Bearing Arms  

Boston Man Charged With Smuggling Guns in Air Conditioner

Boston Man Charged With Smuggling Guns in Air Conditioner Through my years, I've seen some interesti ...View More

Spokane Gun Control Proposal 'Tweaked'

Spokane Gun Control Proposal 'Tweaked' Looking at the gun laws in Washington state, one might be for ...View More

FBI Director: Would-Be Assassin Legally Purchased Rifle From Father

FBI Director: Would-Be Assassin Legally Purchased Rifle From Father In the aftermath of the assassin ...View More

Army Investigation Reveals Failures That Led to Lewiston Shootings

If you've been following the aftermath of the mass murder in Lewiston, Maine last fall, you're proba ...View More

Chicago Ends Lawsuit Against Glock

The city of Chicago, along with its partners at Everytown Law, have quietly ended their lawsuit agai ...View More

Six Dead, Six Injured in Croatian Mass Shooting

I'm old enough to remember when the Balkans was a pretty rough place. The fall of Czechoslovakia was ...View More

Anti-Gun Author Offers Unhinged Post-Election Scenario

The attempted assassination of any politician in this country is going to send ripples out across th ...View More

He Says He's Been Sober for Decades. New Jersey Still Won't Let Him Own a Gun.

A New Jersey court has upheld the denial of a gun permit to a man who admitted he's an alcoholic, ev ...View More

Some Issues Behind California's Credit Card Code Requirement

California now requires credit card companies to track gun store purchases by consumers in the state ...View More

Murthy's 'Public Health Emergency' Nonsense Not Playing Well with Average Folks

Surgeon General Vivek Murthy's declaration of so-called gun violence as a 'public health emergency'  ...View More

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