June 28, 2024  

New Jersey sets hearing on Trump golf course liquor licenses following felony convictions

ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. — New Jersey regulators will hold a hearing next month on whether two golf cours ...View More

Pushing a conservative agenda does not threaten ‘democracy’

The Heritage Foundation and center-right groups are working together to ensure a potential Trump pre ...View More

Electing the Next Dictator: Ugly Truths You Won’t Hear From Trump or Biden

John Whitehead .paywall-container {position: relative;display: flex;flex-direction: column; mi ...View More

West Coast Messed Coast™: Failed Calif. Gov. Newsom Defends Biden’s Debate Failure

Now that the debate (if such a term can be applied to a back-and-forth with a dementia patient) is o ...View More

Le Pen: RN Would Block Ukraine Troop Deployments

In comments to the French newspaper Le Télégramme, Marine Le Pen has stated that her conservative Ra ...View More

Mysterious hole opens up on Australian beach

Mysterious hole opens up on Australian beach  ...View More

Feds wasted $10 billion in bogus food stamp payments last year

The government handed out more than $10 billion in overpayments from the food stamp program last yea ...View More

US removes Gaza aid pier due to weather and may not put it back, officials say

The pier built by the U.S. military to bring aid to Gaza has been removed due to weather to protect  ...View More

Top 10 Candidates Democrats Are Considering To Replace Joe Biden

Democrats were reportedly brainstorming late into the night, scrambling to find a viable candidate — ...View More

‘Here’s The Issue’: MSNBC Data Guru Lays Out Obstacles To Dems Replacing Biden

MSNBC data guru Steve Kornacki said that Democrats had multiple obstacles to overcome when it came t ...View More

Haitian migrant accused of raping disabled 15-year-old girl after he was released on $500 bail

Haitian migrant accused of raping disabled 15-year-old girl after he was released on $500  ...View More

Another Day, Another Biden “Migrant” Arrested for Murder

BrianAJackson/iStock/Getty Images Plus .paywall-container {position: relative;display: flex;f ...View More

Another Day, Another Biden “Migrant” Arrested for Murder

BrianAJackson/iStock/Getty Images Plus .paywall-container {position: relative;display: flex;f ...View More

Another Day, Another Biden “Migrant” Arrested for Murder

BrianAJackson/iStock/Getty Images Plus .paywall-container {position: relative;display: flex;f ...View More

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