June 26, 2024  

This Jeopardy! Champion just got arrested over ‘inappropriate sexualized images’

Photo by Joseph Hunkins via Wikimedia, CC BY 2.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/deed ...View More

Ignore the Snap Polls — the Real Effects of the Debate Will Take Weeks To Play Out

While the political world is awaiting the first presidential debate to kick off on Thursday night, a ...View More

Bye Bye: Squad Member Jamaal Bowman Loses Primary

Squad member Jamaal Bowman, who pulled a fire alarm to disrupt a congressional vote lost h ...View More

Bye Bye: Squad Member Jamaal Bowman Loses Primary

Squad member Jamaal Bowman, who pulled a fire alarm to disrupt a congressional vote lost h ...View More

REPORT: Woman Allegedly Threatened To Bomb Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ Office

Police arrested a woman from Fort Smith, Arkansas, after she allegedly threatened to bomb Ar ...View More

Great Strides in Defeating Constitutionally Dubious Gun Regulations

Opinion iStock-Mark Youso Two years ago, New York Times columnist David French complains, the Suprem ...View More

‘Gut Punch’: Free Speech Lovers Lament SCOTUS Ruling

After the devastating ruling in Murthy v. Missouri, where the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that litigant ...View More

Woke Week Warnings: Indispensable Reading for the Battles Ahead

Advertisement During my recent vacation, my wife and I went on the road to visit family and frien ...View More

Woke Week Warnings: Indispensable Reading for the Battles Ahead

Advertisement During my recent vacation, my wife and I went on the road to visit family and frien ...View More

Squad Gives 21 Fire Alarm Salute For Their Fallen Comrade Jamaal Bowman

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Squad met on Capitol Hill Wednesday to honor their fallen member, Jamaal Bowm ...View More

Two NASA Astronauts Stuck in Space Indefinitely as Boeing Flounders

Two NASA astronauts are stuck in space for at least another 10 days and perhaps longer as officials  ...View More

The Deep State’s Worst Snakes Still Hate Assange—Here’s Why

The momentous news of Julian Assange’s release has sent shockwaves throughout the political and medi ...View More

EXCLUSIVE: Wall Street Giant Used Red State’s Pension Funds To Push Racial, Climate Agenda, Report Reveals

Asset management giant BlackRock has leveraged Oklahomans’ pension funds to advance a racial and cl ...View More

Porn star detained at LAX for hours before being deported: ‘Completely inhumane’

An Australian adult entertainer claims she was “detained and deported” from the United States ...View More

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