June 16, 2024  

Texas shooting leaves 2 dead, multiple wounded during Juneteenth celebration

Two people were killed, and multiple others were wounded in a shooting Saturday night in Texas durin ...View More

The Hunger Games: A simulation exercise that reveals their strategy for the war on food

In 2015 a two day simulation game was held dubbed by some as the “hunger games” 65 people played ...View More

Dallas Fort Worth Was Just Called the ‘Worst Airport to Fly Out Of’ – And Here’s Why

Did you know that Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport is larger than the island of Manhattan? Th ...View More


[unable to retrieve full-text content]You reap what you sow. h/t Rebel Ruth

Pentagon Press Secretary Takes Questions From Islamic Terrorists

The Biden administration negotiates with terrorists so why not take questions from them too ...View More

FBI’S Deep State Traitor, Andrew McCabe (Et Al.), WETS His Pants;

[embedded content] First off, those who have nothing to hide have nothing to fear. Yes, t ...View More

Former GOP senator who broke with Trump in 2016 reveals why she is backing him this time

EXCLUSIVE: CONCORD, N.H. — As she runs this year in one of the top gubernatorial elections in the co ...View More

Insiders predict Rust Belt Republican, possible Trump VP pick, could flip Biden votes in key swing states

Editor's note: This is the sixth in a series of profiles of potential running mates for presidential ...View More

Illegal Migrant Allowed in by Biden Assaulted, Murdered Women

While Biden is plotting a new amnesty, his open borders continue to leave a gruesome trail  ...View More

Biden Tells Taiwan It’ll Have to Get Behind Ukraine for Air Defense Systems

Why not just get on the phone with Xi and tell him he can invade Taiwan now? Assuming that  ...View More

Eugenics is quietly returning; what does this mean for future humans?

We don’t get to choose which of our genes we pass on. Every conception is a roll of the dice.&nb ...View More

In The Old Days We Had “Slumlords”, But In 2024 We Have “Vanlords”

by Michael If you live in a major city, you can see them all around you.  I am talking ...View More

Report: Differences between gay and straight spouses disappear after legalization of gay marriage

Same-sex spouses were typically younger, had more education and were more likely to be employed tha ...View More

Poultry industry could serve as example as dairy farmers confront bird flu

des moines, iowa —  As the U.S. dairy industry confronts a bird flu outbreak, with cases report ...View More

Watch for these key new features Apple's iOS 18 this fall 

Apple announced a slew of new features for iOS 18 at Monday's developers conference event, many of  ...View More

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