CONGRESS: Anti-Trump Investigator Mark Pomerantz Forced To Plead Fifth When Asked If He BROKE THE LAW Investigating Trump (Video)

CONGRESS: Anti-Trump Investigator Mark Pomerantz Forced To Plead Fifth When Asked If He BROKE THE LAW Investigating Trump (Video)

There seems to be no upper limit to what the NeverTrump crowd are willing to do in their attempts to block him from returning to the White House.

Congressional hearings have helped build the case in justifying Trump’s claims about this whole effort being nothing more than a witch-hunt and an exercise in political interference.

Today, as he often does, Trump stood before the press just before another tedious courtroom appearance on a day he should have been used for campaigning. He put the legal activism against him — and the complicit judges — on blast.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Remember how the left whipped up outrage over Jan 6 Committee witness use of the 5th Amendment as ‘proof positive’ of the guilt of the witnesses? That was in the context of a group who had already made their biases known long before the partisan committee that did not comply with House rules was even ‘formed’.

Well, now we’ve got a very different Congressional Hearing… one with actual legitimate authority and composition of members. This one has defined authority and oversight over specific areas of interest relating to, among other things, the legitimate or illegitimate use of federal dollars.

Here we have one of the investigators who did the legwork in the criminal investigation into Donald Trump being asked some very simple questions that should not be difficult to answer in the affirmative or negative.

Did you break any laws? Did you violate anyone’s Constitutional rights during your investigation into Donald Trump? Did you misuse federal dollars as part of your investigation?

These should be easy to answer. But no. He’s pleading the fifth… again and again and again.

Such an answer might be easily dismissed as little more than avoiding a ‘perjury trap’, if we didn’t have another data point to measure it against:

As we mentioned in the second half of this story, Biden’s DOJ has a nasty little habit of hiding evidence that puts them in a bad light… specifically when that evidence is helpful to Trump’s legal team.

It includes now-unredacted evidence of Biden’s DOJ using some greasy and underhanded tricks in coordinating to take down Trump as their political opponent.


Cross-posted with Clash Daily


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