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Japan: Replicon “vaccines” could turn people into mobile vaccine factories

Japan: Replicon “vaccines” could turn people into mobile vaccine factories

This article was originally published on The liberty Beacon. You can read the original article HERE

ER Editor: We’re offering most of James Corbett’s piece on the new Replicon vaccine that is about to appear in Japan, as well as Japan’s rather unique role in being at the forefront of not only terrible new vaccine development, but a complete pushback against these technologies and the organizations that front them. It’s as if, globally, Japan is being given this role of spearheading the reaction against this new technology. We believe it is being done to wake people up.

Meanwhile, here is pharma inside Aussie17’s sitrep on Japanese reaction to this new ‘vaccine’.


ER: We urge white hat conspiracy theorists such as ourselves to consider the names of the vaccine development companies below, one of which Aussie17 highlights himself. ‘AlCOBRA Pharma’, from Israel, highlighting the snake venom relationship in view of all the work of Dr. Bryan Ardis has done to bring pharmaceutical venoms to our attention. And ‘Arcturus Therapeutics’, hat-tipping to off-world beings. Comms, we believe. Replicon sounds to us a lot like the made-up military word ‘Defcon’, although it is a legitimate biological term. Thanks to one of our regular readers who reminded us of the Replicants in the 1982 film Blade Runner.

Japan’s Emergency Press Conference Highlights Urgent Concerns About mRNA Replicon Vaccine Approval

“It’s a massacre!” “…by the beginning of next month, Japan has the potential to trigger a worldwide disaster…”


On September 12, 2024, Japanese Member of Parliament Ryuhei Kawada led a highly charged emergency press conference in Japan, voicing deep skepticism about the country’s upcoming launch of mRNA replicon vaccines, or what some call self-amplifying mRNA vaccines. The event set off alarm bells among critics of government policies, accusing authorities of prioritizing pharmaceutical profits over public health.

What are mRNA Replicon Vaccines?

As you know, mRNA COVID vaccines, like those developed by Pfizer and Moderna for COVID-19, use a small piece of genetic code (mRNA) to instruct your cells to produce a piece of the virus known as the spike protein.

On the other hand, self-amplifying mRNA vaccines, or replicon vaccines, represent a more advanced version where the mRNA not only instructs your cells to produce the spike protein but also makes copies of itself (yay! more mRNA…) once inside the cells.

ARCT-154, scheduled to be administered to the population in October 2024, is a self-amplifying mRNA COVID-19 vaccine from the dynamic duo of Arcturus Therapeutics and Duke-NUS Medical School in Singapore. In Japan, Arcturus Therapeutics found an ally in CSL Seqirus for crafting and distributing their vaccines through a local pharma company called Meiji Seika Pharma.

Arcturus Therapeutics is a biotech company located in San Diego, California, established in 2013. Just like Moderna, which didn’t release any products to the market until their mRNA experimental COVID vaccine, Arcturus also hasn’t launched any medical products yet, and their self-amplifying mRNA vaccine will be their first.

Arcturus was formed through a merger with Alcobra Pharma, an Israeli pharmaceutical company, after Alcobra faced difficulties during clinical trials, which led to their merger with Arcturus Therapeutics in 2017. Interestingly, Alcobra translates to “The Cobra.” You have to wonder who decided that naming their pharma company after a snake was a good idea. At this point, my eyes are rolling all the way to the back of my head, so I will stop talking about the company’s history here.

The initial testing of the replicon vaccine ARCT-154 took place in Singapore during Phase 1/2 trials, and this early-stage testing was partially funded by a grant from the Singapore government (Archived Source), whose President also happens to be a Board of Trustee for the WEF. You can read more about the unelected WEF official, who voiced his plan to vaccinate the world, here:

  • Unelected WEF official announces URGENT plan to VACCINATE 60% of EVERY COUNTRY in the world

Read full story

The biggest problem the replicon vaccine is that it might infect unvaccinated people through close contact. Listen to Dr. Miki Gibo explain it here:

Here’s the issue: In a study published in Cell, she mentions, scientists looked at how something similar to the replicon mRNA vaccine worked when put into cells. They found that the vaccine parts kept increasing inside the cells. Then, when liquid from these cells, which contains tiny particles, was put onto new cells, the vaccine components spread and moved into these new cells, too.

This happens because the first cells release little particles called extracellular vesicles, which include exosomes. These particles can carry stuff, like the parts of the vaccine, from one cell to another. In people, these exosomes are found in things like tears, snot, saliva, and sweat. This means there’s a chance that the vaccine parts could pass to other people through bodily fluids.

Back to the Emergency Press Conference

Japanese Member of Parliament Ryuhei Kawada opened the conference, asserting that the approval process for these vaccines is cause for significant concern. He expressed an urgent need to halt the rollout, stating, “This self-replicating immune agent, scheduled to start regular vaccinations from October 1st 2024, ought to be halted, and I strongly advocate for this action.” His strong words highlighted his commitment to putting a stop to what he perceives as a reckless move by health officials.

The MP also underscored the necessity of a comprehensive investigation into the adverse effects of the existing mRNA experimental vaccines. He insisted on transparency from public health officials, stating the need to “ensure thorough investigation and verification to provide relief to mRNA vaccine victims who have suffered significant harm.

Professor Dr. Seiji Kojima, an Emeritus Professor at Nagoya University, heightened concerns by questioning the effectiveness of the existing mRNA vaccines. He criticized the supposed benefits, stating, “The government and proponents of the vaccine claimed there is an infection prevention effect, but it seems that might be a lie.” His analysis indicated that even with multiple doses, the data does not show a decrease in mortality rates, which is a primary goal of vaccinations. Kojima pointed out that, disturbingly, data from Hamamatsu City revealed that for individuals in their 80s, the mortality rate was five times higher for those who received two doses compared to those who were unvaccinated. He dramatically characterized the vaccine rollout as “a massacre,” highlighting the grave dangers he associates with its broad distribution.

..the mortality rate was five times higher for those who received two doses compared to those who were unvaccinated..”
“It’s a massacre!”
-Professor Dr. Seiji Kojima

Renowned international journalist and author Mika Tsutomi further fueled the skepticism surrounding the vaccine approval process by highlighting the conflicted interests within the Pharmaceuticals Affairs Council of the Ministry of Health. She noted, “Looking at the members of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Council (of the Ministry of Health) as of last November, 3 out of 16 members have business ties with pharmaceutical companies.” This disclosure has intensified public apprehension regarding potential biases in the decision to approve the vaccines.

Dr. Yasufumi Murakami weighed in, warning that introducing the spike protein, found in these vaccines, may pose significant risks due to its toxicity. He referenced numerous studies supporting this claim, adding, “The vaccines do not seem to be effective. They do not work. They lack efficacy. mRNA vaccines have resulted in many deaths, injuries, and victims.

Dr Murakami message was clear—”There is absolutely no need to administer it. There is no need at all. Therefore, knowing this and still administering the vaccine, I believe, is a crime.

“There is absolutely no need to administer it. There is no need at all. Therefore, knowing this and still administering the vaccine, I believe, is a crime.”
-Professor Dr. Yasufumi Murakami

The skepticism expressed at this conference resonates with growing public concern about the implications of these vaccines, urging the Japanese government to rethink its next steps.

Next month, Japan has the potential to trigger a worldwide disaster!

Dr. Yasufumi Murakami added to the urgency, warning that “by the beginning of next month, Japan has the potential to trigger a worldwide disaster” if the replicon vaccine rollout proceeds as planned, emphasizing the potential global implications of introducing these replicon vaccines without thorough vetting.

As Japan stands at the precipice of this controversial mRNA replicon vaccine rollout, the voices raised at this meeting illuminate a pressing need for transparency, accountability, and a prioritization of public health over corporate interests. The world watches closely, awaiting Japan’s decision on whether it will heed these warnings or proceed as planned, potentially impacting global health policies on a broad scale.

Signing off for now!




Still no good? OK, then let’s go with the dumbed-down version from Science magazine’s article on ‘The First Self-Amplifying mRNA Vaccine’:

“Strange,” indeed.

Long story short, as you have hopefully been able to gather by now, it turns out that sa-mRNA vaccines are much like mRNA vaccines … only worse. Whereas the mRNA vaccines required you to keep returning to the doctor’s office every few months for another booster, the sa-mRNA vaccines will be … well, self-amplifying. That means they’ll not only be hijacking your cells’ machinery to create whatever “protein of interest” Big Pharma wants, but they’ll also create replicase proteins that will manufacture more of the mRNA that will make even more of that “protein of interest.”

For those of us who managed to avoid falling for the largest propaganda campaign in modern history and who recognise that the mRNA vaccine is itself a bioweapon that has already injured and/or killed vast numbers of people, this new sa-mRNA technology should be very concerning. Why? Because not only does it come with all the same dangers as regular mRNA vaccines, but it also presents additional risks associated with the random, uncontrolled self-amplification process.

As the World Council for Health explains in its post on ‘World Council for Health Raises Serious Concerns About 100-Day Self-Replicating ‘Vaccines’’, there are four main concerns regarding this new technology.

Unintended genetic consequences: Self-replicating “vaccines” involve the introduction of foreign genetic material into the body. There is therefore a possibility that the self-replicating RNA could interact with other genetic material in the body, including human chromosomes, with unexpected consequences, including altering the genetic make-up of the individual and their offspring.

Unintended protein production: Intracellular translation of synthetic mRNA molecules can lead to a process known as ribosomal frame-shifting, in which truncated or modified proteins can be produced (Mulroney et al., 2023). This can have serious health consequences, including autoimmune reactions. Furthermore, the alphavirus RNA polymerase, which is the element that is included in the self-replicating “vaccines” (Low et al., 2022) has low fidelity (Poirier et al., 2016), meaning that in every replication cycle, there is likely to be errors (mutations) in the copied sequences, leading to aberrant proteins being produced.

Safety concerns: The mRNA “vaccine” platforms are inherently unsafe and have not been subjected to long-term safety studies (Halma et al., 2023) or experimental studies on genotoxicity, mutagenicity, genomic integration or genomic instability (Acevedo-Whitehouse & Bruno, 2023). Self-replicating “vaccines” are likely to pose the same dangers but have the added problem that they include viral RNA polymerase (Tews, 2017) which perpetuates the production of the antigen-encoding mRNA.

Ethical considerations: With self-replicating “vaccine” products, people could in effect become mobile “vaccine” factories with the very real possibility of transmitting or shedding the “vaccine” product to others through their bodily fluids, gases and contact. Thus, the use of self-replicating genetically modified organism (“GMO”) products as vaccines raises ethical questions, particularly regarding the potential for unintended transmission of the GMO product to people who have not consented to receive it. Of great concern, is that such transmissible self-replicating GMO technology lends itself to the production of bioweapons.

Given the potentially catastrophic consequences of this new “vaccine” technology, you’d assume there would be a prolonged period of scientific scrutiny in which the potential health effects of this new vaccine platform are studied in scrupulous, decade-long clinical trials.


And you’d expect a robust public debate about the potential dangers of this experimental medical intervention and frank discussions about whether such risks are really worth taking.

Wouldn’t you?

Japan On The Frontlines

In fact, Japan has gained the dubious distinction of being the first country in the world to approve a self-amplifying sa-mRNA vaccine for human use.

Specifically, last November Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare approved “Kostaive™ for Intramuscular Injection” (aka “ARCT-154”), a self-amplifying mRNA vaccine against covid-19, which, the manufacturer’s press release assures us, “elicited higher (p<0.05) and longer-lasting neutralising antibody titres against the original strain, as well as the Omicron BA 4-5 subvariant, compared to 30 μg COMIRNATY®, a licensed conventional mRNA vaccine targeting covid-19.”

Do you have misgivings about any of this? Relax! As the manufacturer also assures us: “Most adverse events were mild or moderate and transient, and no ARCT-154 related serious adverse events were observed.”

Of course, there was one “hepatic event” in the Phase III trial of the vaccine, which Science says “will bear watching as it rolls out into a larger population.” But don’t worry, guys. It’s probably nothing. Trust The $cience™!

And guess what? Since the approval of the original version of Kostaive™ just ten months ago, the vaccine has already been updated “to protect against the JN.1 lineage of Omicron subvariants.” Oh, and that updated sa-mRNA vaccine has already been approved for public use by Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.

Why? Well, according to the latest manufacturer press release:

But all this explanation seems a bit superfluous at this point. Why is the updated vaccine being approved without years of rigorous testing?

Because it’s 2024, that’s why!

All those years of clinical trials and studies of long-term effects are so pre-scamdemic. Besides, those studies were rigged by Big Pharma, anyway. So, the Japanese regulators might as well cut to the chase and give their bought-and-paid-for stamp of approval on their overlords’ clot shot concoction right away!

The upshot is that Japan is now on the front lines of the next bioweapon attack. In fact, the manufacturer’s plan is to unleash these newly updated, freshly approved sa-mRNA monstrosities on the Japanese public as early as next month, just in time for the October covid-19 vaccination campaign.

Japan Fights Back

If it is true that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, then one would expect opposition to sa-mRNA to be rising in Japan, the first country in the world to be subjected to this new “vaccine” technology. And that’s exactly what we see happening.

Indeed, those who have been following the scamdemic fallout may have noticed quite a bit of pushback by the Japanese people against the excesses of the technocratic biosecurity agenda.

In recent months a very vocal, increasingly visible protest movement in Japan has been making headlines around the world for its growing momentum in the fight against the Big Pharma takeover.

In January, there was the remarkable press conference of Japan’s ‘Vaccine Issues Study Group’, which convened a panel of high-ranking Japanese doctors and scientists to ring the alarm about the “unprecedented” side effects of the mRNA “vaccines.”

In April, there was an equally remarkable rally against the WHO’s proposed pandemic treaty, which brought tens of thousands of people together in central Tokyo to call for Japan’s withdrawal from the World Health Organisation (“WHO”).

That was followed by the formation of Japan’s ‘National Movement to Protect Lives From the WHO, which vows to fight against “evil globalism with Big Pharma capital and the WHO as its agents” and to “protect the lives of the people” from the replicon vaccine, which is like a “third atomic bomb” that the government is now dropping on its own people.

Then in May, there was yet another massive rally against the WHO in Tokyo. That rally culminated in a startling speech by Kazuhiro Haraguchi, Japan’s former Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications, in which he recounted his own battle with cancer shortly after receiving the mRNA injections. “Two out of the three supposed vaccines I received were lethal batches, he stated before actually apologising to the people of Japan. “I apologise to all of you. So many have died, and they shouldn’t have.” Haraguchi ended his speech with a rallying cry rarely heard from a sitting member of parliament: “Let’s overthrow this government!”

And just last month we saw NHK, Japan’s national broadcaster, airing an in-depth exploration of mRNA vaccine injuries after receiving a flood of requests to cover the subject from its viewers. “We have received more than 2,000 messages from viewers today. Thank you very much,” the NHK host declared.

Just two days after the segment aired, Japan’s health minister, Keizo Takemi, made a dramatic break from the “safe and effective” pieties of the WHO/Big Pharma propaganda: “Regarding whether health damage from the covid-19 vaccine constitutes drug-induced injury, our response at this point is that we would like to refrain from commenting.”

Now it’s September and there’s yet another attempt at pushback against the replicon rollout in Japan. At the end of this month – just weeks before the sa-mRNA vaccine is expected to be injected into Japanese citizens’ arms – the sixth edition of the International Covid Summit will be held in Tokyo. The Summit will bring together doctors and health professionals from around the world to discuss the ongoing threat of the WHO/Big Pharma biosecurity agenda and the sa-mRNA vaccinations. It will include a media conference, a public conference and a press conference at the Japanese parliament before culminating in yet another massive demonstration in central Tokyo.

If you happen to be in Tokyo from 25 to 28 September, you can find details of the Summit HERE. If not, don’t worry. I plan on being there to cover the events in person.

In the meantime, it’s time to get informed and to spread the word about the sa-mRNA vaccines – the next major threat to global public health.

About the Author

James Corbett is an award-winning investigative journalist.  In 2007, he founded The Corbett Report, a listener-supported, commercial-free alternative media. To access the weekly The Corbett Report newsletter and support his work, you can sign up HERE.



Published to The Liberty Beacon from EuropeReloaded.com


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