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Emails don’t get to where they’re supposed to and Britain’s not working much better

Emails don’t get to where they’re supposed to and Britain’s not working much better

This article was originally published on The Expose. You can read the original article HERE

The utterly loathsome Keir “Free Suits” Starmer has said that the State will take more control in people’s lives. What does this mean? How much more control? Will we now have to ask permission if we want to go to the loo? By Christmas, the only people left in Britain will be asylum seekers and people on benefits. Anyone who can afford to do so will have buggered off to live somewhere else. Even Lebanon seems more attractive than Starmer’s Britain at the moment.

This is just one of Dr. Vernon Coelman’s latest passing observations.

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By Dr. Vernon Coleman

1. I have been painfully aware for some time that a good number of the few emails I send are blocked. It doesn’t matter which email company I use. I’ve tried them all. Now I have evidence that some of my emails are being read as I send them and removed entirely. I actually received a note telling me that email messages had not been allowed and had not been accepted for policy reasons. This wasn’t a standard delivery system notification. It seems that some tiny-brained bozo sits and reads my emails and deletes the ones which he finds worrying. The last email to be removed contained a modest and entirely accurate note about YouTube – a relative of Google, surely the most oppressive, censorious, evil internet company of all time.

2. Talking of Google (just behind Monsanto, Goldman Sachs and a couple of drug companies in the Top Ten list of the world’s most evil companies of all time), what an absolute joy it was to read that the obnoxious, destructive, arrogant company that used to be called Google is fighting legal challenges (both in the EU and the US) which may see it being broken up. I hope they break Google into bite-sized pieces and then flush the whole lot down the loo. Google, together with its partner in crime and associate Wikipedia, has been publishing lies and libels about me for four years which have, as planned, destroyed my reputation, my work and my life to the point where I really don’t give a darn any more. And, of course, that’s actually a mistake. When you completely destroy someone, they tend to think: “Well, I might just as well carry on telling the truth because what else can they do to me?” And yes, I know they can kill me. Someone tried that. (If you want to know more about how the conspirators worked overtime to suppress the truth please read my book ‘Truth Teller: The Price’. If you’d like to purchase a copy please just CLICK HERE)

3. What’s the betting that BBC stalwart Huw Edwards will be presenting children’s programmes on the BBC before the end of the year? “He likes children and has relevant experience,” a smarmy BBC person will doubtless explain.

4. The utterly loathsome Keir “Free Suits” Starmer has said that the State will take more control in people’s lives. What does this mean? How much more control? Will we now have to ask permission if we want to go to the loo? By Christmas, the only people left in Britain will be asylum seekers and people on benefits. Anyone who can afford to do so will have buggered off to live somewhere else. Even Lebanon seems more attractive than Starmer’s Britain at the moment.

5. It was absolutely no surprise to see that the World Health Organisation has been given the power it wanted to control health care all around the world. The UK agreed with most other countries to approve the amendment to Article 18 of the WHO’s International Health Regulations. And so now the WHO has the power to decide what must be done whenever they decide to declare some sort of health emergency. They will, of course, promote vaccination programmes and these will probably be involuntary. Those who sneered at my books `Their Terrifying Plan’ (CLICK HERE to buy) and `They Want Your Money and Your Life’ (CLICK HERE to buy) might like to proffer their abject apologies. Both those books are available through the bookshop on http://www.vernoncoleman.com. Those who thought they had defeated the WHO were, I’m afraid, betrayed as I feared they would be. Countries pay hundreds of millions to fund the WHO which is one of the most dangerous organisations in the world.

6. The UK (which is so poor that it is allowing its older citizens to freeze to death this winter) is allegedly sending £11 billion to other countries to help them prepare for Net Zero. Starmer has condemned untold pensioners to “death by shivering.” And other Net Zero policies are already leading to massive job losses. Port Talbot steelworks closed and oil refineries are closing – as a direct result of the Labour Government’s insane push towards Net Zero. Please read Jack King’s book on Net Zero to understand how your life is going to be destroyed in every conceivable way.

7. My new book `Vernon Coleman’s Commonplace Book’ has just been published. It is a very personal collection of thought-provoking and entertaining anecdotes, quotes and ideas presented in the true Victorian tradition. If you’d like to purchase a copy please CLICK HERE The book is available as a hardcover (which makes an excellent gift) and a paperback. As usual, I’ve kept my royalties very low.

8. A survey of 64 million people with brains showed that 99.999% were in favour of sending global warming campaigners to prison for life three times over for throwing soup over works of art. They should, it was agreed, be sent to prison once for trying to damage a work of art, once for wasting soup and once for believing in the global warming conspiracy theory.

9. I was, like most people, terribly upset to hear that poor old Keir Starmer has to scrounge free clothing off a pal. It’s clearly tough for millionaires these days. His colleagues are apparently in the same sorry state. I’m writing to Keir to offer him a hardly worn shirt I found at the back of my wardrobe. It’s a little tight around the neck for me but it’ll probably fit Keir quite well. And we’ve dug out a few ornaments which will help brighten up the Starmer homes. One, an ashtray decorated with a little lighthouse and the words “A Present from Whitby” should be quite a talking piece when Rachel and Angela pop in for tea. I’m not asking anything in return – not even a pass for Downing Street. I won’t post the parcel until Keir tells me which address he’d like me to use.

10. The middle classes are the backbone of any nation. That is why they are being systematically destroyed. The communists do not approve of the middle classes, though they do believe in an elite having access to chauffeur-driven cars, tickets for Taylor Swift concerts and free suits.

11. Most doctors don’t ask about the risks associated with giving vaccines. They make a tonne of money out of telling their nurses to inject everything that keeps still for a minute. But some doctors know that vaccines are dangerous – and yet they keep vaccinating, knowing the risks and knowing that some of those they vaccinate will die. It used to be called murder and it used to be illegal.

12. Most public employees are promoted beyond their abilities.

13. How many of the sad and sorry souls struggling to work on their kitchen table (with the dog barking, the TV chuntering and the kids screaming) know that the Working from Home lunacy is part of the Net Zero lunacy? The global warming nutters want everyone to stay at home to use less fuel.

14. Citizens in the UK who reach their 80th birthday receive another 25 pence a week pension towards buying food and heating. “We don’t want anyone to think we’re uncaring,” said an expensively dressed Government spokesman, fiddling with one of his 72 pairs of designer spectacles. “We can’t pay out any more because we have to spend billions buying bombs for two illegal wars. And we have to keep a few million back in case the Starmers need to send some clothes to the laundry. You can’t just stick designer gear in the washing machine, you know? Besides, 25 pence a week will buy a pensioner a slice of bread for every other day. What more do these old people want? We invite to encourage them to sign up for our new, friendly, euthanasia programme. Everyone who signs up will receive a free toaster to leave to their loved ones.”

15. Starmer and chums have become loathed, despised and distrusted very quickly. Has there ever been a more self-serving, power and money-hungry bunch of politicians? I have previously warned that citizens around the world are being encouraged to despise their politicians – as a prelude to the setting up of a World Government. But I suspect that Starmer and Co may just be horrid, greedy people. Incidentally, I wonder how long this freebie nonsense has been going on. And should the police perhaps just check to make sure that nothing untoward has been going on? I’m sure everything is perfectly proper but in public life, it’s important to check out these things. We don’t want to find that years ago Keir accepted a pair of free socks and then felt so indebted that he handed over £10 billion worth of bombs to the sock donor. And was Keir accepting freebies when he was in charge of prosecutions? How far back do the freebies go? We should be told.

16. I don’t worry about dying but I do worry about leaving my wife alone in what has become an alien world. And I worry about being ill in a country without health care or being taken to one of the remaining hospitals where I will, I fear, be put to death speedily and probably painfully. Hospitals today are nothing more than culling centres, no better than the hospitals which existed in the Middle Ages.

17. NHS staff are terribly upset that people have spotted that the NHS is really, really, crappy. Apparently, they feel hurt and may well go on strike if the critics don’t shut up. Have you noticed, by the way, that NHS staff only ever go on strike for more money? They never go on strike to get better care for patients or to demand better equipment or less red tape.

18. Communist countries love targets and metrics, encourage snitching and sneaking and denouncing, have a deep faith in technology, promote the idea that the State is all-powerful and always right, encourage citizens to believe strongly in a sense of entitlement, have huge unproductive bureaucracies, have handed over almost all their power to unelected officials, prefer State approved opinions to experimental results or experience and encourage citizens to denounce one another if they fail to satisfy unwritten rules of conduct. The politicians and their civil service slaves regard any criticism as unacceptable and consider diversity and sustainability the building blocks of society. We are all living in communist countries now.

19. The official definition of “civil servant” is: “someone who is paid generously to stay at home to help boost daytime television ratings.”

20. Wind and solar energy schemes have received more than $6 trillion in subsidies in recent years. But wind and solar energy still provide just 2.3% of our energy requirements. Those who want to get rid of fossil fuels might like to imagine a world in which we have access to just 2.3% of our current energy needs. Oh, and wind and solar schemes are largely energy-negative – in that they require more energy to build and run than they produce. And iron, steel, cement, fertiliser and plastics all rely on a supply of fossil fuels. Who wants to fly in a paper aeroplane or drive a wooden car? I thought not.

21. I first wrote about stress in the 1970s when I introduced the idea (together with the notion of “burnout”) to the general public in a book entitled `Stress Control’. The idea was so strange, so alien, that I and the book were viciously attacked by many members of the medical establishment. One Professor of Medicine recommended that I be struck off the medical register for suggesting that blood pressure might be aggravated or even caused by stress. Today, everyone thinks they know what stress is and everyone knows the signs and symptoms. In early 2024, a group of lawyers working in the City of London complained that they were suffering from stress. I think they were hoping that their complaint would attract some sympathy. It perhaps did not occur to them that they had chosen to be lawyers working in the City of London, earning huge salaries for causing pain and stress to others. And every sports player talks endlessly about the stress they are under. Snooker players and golfers talk about stress as if they were the only people in the world to suffer from it. I wish millionaire sportspersons would stop talking about the “stress” they are under. They have no real idea what stress feels like. Stress is being 80-years-old and trying to decide whether to turn on your one-bar electric fire or to heat a can of beans. Stress is living in one of the world’s many war zones trying to find a puddle of approximately clean drinking water for your wounded baby. My book `How to relax and overcome stress’ is available again. To purchase a copy CLICK HERE

22. People used to cherish their independence. No more. Today, the public everywhere wants their government to spend more money, to provide more services, to do more for them and to take more of the responsibility of living off their shoulders. This is because the greater part of the public is now wholly or largely dependent on government money in the form of benefits, pensions and jobs in the ever-expanding public sector. For example, I was amazed to see that a man earning £70,000 is still eligible to claim child benefits. The snag with these unending expectations is, of course, that the public (probably including the man earning £70,000) also want to pay less tax.

23. Most people are afraid of all the wrong things. They are terrified of covid, which has been proved, beyond doubt, to have never been more dangerous than the ordinary flu. They are terrified of climate change which isn’t happening and which, if it were real, would be a boon and a blessing. But most people aren’t afraid of social credit, digital currency and twenty-minute cities – all of which will turn our lives inside out and upside down and remove forever the last vestiges of fun, freedom and privacy from our lives. Please read my book `Social Credit: Nightmare on your street’ to see what is planned for us. CLICK HERE to purchase a copy.

24. Britain’s Labour Party is planning to insist that all those working in child care (nurseries, etc.) are graduates. What an amazingly dumb idea – particularly since thousands of nurseries are closing because they cannot find any staff at all. If nurseries have to recruit higher-paid graduates all nurseries will go bust and there will be no childcare at all so mothers (or fathers) won’t be able to go to work. (So, it’s not actually a dumb idea. The conspirators want us all to stay at home in the high-rise buildings in our twenty-minute cities.) Where is all this nonsense going to end? Who will be the first to insist that all dustmen (sorry, “refuse collection consultants”) have university degrees? A BSc in “Waste Collection and Dispersal” perhaps. Politicians love encouraging teenagers to go to university because it reduces the unemployment figures at absolutely no cost to the Treasury. But it is very difficult to find suitable employment for all those graduates.

25. I’ve been warning about inflation and interest rate rises for at least three years. But if you’re puzzled by the Labour Party’s claim that there is no money, please look at my video `The Money’s Gone’ which was released on 23 May 2024. To watch it just CLICK HERE

26. Many people now buy what they believe is “green energy.” They obtain their electricity supplies from companies which claim to be providing electricity which has been provided through windmills and solar panels. Sadly, this is an utter nonsense, and the smug individuals who claim that their laptops and television sets and tumble driers and heating systems are all run with the aid of electricity obtained from renewable sources are deluded. All the electricity in the UK comes from the National Grid which obtains most of its electricity from fossil fuels and doesn’t yet have staff sorting out the different types of electricity so that Ms. Smith can have her solar power electricity and Ms. Robinson can have the stuff made from burning coal and old socks. A very small part of our electricity comes from solar panels and wind farms but most electricity comes from burning coal, diesel, gas and wood. (It is widely believed in the West that coal is yesterday’s fuel. This is a colossal myth. In South Africa, coal still provides 85% of the country’s electricity and China has recently been building coal-fired electricity generating plants as though there were a competition to see which country could burn more coal which, for all I know, there may well be.) And here’s the clever bit: governments everywhere have decided that gas and wood should be redefined as renewable or “green” sources of energy. The real irony is that most of the electricity obtained from so-called renewable energy sources comes from burning wood pellets. And the wood pellets come from trees in America. The trees had to be chopped down and turned into wood pellets. The wood pellets then had to be loaded onto diesel-powered lorries and taken to a port where they were loaded onto a diesel-powered ship and carried across the Atlantic. When the ship reaches port, the pellets are unloaded and put into diesel-powered lorries to be taken to the power station for burning. The whole process uses up far more energy than is produced and is incredibly wasteful. But politicians, journalists and those responsible for selling the wood pellets have succeeded in convincing a very gullible public that this is a “green” source of energy since trees can, in theory at least, be considered “renewable.”

27. We all have fairly simple choices to make. We can accept life the way it is and put up with the world in which we live. Or we can do what we can to change the world in ways which we believe will improve things. Or we can simply choose to withdraw from the world, ignore everyone else and do as little as we possibly can. This is now the default position in Britain and many other countries – where huge chunks of the population have chosen to take little or no interest in the world. They don’t vote, they don’t campaign and they don’t do anything. They choose not to work but to accept benefits paid for by working taxpayers and to spend their days watching television, playing games, walking the dog (to the pub) and gambling.

About the Author

Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc practised medicine for ten years. He has been a full-time professional author for over 30 years. He is a novelist and campaigning writer and has written many non-fiction books.  He has written over 100 books which have been translated into 22 languages. On his website, HERE, there are hundreds of articles which are free to read.

There are no ads, no fees and no requests for donations on Dr. Coleman’s website or videos. He pays for everything through book sales. If you want to help finance his work, please just buy a book – there are over 100 books by Vernon Coleman in print on Amazon.

This article was originally published by The Expose. We only curate news from sources that align with the core values of our intended conservative audience. If you like the news you read here we encourage you to utilize the original sources for even more great news and opinions you can trust!

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