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The Werewolf Game - On Languages and Cover-ups

The Werewolf Game - On Languages and Cover-ups

This article was originally published on Badlands Media. You can read the original article HERE

Words are Precious Archeological Artifacts

This feature is a continuation of The Werewolf Game series, which explores some of the core tenets at the heart of the Deep State’s mass mind control strategy. Start the series here.

Greetings Friends and Patriots,

I’ve become more and more convinced over the years that mainstream history is a hypnotic spell. I frankly wonder if ANY of what we were told in school was true.

The same dark cabal that runs the Deep State today has likely been messing with our history for centuries—what we want to know is how and for what purpose.

99% of our job as Digital Soldiers is simply to know what’s going on!

The present Werewolf Series is written, partly, so I can salvage as much history as I can—as I’ve said in all the other episodes, you can start here if you like, because these articles are written in such a way where it doesn’t matter what order they’re read, and each can stand on its own.

In any event, modern day conflicts didn’t pop up out of nowhere, and the value of learning history as accurately as possible is that it helps us figure out the TRUE lay of the land.

In today’s article, we’re going to be talking about language, and the fabrication of history—not necessarily with the intention of making hasty conclusions about anything in particular, but rather to expand our thinking on a wide variety of topics.

For those who are new to this series, the basic premise is that the modern dark occultists who run the Deep State belong to an occult (which simply means hidden) lineage that goes back many thousands of years; this lineage is likely the origin of werewolf symbolism (which is closely related to vampire and zombie symbolism).

The original “werewolf cult” was called the Koryos, and though they probably aren’t around in the same form today as they were in the beginning, their beliefs and practices have CLEARLY influenced the Deep State of today. Learning about this information will prove very useful for helping anons decode current events, even if the information we’re covering extends back into antiquity.

Prior to beginning this series, I was unaware just how clarifying it is to know about occulted werewolves and vampires. It is likely the case that Donald Trump’s family has been involved in fighting these monsters for centuries.

Normies often wonder how it is possible for vastly powerful conspirators to manipulate mankind without being noticed for it—how is it possible that a secret war could be waged without the masses noticing what’s going on?

Though I can’t give a complete answer to this question, I promise that part of the answer lies in the control of our perception of history. A great many stories that purport to be “myths” or “legends” may in fact be accurate accounts of history, whilst “official history” may itself be largely mythological. (For example, the mainstream story of Christopher Columbus’ discovery of America can’t possibly be true.)

Without further ado, it’s time to delve even further into this dichotomy between fake history vs true “myths” than we have thus far.

Ancient German and the Tower of Babylon

In part 5 of this series, we explained that the entire world once spoke ancient German, or something almost identical to it—given that there are many religious mythologies (most famously, the Tower of Babel story) that claim that mankind once all spoke the same language, we shouldn’t be too surprised to find evidence of this.

For mankind’s first language to be German makes a lot of sense, considering that germ, like seed, often refers to the first of something (think: germinate). I learned about the significance of ancient German via the researcher Frederick Dodson, who is the only man responsible for making this information available to the English speaking world.

In my previous article, I’ve shared lists of words that compare Aztec with ancient German and other languages as well—to drive the point home further, we’ll share a few more here, and then discuss the broad implications of this research.

Amharic connection

Amharic is an ancient language first spoken by an isolated peoples in Ethiopia, and which later became one of the two official languages of that country.

In Amharic, the word for love is fikiri. In Modern German, it’s ficken. (If one replaces the “i” in “ficken” with a “u,” then we can see how that word refers to “love-making”, if you catch my drift).

Their word for stupid is debebi. Depp also means stupid in modern German.

Their word for bed is aliga—in German, the word for bed is liege.

Rich in Amharic is spelled habitami. In ancient German, the phrase “hab itamal” means to have a celebration. Let’s keep going…

Maori connection

The Maori are a tribe who inhabit New Zealand, and whose origin stories speak of a time when red-haired, man-eating giants roamed the land—this is highly significant, and we will return to it again in this series. The original Werewolf Cult—the Koryos—were said to be red-haired, albino cannibals (though many of the peoples they conquered and assimilated into their ranks don’t fit that description).

Anyways, in Maori, the word auwehi means sad or dejected—the ancient German word auweh also refers to sadness and dejection.

Ka Mau means fear in the Maori language; in modern German, mau refers to being queasy, and since ka = energy, this means that Ka Mau means “queasy energy”. Is that not an apt description of fear?

Piro means to extinguish fire, which is funny, considering that, in Greek and ancient German, pyro means fire! How can the same word that means to put out a fire also refer to fire itself? Though we don’t know for sure, it’s not hard to imagine translators hearing the word as a fire was being put out, and hastily, though incorrectly, concluding its meaning.

Moving along…


Xhosa are a people from South Africa. Surely, they wouldn’t speak ancient German, would they? Well, it just so happens to turn out that their word for ship is inqanawa, which contains ancient German words for vessel (qan) and water (awa)!

Their word for woman is umfazi—pardon the vulgarity here, but fotzi is a derogatory word for cunt in German.

Their word for food is ukutya, which translates to, “it’s good, yes”, which is something one often hears people say when they’re eating tasty food. And, speaking of food, their word for eggs is iqanda—eggs are seen, after all, as vessels (qan) through which life arrives into this realm. We will see that eggs are seen as vessels and vice versa by many cultures—this fact will become important soon enough.

I could keep going on and on, but I don’t want to overload you guys with too much information. The book Extraterrestrial Linguistics goes very deep into this information (you’ll have to read that book to find out why it has that title).

When the academic world would FINALLY take this research seriously, then it will herald a genuine revolution in our self-understanding as human beings, and we’d be much closer to prosperity and freedom… (which, of course, is precisely why you won’t see this information being discussed anywhere in mainstream academia).

I will share a few more words in Basque, because that is supposed to be a “language isolate”… but it isn’t! After we talk about the Basque language, things are going to get really interesting.


In Basque, behar means need. The German word beharren means to insist upon.

Fear is beldur, which harkens to the Norse Baldr, or the evil Canaanite “god” Ba’al. Of course, Baal also refers to whale in Basque… which doesn’t mean whales are “evil” per se, but it does mean that they’re “underground” (more accurately, deep in the ocean). With that in mind, the natives of Fiji Island use the word “bulu” to refer to the underworld!

Eder in Basque means beautiful—and, in German, edel means noble or excellent (it once referred to beauty as well).

I think you get the point here?

The worlds languages are FAR MORE connected than almost anyone in the modern world knows. As early as 1866, mainstream academia made it anathema to talk about “unified origins” of languages—this became official policy purely for its own sake, and not because the evidence at hand ever warranted such a taboo on otherwise reasonable speculation/investigation.

Words are like precious archeological artifacts—our histories are CONSTANTLY being attacked, re-written, and so on, and it is only through the study of words that we can begin to piece together anything resembling an accurate story of our past.

Total Control Requires Control over Language Itself

No matter how much the controllers of our world want to deceive us with fake history, they can’t escape the fact that language is required to communicate said history. I do not know yet what the limits on pure abject fakery are, but I know they exist—ALL disinfo relies upon a fair helping of truth. To fully capture the minds of men requires one be in control over the entirety of their vocabulary—not just their stories!—and this simply cannot be fully artificially controlled (except by the most ghoulish, efficient dystopias ever conceived).

Human beings interact—they make noises and gesticulate to one another. It’s damn near impossible to prevent communication from happening between human beings, even if they start out not knowing a single word of the other’s vocabulary. Sooner or later, they will establish some means of communication between themselves, provided the requisite proximity/motivation to do so. Information flows from human beings to each other much like a complex matrix of riverways, and trying to control the flow of ALL of it is (pardon my candor) utterly insane.

You cannot control every thought in every human head, nor can you control every word exchanged between human beings. You can’t dam an uncountably vast network of rivers without sufficient infrastructure, can you? Even with total control over education and media, reality itself cannot be denied indefinitely—cracks in the dam(s) will appear, sooner or later.

Even the greatest of edifices will one day fall—with that in mind, lets look at an example of a time when history was created for mass consumption by the people…

The Old World Fairs and the Curious Case of Hugh Bancroft

Between 1883 and 1890, a man named Hubert Bancroft published a 39 Volume Encyclopedia of History.

This coincided with the heyday of the World Fairs (discussed at some length in Part 2 of the present series), which introduced an entirely new “self-concept” to the masses, complete with entire world histories to go with them. These Fairs were intended to define the world for people—literally!

Every Fair—particularly in America—boasted of the “progress” of the “nation(s)” at the time of said fairs. Sometimes (such as in the San Francisco Fair of 1915), these Fairs would take place in the middle of hostilities between nations; yet they nonetheless betrayed an “international” flavor. One is tempted to see the hand of various socialist secret societies at play here (see Fire in the Minds of Men, for an extensive history on revolutions and secret societies, authored by a former curator for the Library of Congress).

Bancroft was in his 50s at the time that he began publishing his 39 volumes of World History. This is just my speculation here, but I doubt he closely proofread every single page—even mainstream history concurs that he didn’t write the bulk of “his” books. What I’d like to know is: WHO wanted to introduce such a large body of information about “history” to the world through just one person? Whether it was intentional or not, opting to release the information in that manner very conveniently obscures its true origin (which includes not just its authorship, but also their methods of construction).

The psychological impact of these fairs would have been reality defying/defining.

Just LOOK at the pictures below of some of the world fairs whilst keeping in mind the fact that most people during the times of the fairs lived in colonial shacks, and read books by candlelight.

According to Encyclopedia Brittanica, approximately a million patrons attended the Chicago Fair of 1893 alone, and that’s just one fair!

Putting on these fairs was the equivalent of a cultural atom bomb—they obliterated the past, in more ways than are first obvious. These fairs announced the arrival of that most hypnotic object known as THE FUTURE!

When you temporarily suspend peoples critical minds via “shock”, “impact”, or break peoples expectations in any way, then this creates a window of opportunity with which to make hypnotic suggestions.

Just look at the pictures below, and imagine what it must have been like to attend the old world fairs for the masses who, for the most part, didn’t even have electricity!

The old world fairs would have been an absolute shock to most people living in those times, and so what better place could there have been to deliver a whole new conception of history to the people?

Personally, I don’t believe it’s a coincidence that the release of entire new world histories coincided with these fairs.

I have no means of “proving” that these things are connected—but, then again, most supposedly “proven” facts of history were never proven either! It’s okay for us to imagine, to ponder, to speculate, etc.

Though the World Fairs were held by the cabal, they nonetheless symbolize, as a comm, the emergence of a new ERA.

When Trump talks about having a massive world fair in 2026, this is to celebrate America’s 250th birthday by ushering in a new era, post the Great Awakening, post the removal of the cabal, etc. Recall that these comms need to be recognizable/decipherable by the cabal themselves: though the old World Fairs were likely very negative in intent, the overall symbol as the start of a new era of history is nonetheless very potent.

World Fairs = mass societal change.

Last time, it was the Deep State that held them; this time, it will be Trump/Q/America.

Etymology vs Fake History

I can’t “prove” that Bancrofts encyclopedias amount to fake history, because I’ve never read any of them; my point is simply that the nature of the creation and dissemination of those encyclopedias is quite suspicious. The same can be said of MOST mainstream history—that is to say, we don’t REALLY know how it was curated, recorded, canonized, etc. We’re simply told, “this is what happened in the past”, and we accept it.

And yet—at the same time—large parts of our history are encoded in our languages. In writing this series, I’ve borrowed heavily (as I’ve shared before) from Frederick Dodson’s Extraterrestrial Linguistics, because I know of no other English speaking source on the ancient German connection to all world languages. Dodson himself learned much of this from a German author named Erhard Landmann, and I don’t think there’s any better way to learn this stuff than to learn German and go to the original source—which I plan on doing some day.

According to Dodson, Landmanns life work not only revealed the ancient German connection, but revealed quite a lot about mankind’s connection to the stars (remember, we must go where the research dictates, even if the destination is a tad bizarre). Among other things, it would appear that the Pleiades plays a major role in human history—the Pleiades are often referred to as “Min” or “Maia” as well. Not only that, but the vessels that brought mankinds “starry ancestors” to Earth (and vice versa) were usually egg shaped (denoted by the words “ai” and “eck,”) or also shaped as a pillar of light (sal, sul, etc).

Using these words/syllables, we can analyze MUCH history from an entirely different perspective. For example, the name Solomon contains Sal and Min, and could denote travelling to Earth from the Pleiades (Min) on a pillar of light (Sal). Mind you, I’m not saying that that’s necessarily the case—I’m simply saying that, in light of Landmann’s research into ancient languages, it could mean that.

With that in mind, let’s look at a few more words here for path, and see that there is much more going on than meets the eye.

In Tamil, the word for path is Patai—we can see how Pat resembles Path, and the “ai” could refer to the path of the egg.

In Arabic, Path is masar, whereby the ma could refer to Maia/Pleiades. Such a conclusion might sound far-fetched, except we can find other words that connect paths to “min”. In Amharic, the word for path is meningedi, which essentially means “go to Min”! In Xhosa, the word for path is umendo, where we can see men/min is located in the middle of the word.

Southern Sotho tribes use tsela to refer to path, and we can again see another reference to a “vessel”, being sel (like sal or sul). And to add even more intrigue to the mix, the word for path in Catalan is Cami, which is the Hebrew word for the Pleiades!

That’s a LOT of overlap between various languages referring to paths by hinting at the Pleiades and the use of pillar or egg-shaped vessels for travelling. More info on this to come in the next article…

I won’t bog you down with more info at this point—we can clearly see that there are FAR TOO MANY correspondences between various world languages for mainstream history, which denies such correspondences to be credible. We can also see how powerful interests are able to create entire fake histories on the one hand, while still falling short of the capacity to entirely recreate mankind’s vocabulary—thus enabling us to cut through the fog of war and discern various truths about our past that would otherwise be completely hidden from view.

Conclusion, for Now

Much in the same manner that I never predicted that I’d end up writing about Werewolves, the same can be said about the Pleiades—I never thought these things would become important for Digital Soldiers to learn about. Alas, how can we ever know ahead of time what has yet to be revealed to us?

At this point in our Werewolf Series journey, it is time to broaden our context not just to ancient history, but also, it turns out, beyond our solar system as well. The tools we have available to do this are mostly that of etymology, symbolism, and “mythology” (which may in fact simply be history). Obviously, there is a great deal about which we can’t possibly make definitive statements—what little we can say, however, is nonetheless jaw-dropping.

There are a few stars that appear prominently in mythologies from all over the world. The Pleiades are a major one, but one often hears a lot about Sirius as well.

I wonder why they call Sirius the Dog Star??? Is there any connection to be found here with Werewolves?

I believe that is something for Q and Trump to know, and for us to find out…

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