May 16, 2024  

Netanyahu challenged by Defense Minister

Israel’s defense minister publicly challenged Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday over th ...View More

UK Woman Shot in Gunfight Crossfire Despite Gun Control

One would think that if gun control laws worked anywhere, they'd work in the UK.I mean, it's an isla ...View More

Biden gets sued again for natural gas export ban

Joe Biden, whose extreme "green" agenda has included his ban on the export of liquid natural gas, al ...View More

HHS Secretary Admits The Feds Will Punish Hospitals That Resist Trans Mutilation

Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra admitted during a congressional hearing on Wednes ...View More

Supreme Court upholds Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

[Editor's note: This story originally was published by The Daily Signal.] By Tyler O'NeilThe Daily S ...View More

Russia Hoaxer Jake Tapper Is The Perfect Partisan Hack To Give Biden A Debate Edge

President Joe Biden received great news this week when he learned that former President Donald Trump ...View More

Warsaw mayor bans Christian imagery, religious symbols from government building

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9th Circuit Dismisses Hunter Biden Tax Evasion Court Proceedings Halt Appeal

9th Circuit Dismisses Hunter Biden Tax Evasion Court Proceedings Halt Appeal Hunter Biden’s Prob ...View More

Biden Adviser Pressed to Answer Why POTUS Keeps Falsely Claiming Inflation Was 9% When He Took Office

Jared Bernstein, the chair of the Council of Economic Advisers, was hard-pressed to explain why Pres ...View More

'Harrison Butker Does Not Reflect Our Values,' Says League Of Woman Beaters

NEW YORK, NY — In response to an angry outcry from feminists regarding statements he made in a comme ...View More

US Ally Issues New Rules To Snuff Out Teaching ‘Gender Identity’ In Schools  

A draft guidance regarding relationships, sex and health education (RSHE) lessons from the United Ki ...View More

Obama’s Pentagon Developed The COVID Attack Plan, Warns Dr. Peter McCullough

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NATO’s Attempted Assassination Of Slovakian Leader Signals Total Desperation, Warns Jack Posobiec

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Watch: CNN Admits Trump Team Shredded Michael Cohen’s Credibility

An attorney representing Donald Trump dismantled former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen on cross-examinat ...View More

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