Daily Signal - Elections  

Biden Isn’t Running Again, but House Investigates Who’s Running Government

President Joe Biden is out of the running for a second term, but Congress still wants answers about  ...View More

WATCH: ‘Kamala’s Baggage’ on ‘The Tony Kinnett Cast’

On the latest episode of “The Tony Kinnett Cast,” we ford a river of radical statements from the de  ...View More

Coup Upon Coup Upon Coup

Coup Upon Coup Upon CoupIn March 2020, all the major Democratic primary candidates abruptly, mysteri ...View More

ORWELLIAN: Biden Would Destroy Democracy in Order to ‘Save’ It

ORWELLIAN: Biden Would Destroy Democracy in Order to 'Save' It President Joe Bid ...View More

Yes, the Past 30 Days Have Been Insane. Here’s a Time Line to Prove It.

Yes, the Past 30 Days Have Been Insane. Here’s a Time Line to Prove It. Election ...View More

Who Will Replace Biden as Democrats’ Presidential Candidate?

Who is most likely to replace President Joe Biden at the top of the Democratic ticket now that he ha ...View More

These 10 State Officials Could Play Outsize Role in Presidential Election

The map of battleground states in the November presidential election is expanding, and Democrats are ...View More

7 Takeaways From Night 4 of Republican National Convention

Delegates celebrated happily Thursday night as they waited during the Republican National Convention ...View More

Why Biden Will Have Trouble Keeping the Political Heat Down After Attempt on Trump’s Life

REAL CLEAR POLITICS—President Joe Biden addressed the nation Sunday night from the Oval Office in th ...View More

Why Biden Will Have Trouble Keeping the Political Heat Down After Attempt on Trump’s Life

REAL CLEAR POLITICS—President Joe Biden addressed the nation Sunday night from the Oval Office in th ...View More

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