cutting interest rates in September, and they will likely continue to cut them into November and well into 2025 and possibly 2026.

I don’t believe this means a recession is inevitable; I think it means that, if drastic measures are not taken, a recession would likely occur.

But I think Trump becoming POTUS again would be the textbook definition of drastic measures. If Trump becomes POTUS again, I am confident a recession would be diverted. If Harris becomes POTUS, I believe a massive recession would almost be guaranteed. But this doesn’t mean that Americans would start to lose their jobs the day she was elected, or that the stock market would crash immediately. This would likely occur a bit later, which would hopefully give Americans enough time to prepare, to save their money and reallocate their 401k(s) to take less risk.

In regards to the election, in my opinion, it is more likely that Trump will be declared the winner around Election Day, or later, after election interference is exposed. I would prefer that he is declared the winner early on; this could result in some rioting and violence, but I believe more would occur if the election was later overturned. Ultimately, I think an official Trump second term would be the dawning of an America never known before—a start of prosperity and unity the country has never known in its history.

While I hope Trump is elected and declared the winner on election night, we have to be open to the idea that it may be a process. The election may be a giant sting operation. We may have to wait for Trump to be declared the winner of the election.

I want to be able to celebrate on November 5th, but this may not be the way the plan has been orchestrated to play out. If we have to wait for Trump to be declared the winner, and especially if Harris is declared the winner before eventually being overturned, we can’t allow ourselves to be demoralized. We can’t give up hope, and we can’t do anything stupid out of frustration.

As the election approaches, we must remind ourselves who Trump is going up against, and what is at stake. As wonderful as an election night victory and smooth transition into office would be, this can’t be our expectation. We must be prepared for more of a struggle, filled with temporary frustration and disappointment.

We must be prepared for all Hell to break loose over the next few months.

I personally find the recent hurricane and flooding rather odd. People can believe what they want, but weather manipulation is a proven thing; it is real. The documented use of it goes back to the Vietnam War.

There was recently a chemical plant explosion in Georgia, and what about the strikes at the ports? It seems kind of coincidental that the strike occurred right before the election. Temporarily, nothing went in or out of the Eastern and Southern ports. It seems too coincidental to me that this strike was set to occur when it occurred.

The port closures temporarily locked down the US ports in the East and South, drastically minimizing what went in and out. Drug running, gun running, and human trafficking would take a major hit if it continued on. Is it possible that during the strike, containers were checked to see what was being shipped in and out of the country, or if a longer strike would have allowed this to occur?

Is it possible the strike was supposed to last a lot longer, affecting the supply chain and possibly causing shortages and price increases? The stock market might have had a temporary drop. None of these things would make the current administration look good. Supply shortages, as well as the current administration’s lack of urgency to help to the North Carolina flood victims would have and likely will have a major impact on the Kamala Harris campaign.

I’m about to put on my tinfoil hat and ask you to do the same, but first I want to mention a conversation I recently had with someone who oversees all the equity portfolios of a major investment firm.

Over a glass of wine, I told him I agree with Elon Musk and that I thought a Harris presidency would likely destroy the American economy, to which he kind of rebuffed me, saying he thought the economy would likely be just fine. He looked at me like I was a conspiracy theorist, gloom and doomer, but he had to be cordial in how he responded to me. I said I understand that it may sound a little MAGA, Q-Anon-crazy, but let me explain something to him first.

I predicted the drop in the Stock market in the Fall of 2018, and its quick recovery in early 2019. I predicted the 2020 stock market crash and its quick recovery six months later while everything in the country was still locked down. I predicted the 2022 stock market crash and its 2023 recovery. Not only did I accurately predict all of these events, but I acted upon them. I took money out of the stock market before the drops and put it back in before the recoveries.

We’re not talking about a guy who predicts a stock market crash every year and eventually is right one year. I told him the day I stopped believing anything the media says and started reading between the lines for the truth, I have been right about everything. He didn’t know what to do with this, so he politely excused himself to use the bathroom, and I didn’t speak to him again the rest of the evening. I ended up leaving the event two hours later than I hoped because following the event, others gathered around me and couldn’t get enough of what I had to say. They wouldn’t let me leave.

It’s funny, four years ago people avoided me like the plague. About two years ago, a shift occurred and now people gather around me and won’t let me leave. People are definitely more awake today than they were four years ago when Trump had to allow the election to be stolen because there weren’t enough people awake that would allow him to dismantle the system in 2020.

Now let’s strap on our tin foil hats.

What if the port strike was a white hat operation that was supposed to last much longer than it actually did? What if the strike was to be used to shut down trafficking operations, but the strike was forced to end prematurely? Is it possible that the Deep State players manipulated the weather to enhance the hurricane that hit North Carolina and its neighboring states?

Did they do so knowing that if they created massive damage to the residents of these states, and then refused to help them or allow them to be helped, it would force the ports to be reopened again. Did they destroy the lives of these people in order to get their trafficking operations up and running again?

Think it through before you completely reject the idea.

What if the Ukrainian War and even the crisis in the Middle East were created to funnel in money that had been lost from Trump shutting down trafficking operations throughout the world. In other words, Deep State operations were cut off from their funds that came from trafficking, and they needed to be replenished by American politicians sending them US taxpayers’ money.

What’s next on the horizon, more high-profile elites being connected to P Diddy and Epstein? Past election fraud being exposed? Rioting? Mass casualty events? More hurricanes? Anything is possible, and everything should be expected and prepared for. If we look at this as being a fireworks show, the grand finale is about to begin.

We must be prepared mentally, physically and emotionally for what comes next. We must maintain our composure and be open to the idea that things may play out in a way we don’t prefer, but that are necessary just the same.

Are we ready for the possibility of Trump not being declared the winner until next Spring? It could happen.

In 2020, when the election was stolen, I was angry, frustrated and disappointed. I didn’t understand at the time that it had to be this way. It took me weeks, if not months to understand that America wasn’t collectively ready for the controlled demolition that needed to occur to the system. It was like too many Americans refused to evacuate the building so the Trump team couldn’t detonate the explosives. The taking back of America needed to be postponed.

I understand today why we needed to go through the past four years, to expose the system, to wake more people up. But I don’t see any good that would come from allowing the election to be stolen again, with Harris becoming POTUS for the next four years.

All I can do is be prepared for anything and pray for the success of the people who have been planning this mission to rescue America for a very long time. While I can worry and stress out over the coming election and its results, I can’t ignore all the signs and evidence that tells me the patriots are in control and the Deep State is panicking.

Humans naturally focus more on the bad things even when the good things drastically outweigh them. I’m no different, which means I need to intentionally and purposefully focus on all the positive events that are occurring at break-neck speed. Our emotions naturally lead us to be negative and fearful, so our minds must be intentionally focused on the positive to counteract this.

I believe that in the end, God wins.

When things get bad, I must always focus on this, and always remember, as it says in Romans 8:31, “If God is for us, who can be against us?”

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