City leaders voting on foreign policy resolutions should be embarrassed

City leaders voting on foreign policy resolutions should be embarrassed

How do city leaders not feel embarrassed spending their time issuing resolutions on foreign policy decisions over which they have no control?

Some Democratic city leaders took their complaints about their activist colleagues to Politico. Seattle City Councilwoman Sara Nelson said, “Foreign policy is not my job and I’m not going to tell members of our congressional delegation how to do their jobs.” San Francisco Board of Supervisors member Joel Engardio introduced a bill that would limit future foreign policy resolutions.

Both of those Democrats speak for normal, sane people who expect city councils and supervisors to run the cities they serve, not issue useless proclamations about foreign policy. Unfortunately, too many of their colleagues disagree. No one asked Seattle, Chicago, or San Francisco their opinions about a “ceasefire” between Israel and Hamas (which Hamas would not abide by anyway) or about their opinions about the governments of Israel or Gaza.

Still, several Democrat-run cities across the country have offered their unsolicited opinions. Will they change U.S. foreign policy? Probably not. Will they change Israeli policy? Certainly not. And yet still, the people elected to run these cities, many of which have their own problems that city leaders can’t solve, still think they are the ones to solve this conflict.


The cities with the most problems should feel the most embarrassment. San Francisco’s death spiral is well documented. Seattle has been dealing with homelessness and a record number of overdose deaths. Chicago can’t even get its own residents to agree to a ceasefire, yet we are supposed to indulge Chicago Democrats demanding one in the Middle East.

These cities need fewer city council members cosplaying as secretaries of state and more people like Nelson or Engardio, who recognize that their job is to keep a city running. Any city leaders who are pushing or supporting foreign policy resolutions that have no effect on their city should either run for Congress, where those decisions can be made, or resign and go back to the activist corners of politics from which they clearly have not detached themselves.

Read this on Washington Examiner - Opinion

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