Study Finds Silhouette Photos of Couples Kissing With Sun In Background Are 10 Times Sexier

Study Finds Silhouette  Photos of Couples Kissing With Sun In Background Are 10 Times Sexier
By: Daily Wasp Posted On: April 23, 2024 View: 33

(South Venice, Fla.) A new study has found that silhouetting couples while they are kissing with the sun in the background are easily 10 times sexier.

“Our findings were conclusive,” Dr. Antoine Sullivan, who led the study, said. “I mean, going into the study, my team really had no preconceived notions that kissing couples photographed like this would be even the least bit sexier, especially since, you know, you can’t really see the people at all. But after months of analysis, we came to the conclusion that not only are such kissing photos sexier, but they are a lot sexier. So, I would recommend these to couples looking for a photo of them smooching. It’d be an instant classic.”

He went on to note that none of the couples were professional models or kissers. Sullivan also said the silhouettes were chosen at random.

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