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The Great Purge of the Cabal Has Begun

The Great Purge of the Cabal Has Begun

This article was originally published on Badlands Media. You can read the original article HERE

Don’t Sleep on the P Diddy Arrest

The P Diddy situation is really interesting to me.

I must say, I’m both infatuated and disgusted by the inner workings of the entertainment industry. I’m a lifelong consumer of entertainment, like most reading this. I’ve seen the quality of content produced over the years diminish. I yearn for the past, when in my opinion, music was made to last and movies were memorable, but I’m not naive enough to believe the entertainment industry hasn’t always been a cesspool.

It is most likely worse today, and I’m sure blackmail is now used much more often to maintain control. But I can acknowledge that the entertainment industry has never been as merit based as one would hope to believe. For example, Mark Hamill didn’t get the lead in the biggest movie franchise ever because he was a great actor. Notice how much he despises Trump today for no real reason.

Before I understood there is a Satanic Cabal and that said Cabal runs the entertainment industry, things just didn’t make sense to me. I could never figure out why talented artists couldn’t seem to get their breakouts, or how mediocre talent could achieve such long-term success, power and influence for decades. It just didn’t make sense to me, until I became aware of how the system works.

The pieces started to come together for me when I saw who publicly despised Trump after he became POTUS. Over-rated, mediocre talent, A-list entertainers, they were outing themselves. Those who scream the loudest have the most to hide.

Entertainment is personal to most people. People will argue until they are blue in the face over the best sitcom ever, or who is the greatest rock guitar player of all-time. Very few are willing to argue or even care about politics. While someone reading this may think it’s of vital importance for the GOP to gain control of the House in January, exponentially more Americans care more about who will be performing at the Super Bowl Half-time show in February.

In other words, you may not care about what is happening in the P Diddy case, but many do. It is connecting to the masses in a way Epstein never did.

I gained an understanding of how the entertainment industry works by following the journey of artists I connect with; it also helped me understand how politics, and the political system works on the whole. You are either in the club, or you aren’t.

Recently, a new four-part documentary came out on Amazon Prime about the Canadian rock band The Tragically Hip.

You are probably thinking, “who?”

The Tragically Hip was huge in Canada in the 1990’s, and pretty big in Europe as well. I believe Justin Trudeau-Castro’s only redeeming quality is that he is a Tragically Hip fan. The Tragically Hip’s debut album Up to Here was released in 1989, and this amazing bluesy-rock album got plenty of airplay on American rock radio at the time. Their follow up records, even though arguably better, got no air play in the US. They seemed to have fallen into an abyss, just disappeared from American radio. As the music executives will say, ‘I just didn’t hear a single.’

I believe this means the band chose not to sell their souls.

The Tragically Hip seemed to be a one-album wonder to many American rock fans, except in reality, they continued to produce outstanding work for the next decade. Why did the American music industry reject them when the rest of the world, and especially Canada, embraced them?

Back in the 1990’s, I used to have to drive to Canada to get their CDs because they weren’t released in America until months later. I’d see The Hip in stadiums and large music fests in Canada, but small clubs in the US. It was shameful.

It reminds me of another musician I love: Chris Whitely. Chris Whitely was a guitar virtuoso/singer who like The Tragically Hip, I would see perform in small clubs in the US. Like the Tragically Hip, Chris Whitely had a very successful debut album released in 1991, Living with the Law, he even had a song in the movie Thelma and Louise played during Brad Pitt’s breakout love scene. Like the Tragically Hip, after that successful debut album, Chris Whitley received no airplay in America, even though he continued to make great music.

I actually saw Chris Whitely preform in a small Seattle music club on the night his best friend and talented singer/guitarist, Jeff Buckley, washed up on the shore of the Mississippi River. Like Chris Whitely, Jeff Buckley had a very successful debut album, Grace. He had a big hit with the remake of the Leonard Cohen song Hallelujah. Some may remember the song from the movie Shrek. The man sang like an angel.

Jeff Buckley drowned in the Mississippi River in 1997. As the story goes, this physically fit 30-year-old man pulled his car over to the side of the road in Memphis and decided to go for an impromptu swim fully dressed and drowned. He had just proposed to his fiancé days before.

It kind of reminds me of Kurt Cobain of Nirvana.

In 1994, he finally got his stomach issues figured out. He was finally pain-free, drug-free with a beautiful young daughter he loved dearly. He was happier than he had ever been in his life. Then he killed himself with a shotgun. Oh, and he just happened to have enough heroine in his body to kill an elephant. You may be asking, ‘so why shoot himself with a shotgun?’ Better question is, ‘how could he shoot himself with a shotgun in that state?’

Not quite as bad as the Clinton associate who hung himself, or the one who shot himself in the head, twice.

Or how about Chris Cornell, who hung himself from a doorknob after a concert in Detroit.

We are to believe this father of three, who was beaten to a pulp, hung himself from a doorknob with a red scarf.

Just for reference, look at the closest door near you and notice how high the doorknob is. He’s not the only one we’ve been told died by hanging themself with a red scarf, the red scarf is the Cabal’s way of saying, ‘this is what happens when you turn on the Cabal.’

Cornell, his friends Chester Bennington of Linkin Park and Swedish DJ Avicii were said to be producing a documentary exposing child trafficking at the time. All three are said to have killed themselves. Brad Pitt and music producer Rick Ruben are believed to be a part of this group as well. Once seeing their friends die, they got the point and stepped back in line. Understandably so.

In my opinion, if you turn down the offer to join the Cabal, you never find success in the entertainment industry; your career hits a dead end. If you decide you want out of the club, you usually find yourself the victim of an untimely death.

One of the big differences between how the Cabal controls politicians and entertainers is that entertainers don’t need to have a sparkling public reputation, while politicians do. Politicians can be taken out by character assassination; entertainers usually need to be killed. Notice you don’t have nearly the number of politicians mysteriously dying as you do entertainers. But when the blackmail involves evidence of child abuse, no one can survive the public exposure.

This is generally how I think the process works: an actor has a breakout role in a movie, or a musician has a big hit song or album, and they are approached by executives. They are given the choice: submit to them and become successful for years to come, or don’t submit and their careers will never attain any real success. Some choose to degrade themselves by committing acts of shame, or in some cases, even more horrific offenses against the innocent. Others choose not to be a member of the club and struggle to eke out a living in the industry, or quit the industry altogether.

We’ve all heard the term “one-hit wonder,” or experienced a one album sensation, or a one movie sensation. We are to believe that all of these artists each had one singular moment of genius, then that genius just went away, never to reappear again. No one would believe that someone could be really smart for a brief moment in time, then spend the rest of their life as a simpleton. Like intelligence, creativity and talent don’t just go away.

There is a reason certain actors get all the big roles in all the big movies, even though their talent is somewhat pedestrian. There is a reason certain musical performers continue to sell out stadiums for decades, with talent that is very middling. There is a reason some politicians continue to get reelected over and over again even though they lack any charisma or intelligence. They are a part of the club, and as comedian George Carlin once said, “you ain’t in it.”

The P Diddy arrest is not simply a distraction, it is the beginning of the end for the Cabal. People with names that everyone recognizes will be implicated and, in many cases, arrested.

99% of Americans had no idea who Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell were when they were arrested. Their arrests were huge to patriots in the know, but for the vast majority of Americans, it didn’t move the needle.

The P Diddy entertainment model is the same model used in politics. Local politicians start to rise through the ranks and are approached by the Cabal. They are given the option to sell their souls, or local politics will be their ceiling. If they submit to the Cabal, they will receive the publicity and funding needed to become a Congressman, Senator, or maybe even President. They may even be able to achieve some of the things on their own personal agenda along the way.

As I mentioned, the P Diddy situation is reaching the masses in a way Epstein never did or could.

Recently, my teenage son asked me if I heard about how much baby oil the FBI confiscated from P Diddy’s home. He said at school, Diddy is a giant meme. Everyone is discussing the details of the situation. I promise you, no one in high school was discussing anything about Epstein in 2019.

Mind you, this doesn’t just apply to high school kids, as the general public is no different. The vast majority of the normie world is connecting to the P Diddy scandal in a way they never could when the blackmailing just involved politicians.

Some reading this may be thinking, ‘I could care less about entertainers, I quit consuming entertainment years ago.’

Honestly, you would connect to the average person a hundred times more by knowing details about the P Diddy case than if you memorized the Constitution.

Currently, celebrities who are a part of the Cabal and have taken part in the Satanic rituals of the Cabal are panicking. Many are trying to create distance between them and P Diddy. Upon the arrest of Diddy, comedian Kevin Hart immediately closed down his four vegan restaurants that he partnered with P Diddy. Celebrities are scrubbing their social media accounts, and music executives are resigning. There is even a rumor that Ben Affleck left J-Lo because of her involvement in it all.

On March 25th, 2024, P Diddy’s home was first raided by the FBI. On August 20th, 2024, five months later, Ben Affleck and J-Lo filed for divorce. According to rapper 50 Cent, Affleck left J-Lo when he found out about her involvement in Diddy’s parties, things even a celebrity in the Hollywood cesspool can’t come back from. Imagine that: J-Lo, another example of a mediocre talent celebrity that achieved a long career of fame and fortune. Honestly, has she ever made a good movie or song? She also recently endorsed Kamala Harris.

There are also rumors coming out that Kim Kardashian was used in blackmail honeypot operations. Talk about a rich and famous person who has no talent, she literally has no talent, as in, she doesn’t sing or dance or act or anything. She doesn’t even claim to have talent. Yet her whole family is now beyond famous and wealthy, having never done anything. A purposely leaked sex-tape has led to creating a whole family’s fortune.

It appears singer Justin Bieber was the victim of much abuse in Hollywood while still a boy. He has turned to Christianity to mend the damage that has been done to him. Bieber’s father-in-law, actor Stephen Baldwin has been making cryptic videos stating we are in the calm before the storm. Most understand this is a Q reference.

Celebrities are not the only ones who attended P Diddy’s “freak off” and “all white” parties. CEOs and politicians were also attendees. The Diddy situation will take down many outside of the entertainment industry as well. Some may be thinking, nothing came of the Epstein arrest, as no one on the Epstein list has been arrested. To this argument I say, doesn’t it make more sense to take everyone down in one fell swoop, at a time when Trump is in complete control?

As they say in finance, past performance doesn’t guarantee future returns. Similarly, the lack of past arrests doesn’t guarantee a lack of future arrests.

What can these people do to avoid being arrested for their crimes against humanity?

They must make sure Trump isn’t elected again, but how do they do that?

Celebrities are funding Harris and endorsing her. Radio DJ and all-around creep Howard Stern has asked Trump supporters to stop listening to his radio shows. He just happened to take this stance after the P Diddy arrest, and he just happens to be photographed at one of Diddy’s “all white” parties. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence.

If the Cabal controlled celebrities, executives and politicians aren’t successful in keeping Trump out of office, they must have a contingency plan to slow down and impede him.

From a September 19 Washington Post article:

Scarred by violence, lawmakers plan for possible ‘mass casualty’ event

Congress must ensure it can continue to govern in the aftermath of mass violence, a bipartisan group of House members argues.

Imagine the unthinkable: a mass shooting of members of Congress that leaves a large swath of the country unrepresented and shifts the balance of political power in Washington.

In the current political environment, such an outbreak of violence is not as unthinkable as it used to be, according to a bipartisan collection of House members. The attempted assassination of members at a congressional baseball team practice in 2017, the violent attack on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, a dramatic spike in threats against members and, most recently, a possible second assassination attempt against former president Donald Trump highlight the need for Congress to ensure it can continue to govern in the aftermath of mass violence, they said.

To address such a scenario, these four House members — two Republicans and two Democrats — are pushing an unlikely solution: a constitutional amendment that would allow members to be replaced quickly in the event of a mass-casualty event. […]

The “continuity amendment” would also deny a would-be assassin the power to flip control of the House from one party to another, Kilmer said. The interim appointee would serve only until a special election could take place.

Do people really think these politicians are concerned about the mass murder of Congressmen? What they are really concerned about is the mass arrests of politicians and how the government would operate afterwards.

These Congressmen understand that Trump will be behind the mass arrests, and that the vast majority of the politicians being arrested will be Deep State never-Trumpers.

Imagine the dismantling of the Deep State that will occur when the corrupt politicians have been removed from office. The Congressmen who want to assign quick replacements for the arrested politicians want to do so so their Deep State replacements will be able to fight Trump and his agendas.

Without quickly replacing the Deep State politicians with other Deep State politicians, it would be like a Patrick Mahomes-led offense going up against a defense with no players.

If the P Diddy arrest doesn’t excite you, and you view it as a distraction or just another ‘nothingburger,’ think again. This arrest is the first shoe to drop in what will be the greatest cleansing the nation has ever known. It will be like taking a firehose to the streets and sidewalks of downtown San Fransisco.

Think about this: when did the arrest occur? The day after an attempt on Trump’s life at the golf course, which just so happened to occur shortly after Trump posted, “I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT”, yet another low-talent entertainment billionaire endorsing Harris. This is all occurring one and a half months before the most important election in our history.

Maximum exposure and maximum damage must occur to the Deep State Cabal in order for Trump to not only win the election, but to get the buy-in of the majority of Americans. A large majority must be on board with what is to come.

Not just 52% or even 60% … an overwhelming majority of Americans must be on board.

I believe the SDNY, the Southern District of New York, is where a lot of the Cabal will meet their demise.

The mayor of NYC was just arrested, and I believe there will be many more to come.

But why was Adams arrested, and who was actually behind it? Is his arrest evidence the patriots now control the DOJ, or was he arrested because he turned on the Deep State? We’ll find out soon enough.

Who else has ties to P Diddy?

The Obamas, Kamala, Oprah—the list of Deep State players goes on and on. Has P Diddy turned state’s witness? Is he singing like a bird?

The P Diddy arrest is the priming of the pump, not only tying many to corruption, but warming the general public up to what is to come: mass arrests.

This doesn’t end with the election of Donald Trump in November; this is when the real work begins. Becoming POTUS again is the first non-planning step towards taking America back and building it into a nation none of us have ever known before.

Up to this point, everything done by the patriots has been about waking up the masses and putting systems into place. The systems are starting to go live, and we are beginning to experience what we’ve been waiting on for years:


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