May 16, 2024  

'The Cavalry Has Arrived': Army of Lawmakers Accompany Trump to Court in Show of Support

Almost a dozen Republican lawmakers trekked up to New York City on Thursday to support former Presid ...View More

Is Russia Kidnapping Ukrainian Children?

One of the most serious allegations of war crimes against Russia is that it kidnapped tens of thousa ...View More

Is Russia Kidnapping Ukrainian Children?

One of the most serious allegations of war crimes against Russia is that it kidnapped tens of thousa ...View More

Can You Guess What Is Now Britain’s “Most Despised Minority”?

Ramberg/iStock/Getty Images Plus .paywall-container {position: relative;display: flex;flex-di ...View More

Pfizer ‘Deeply Sorry’ For Illegally Promoting Covid Vaccine and Violating 5 Regulatory Codes

@media (max-width: 1200px) { }.ns-inline:not(.ns-columns) .ns-buttons-wrapper { justify ...View More

Unprecedented Surge in Chinese Illegal Immigration Raises Security Concerns: The BorderLine

Editor’s note: This week, we will be taking a brief break from Simon Hankinson’s originally schedule ...View More

The NFL’s Condemnation Of Harrison Butker Exemplifies The Left’s Anti-Christian Bigotry

It didn’t take long for the NFL to come out and condemn recent remarks from Kansas City Ch ...View More

Russia sees 'window of opportunity' as Ukrainian forces await US weapons

LONDON —  Russian forces are expanding their attacks on Ukrainian border settlements close to t ...View More

US reveals proposal to loosen restrictions on marijuana

The U.S. Department of Justice on Thursday revealed a proposal to reclassify marijuana as a less da ...View More

NIH Dep. Director Lawrence Tabak Admits NIH Funded Gain-of-Function at Wuhan

Testimony contradicts Dr. Fauci’s fiery denials to Senator Rand Paul three years ago. T ...View More

Missouri’s Attorney General Vows To Hold Kansas City Accountable After Doxxing Kicker

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey said on Thursday that his office is “demanding accountabilit ...View More

A Nanny State Idiocracy: A Tale of Too Many Laws and Too Little Freedom

John Whitehead .paywall-container {position: relative;display: flex;flex-direction: column; mi ...View More

Man Still Waiting For Puzzle-Solving Skills He Developed Playing 'Myst' To Become Useful

LINCOLN, NE — As he neared middle age, a local man found himself still waiting for the puzzle-solvin ...View More

Frozen Human Brain Tissue Brought Back To Life In Major Cryogenics Breakthrough

In a significant advancement in the field of cryogenics, researchers in China have managed to succes ...View More

2A Attorney Has All Fingers Crossed While SCOTUS Considers Taking a Gun Ban Case

I'd give anything to be a fly on the wall during today's Supreme Court conference, where multiple ch ...View More

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