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The War Against America and Israel

The War Against America and Israel

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In a formal introduction of his newly chosen Cabinet, President Biden proudly declared: “This is the first [time] in American history that the cabinet looks like America.”  Scrutinizing the actual appointments and not just the sex, skin color, and ethnic origins of the Biden team reveals a group that may look like America but doesn’t think like America.  In fact, it is a team whose outlook is transparently anti-American.

Take Biden’s vice president, Kamala Harris, whose antipathy for America — despite her superficial attempts to hide it — oozes from every pore.  At a February 2019 presidential campaign stop, she said Columbus Day should be replaced with “Indigenous People’s Day” because “we are the scene of a crime when it comes to what we did with slavery and Jim Crow and institutionalized racism in this country.”  This is an accurate summary of the way the Biden White House views its native land — as a crime.

It is also a view encapsulating three big lies.  In her indictment, Harris didn’t bother to name a country whose origins are free from conquest.  She would have trouble naming one.  What America did with the slave system it inherited from the British was to end it, beginning with its revolutionary proclamation that all men are created equal and have a God-given right to liberty.  America began implementing this right in 1787, the first year of its existence, with the enactment of the Northwest Ordinance, outlawing slavery in a territory the size of the original thirteen colonies.  Within twenty years, slavery was abolished in all the northern states.  And in little over one generation, slavery was abolished throughout America.

Slavery still exists in Africa today.  As for the “original sin” of enslaving the black Africans brought to this country, that properly is the achievement of the Africans themselves, who sold their brothers and sisters to Europeans at slave auctions in Ghana and Benin.

Hundreds of thousands of white Americans gave their lives to free the slaves.  In all history, there is no case of one race of people making such a sacrifice to free people of another race.

America’s declaration of equality and liberty for all unleashed a global movement to end slavery and in America powered a hundred-year civil rights movement to recognize the humanity of all people, but particularly African-Americans.

In 1964, all forms of institutional and systemic racism, including Jim Crow, were outlawed by the Civil Rights Act.  This hasn’t prevented neo-racist leftists from advancing their partisan agendas by pretending that nothing has changed.  In one of his first statements as president, Biden claimed that “systemic racism has been built into every aspect of our system.”  This is an offensive and destructive lie.  In fact, the opposite is true.  Under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, systemic racism is outlawed in America.  With the exception of affirmative action policies drafted to help black Americans and sanctioned by the Supreme Court, there is no systemic racism in America.  If there were such institutionalized racism, there would be a tsunami of legal suits to punish those who practiced it.  There is no such tsunami because the claim is a lie.

In indicting white people for every problem the black community faces by embracing this lie, the political left has shown no hesitation or shame.  When over 200 U.S. cities were attacked by criminal Black Lives Matter mobs in the summer of 2020, Kamala Harris called the rioters, arsonists, and killers “a coalition of conscience.”  While cities burned, Harris supported the mis-named Minnesota Freedom Fund, which made bail payments on behalf of people who were arrested for criminal acts.  At the time, Harris claimed that “the life of a Black person in America … has never been treated as fully human[.]”  Tell that to Ronald Reagan, who made Martin Luther King Day the only national holiday named after an American.  Tell it to the white majorities who elected Barack Obama president of the United States twice.

“America,” Harris asserted, “has never fully addressed the systemic racism that has existed in our country.”  Not surprisingly, Harris has praised racial arsonist and antisemite Al Sharpton as a “friend [who] has spent his life fighting for what’s right.”

Picking a Cabinet and White House team by skin color and sex, as the Biden-Harris team did, is itself racist and “sexist” — and unconstitutional.  Biden’s assistant attorney general in charge of civil rights, Kristen Clarke, is the first black woman to be appointed to the position.  She is also a proud racist, praising Louis Farrakhan disciple Tamika Mallory and holding the Farrakhanite view that melanin, which is responsible for rich black skin color, “endows blacks with greater mental, physical and spiritual abilities” than white people’s.  Clarke has long embraced the doctrines of critical race theory, which maintains that America is permanently racist to its core and that, consequently, the nation’s various institutions and traditions are, by definition, illegitimate and invalid and deserve to be ignored or overthrown.

In 2020, Kristen Clarke denounced the “systemic racism that pervades every aspect of our lives, especially when it comes to policing and the operation of the criminal justice system of our country.”  For reasons already mentioned, this canard — never accompanied by evidence to support it — is a racist invention.  If police departments were systemically racist, how does one explain all the black police chiefs running those departments in major American cities with black mayors, or the absence of massive lawsuits under the Civil Rights Act, which outlaws such practices?

In November 2020, Clarke said that collegiate policies permitting black students to be admitted under far lower academic standards than Asian students are “critical for promoting diversity … in an increasingly multi-ethnic society.”  This is the statement of a racist who puts skin color first and undermines the credentials of every black student who is admitted by merit.

Linda Thomas-Greenfield is the second black U.S. ambassador to the U.N.  For those not addicted to the new racism now in fashion in the Democrat party, her maiden address to the U.N. General Assembly praising the malicious and historically illiterate 1619 Project should be cause for concern.  The 1619 Project, conceived by a black racist, frames America as a nation defined by slavery and racism and denies that white America played any role in liberating blacks or creating a society that has made them the richest, freest, most privileged of their race anywhere in the world, including black Africa and the Caribbean.  Naturally, she has praised the Marxist Black Lives Matter organization as a noble movement for “racial justice.”

Late in his presidency, Donald Trump issued an executive order establishing the “1776 Commission,” an advisory committee designed to encourage American schools to provide students with a “patriotic education” and to counter the America-hating narrative of the critical race theorists and the 1619 Project, which had already been made part of the curriculum in thousands of schools.  Biden began his administration by revoking Trump’s 1776 Commission on the grounds that the “systemic racism that has plagued our nation for far, far too long couldn’t be ignored any longer.”  The Fourteenth Amendment outlawing systemic racism was actually passed in 1868, guaranteeing equal rights to all citizens.  It was ignored in the South, but in the rest of the country, it was the focus of anti-racist civil rights struggles for nearly 100 years.

Susan Rice, who lied to the world to cover up the Benghazi disaster during the Obama administration, was Biden’s director of the United States Domestic Policy Council.  On her appointment, Rice warned Americans about “how serious a problem we face from nationalists and white supremacists who have demonstrated a willingness to resort to violence in some instances.”  About the massive violence committed by Black Lives Matter nationalists on hundreds of occasions, she was silent.

On January 26, 2021, Rice joined the White House chorus, saying that “for too many American families, systemic racism and inequality in our economy, laws, and institutions still put[s] the American dream far out of reach.”  She didn’t explain — if what she said was true — why the Biden administration wasn’t suing all those white supremacists for practicing institutional and systemic racism, which was outlawed over fifty years ago by the Civil Rights Act.  Like “white supremacy,” “systemic racism” is a myth woven out of whole cloth to advance the left’s racist agendas.

When it comes to Middle East policy, Biden has diligently deployed skin-color racism to put a team of antisemites and supporters of the terrorist regimes in Iran, the West Bank, and Gaza in charge of American policy.  Chief among them is Susan Rice.  In 2015, Rice publicly lauded the deal to provide Iran with a path to nuclear weapons as the “most comprehensive and effective” anti-nuclear agreement ever devised.  Under her watch, the Biden administration has lifted sanctions on the Iranian regime and lined its pockets, enabling it to fund terrorism by Hezb’allah, the Houthis, and Hamas terrorists in proxy wars against Israel; shut down the Red Sea shipping lanes; and block U.N. inspection teams from exercising their rights to check that Iran is observing the terms of the agreements.

Biden’s new director of National Intelligence, Avril Haines, is a signatory to a J Street letter arguing that the Democrat party platform should incorporate additional criticism of Israel, while drawing a moral equivalence between Palestinian terrorists and their victims, employing the phrase “violence, terrorism, and incitement from ALL sides.”  Further, the letter rejects the notion of Israeli and Jewish sovereign rights to the historically Jewish lands of Judea and Samaria — now referred to as the “West Bank” — and falsely accuses Israel of perpetrating an “occupation” of Palestinian land.

Biden’s new administrator of USAID, Samantha Power, is a dedicated opponent of Israel and its Jews.  During a 2002 interview, Power said of America’s chief ally in the Middle East that even if it meant “alienating a domestic constituency of tremendous political and financial import” (i.e., Jewish Americans), the United States should stop investing “billions of dollars” in “servicing Israel’s military” and should invest that money instead “in the new state of Palestine.”  There is no state called Palestine.  The Gaza strip is ruled by a terrorist authority that annually invests hundreds of millions of dollars in terrorism targeting men, women, and children in Israel because they are Jews.

During a February 2016 U.N. Security Council debate on the Middle East, Power — the then–U.S. ambassador to the U.N. — equated Palestinian Arab acts of terrorism targeting Jews with virtually nonexistent “settler violence” by Jews in the West Bank.  She also falsely portrayed the Palestinian Authority (P.A.) as an entity that was “pressing for calm,” when, in fact, the terrorist authorities in Gaza and the West Bank not only “pay Arabs huge sums of money to murder Jewish civilians,” but celebrates them as “martyrs.”  It also “incites violence against innocent Jews in speeches, official newspapers, social media, textbooks, schools, clubs, government-controlled mosques, government-controlled television specials, and government ceremonies honoring terrorists.”

Biden’s new undersecretary of defense, Colin Kahl, co-drafted the language that attempted — ultimately without success — to omit from the 2012 Democrat party platform any reference to Jerusalem as the capital of Israel — thus encouraging the aggressive delusions of the Islamic terrorist movement.  In an August 2012 op-ed in Foreign Policy magazine, Kahl praised President Obama’s call to push Israel’s borders back to the 1949 Armistice lines, which would reward 70-plus years of Arab terrorist aggression and deprive Israel of defensible borders; to accept the creation of a Palestinian state governed by the terrorist organizations PLO and Hamas; and to reject the notion of Jerusalem as Israel’s undisputed capital.  In the same article, Kahl blamed the poor living conditions of Palestinians on the “economically debilitating effects of Israeli occupation” — rather than on the Palestinian leaders’ massive corruption and ongoing terrorist aggression.

Kahl was unconcerned, on the other hand, with the hundreds of millions of dollars Hamas received in humanitarian aid that was invested instead in building 300 miles of fortified tunnels 30 feet below the earth’s surface to prosecute a terrorist war against Jewish civilians.  This culminated on October 7, 2023 with the Hamas massacre of 1,200 Jews — men, women, and children, including pregnant mothers who had their babies ripped from their wombs and infants burned alive.

Biden’s new undersecretary of state for civilian security, democracy, and human rights, Uzra Zeya, is a former staffer at the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, a notoriously anti-Israel publication, where she compiled research for a book claiming that “the Israel lobby” had established a secret network of PACs that bribed and extorted congressional candidates into adopting positions favorable to Israel, thereby “subvert[ing] the American political process to take control of U.S. Middle East policy.”

Wendy Sherman, Biden’s deputy secretary of state, has referred to the late PLO leader Yasser Arafat, the world’s most prolific Jew-killer since Hitler, as “the leader of a resistance movement,” while minimizing the moral horrors of Palestinian suicide bombings against innocent Israeli civilians as “nagging disruptions from the Palestinian side.”

In her 2018 book, Not for the Faint of Heart, Sherman claimed that the nuclear deal with the Iranian terrorists, which she helped to negotiate on behalf of the U.S., “was anchored” by (a) “a common (!) wish to make peace” and (b) additional “higher principles” that would help facilitate a “reimagining of the world”(!) whereby Americans might “see our adversaries not as eternal enemies, or dispensable ones, but as virtual partners.”  Sherman falsely claimed that the Iran deal would allow for “intrusive” and “scrupulous” inspections of Iranian nuclear sites.

Symone Sanders was the senior adviser and chief spokesperson for Biden’s vice president, Kamala Harris.  Sanders was one of the 2020 Biden presidential campaign’s three senior advisers who apologized to radical Islamic organizations after Biden staffer Andrew Bates tried to distance Biden from Linda Sarsour, a notorious Jew-hater, who, despite supporting the Hamas-inspired Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions (BDS) movement and having ties to numerous Islamic terrorist organizations, was a featured speaker at the 2020 Democrat National Convention.  In addition to her apology, Sanders also retweeted a post by Engage, a radical Islamist group, saying that Sarsour “has dedicated her career to fighting for justice.”

These influential appeasers of Islamic terrorists are responsible for the Biden administration’s policy toward Israel, which promotes a “two-state solution” to the Middle East problem: a Western-style democracy with more than a million Muslim Arab citizens alongside a terrorist dictatorship that declares its objective to be the destruction of the Jewish state and has conducted a 70-year war of aggression against that state.

The spokesman for this myopic betrayal is Biden’s secretary of state, Antony Blinken.  Blinken also opposes designating Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a foreign terrorist organization and imposing sanctions on it, even though the Iranian constitution established the IRGC explicitly to “strike terror into the enemies of Allah” — meaning most prominently Americans and Jews— and to “expan[d] the sovereignty” of Islam across the globe.  The IRGC’s “terror involvements” have included “planning for 9-11”; “murdering hundreds of American troops in Iraq”; promoting “Iranian nuclear proliferation and weapons delivery systems development”; and “providing weapons, training, funding, and logistical support to Iranian terrorist proxies.”

At the time Israel was created in 1948, there were no “Palestinians” or Palestinian state.  “Palestine” did not become a national identity until 1964, when it was explicitly created to challenge the very existence of Israel.  It is also a lie that obscures the main fact of the Arab-Israeli war: the Arab refusal to recognize the existence of the Jewish state, and Arabs’ express genocidal goal of destroying it and killing every Jew, or driving them out of the region.

Biden’s deputy director of the White House Office of Legislative Affairs is Reema Dodin.  In her student days at U.C. Berkeley, Dodin was a campus radical who organized anti-Israel rallies.  She was a leader of the Muslim Students Association, a Muslim Brotherhood front.  The Muslim Brotherhood is an Islamic supremacist organization whose credo proclaims that “death for the sake of Allah is the highest of our aspirations.”

Dodin described the 9/11 attacks as an understandable Islamic response to U.S. support for Israel, which was “angering” Muslims worldwide.  Drawing a parallel between the 9/11 hijackers and Palestinian jihadists, she said, “[N]ow you have three generations of Palestinians born under occupation.  Maybe if you start to look at Palestinians as human beings, you will stop the suicide bombers.”  In other words, the inhuman murder of innocents and oneself is a protest at not being looked at as human.  In a 2002 speech in California, Dodin justified suicide-bombing as “the last resort of a desperate people.”  Actually, the first resort of a decent people would be to recognize the State of Israel and make an honest peace.

At a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing in 2010, Biden’s new special U.S. envoy for Iran, Robert Malley, called for the U.S. “to unveil a set of parameters” that included the creation of a Palestinian state along the “1967 borders,” which would have rewarded the Arab aggressors in the Six-Day War and been suicidal for Israel.  He also advocated for (a) the deployment of third-party armed forces in Judea-Samaria; (b) the forced relocation of hundreds of thousands of Jews from their homes in that region; and (c) Israel’s relinquishment of control of the Golan Heights to Syria, on the premise that Syria was “unlikely to sponsor militant groups … [or] destabilize the region … once an agreement has been reached.”  This is an absurdity on its face.

Biden’s senior director for intelligence programs at the National Security Council is Maher Bitar.  As a student at Georgetown University, Bitar was an executive board member of Students for Justice in Palestine, a Muslim Brotherhood organization that supports the Hamas terrorists and the BDS movement, designed by terrorists to strangle the Jewish state.  A 2006 photo from that time period shows Bitar wearing a keffiyah — a terrorist symbol — while dancing in front of a banner reading, “Divest from Israel Apartheid.”  (In point of fact, Israel is the only state in the Arab Middle East that is not an apartheid state.)  At a Palestine Solidarity Movement conference at Georgetown in 2006, Bitar moderated a session that taught attendees how to demonize Israel as a nation guilty of “colonization,” “occupation,” and “oppression.”

Biden’s deputy assistant secretary of state for Israel and Palestinian affairs is Hady Amr.  In January 2002, Amr wrote, “I was inspired by the Palestinian Intifada [a series of terrorist attacks on unarmed Jewish civilians].”  Amr warned that Arabs “will never, never forget what the Israeli people, the Israeli military and Israeli democracy have done to Palestinian children.  And there will be thousands who will seek to avenge these brutal murders of innocents.”  Amr didn’t explain why, if he was so concerned about the safety of children, the Palestinians notoriously used them as human shields and trained them to be terrorists from kindergarten, whereas there is no evidence of Israelis targeting Palestinian children.

Amr also accused Israel of engaging in the “ethnic cleansing” of Palestinians.  That is another egregious lie.  More than a million Palestinian Arabs enjoy more rights as Israeli citizens than the Arabs of any Middle Eastern country.  At the same time, ethnic cleansing of Jews is the express goal of the Palestinian Authority and Hamas.  To sell land to a Jew in the Palestinian Authority is punishable by death.

The radical Islamic war against Israel is a religious war that has no political solution.  “Occupation” of Palestinian land is the lie that genocidal Palestinian terrorists use to justify their 70-plus years of unprovoked aggressions against the Jewish state.

Israel was created by the U.N. in the same way as Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, and Iraq — on land that belonged to the Turks for 400 years previously.  Turks are not Palestinians or Arabs.  There was no movement for a “free Palestine in all 400 years of Turkish occupation.  The U.N. plan that created Israel offered the Arabs of the region the better half of a two-state solution at the time.  The Arabs rejected the two-state offer because they were opposed to any Jewish state in the Middle East, and they made rejection their unwavering position every time it was proposed over the next 70-plus years.  There is not a square inch of Israel that is occupied Palestinian land.

Arabs who now call themselves “Palestinians” are indistinguishable from Muslim Arabs across the Middle East.  They speak the same language, share the same religion, and observe the same customs.  This is why, during the 400 years of Turkish occupation, there was no movement among the Arabs to create a Palestinian identity.

“Occupation” is also a lie that obscures the main fact of the Arab-Israeli war: the Arabs’ refusal to recognize the existence of the Jewish state and their express genocidal goal of destroying it and killing every Jew, or driving them out of the region.  Every so-called Palestinian leader is on record saying that a “free Palestine” in the land that is now Israel will be Jew-free — or, as the Nazis put it, Judenrein.

The war in the Middle East to “free Palestine” is a religious war to cleanse the region of Jews…by any means necessary.  The call to exterminate the Jews originates with the prophet Mohamed himself, in an infamous hadith:

Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: “The Hour will not come until you fight the Jews: until the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say: O Muslim, this is a Jew behind me; kill him.”

The push for a two-state solution is a call ignore the terrorists’ beliefs and to forget 70-plus years of terrorist attacks that have killed thousands of Jewish civilians, and to pretend it won’t happen again.  It is also a myopic denial of the fact that the conflict is a religious war on the Arab side, and its explicit genocidal goal is indistinguishable from that of the Nazis — except that it has been part of the radical Islamic world for more than 1,500 years.  The keffiyah head dress popularized by Arafat is the Arab swastika.

Originally published in American Thinker.

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