April 23, 2024  

Yeah, They Might Wanna Rethink This: Columbia University Protesters Proclaim ‘We Are Hamas’

As far as the student protesters at Columbia University and other universities are concerned, they’r ...View More

After SIV rejection, family reunites and discovers State Department failure

The following is part of a series about how the State Department age determinations for a special im ...View More

Columbia Protestors Clarify They Only Want Death To America After America Is Done Paying Their Student Loans

NEW YORK, NY — As pro-Palestine groups continued to gather on campus following the establishment of  ...View More

Surge of Chinese immigrants crossing border triggers national security concerns

The number of Chinese citizens coming across the southern border from Mexico has skyrocketed to the  ...View More

Wyoming Health Dept. Funding R-Rated Drag Show

The Wyoming Health Department is reportedly using taxpayer dollars to fund a boastfully explicit dra ...View More

Sexism! “Caitlin Clark Deserves More Money!” Say the Economic Illiterates

AP Images Caitlin Clark .paywall-container {position: relative;display: flex;flex-direction: c ...View More

Senate Votes To Proceed With Foreign Aid Bill Despite Objections From Critics of Israel, Ukraine Aid

The bipartisan national security and foreign aid bill will likely pass the Senate by the end of the  ...View More

God’s Misfits cult grandma Tifany Adams, accused of killing 2 Kansas moms, is ‘unhinged’ conspiracy theorist: pal

The Oklahoma grandmother accused of masterminding a scheme to kill two women over a custody battle r ...View More

Sheriff Investigates Voter Fraud, Recommends Local Law Enforcement Participate in Election Security

At the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA) conference in Las Vegas, Nevad ...View More

Trump slams 'unconstitutional' gag order as trial wraps for the day: 'All Biden'

Former President Donald Trump slammed what he described as an "unconstitutional" gag order imposed o ...View More

To The Ivy League Palestine Supporters: Welcome To The ‘Eat Dirt’ Club

A lot of congressional Republicans see a political slam dunk in thrusting their focus into the thick ...View More

17 states sue Biden over latest student-loan bailout plan

(THE COLLEGE FIX) -- Attorneys general for 17 Republican-led states have sued the Biden administrati ...View More

Vulnerable Democrats Maintain Strong Approval Ratings Ahead of Fall Elections: Poll

Senate Democrats up for re-election this year are holding on to high approval ratings despite one of ...View More

Kids are Beginning to Pass on Ivy League Schools to Attend Colleges in the South

There's been an unprecedented movement by college-age kids away from Ivy League and other so-called  ...View More

Alec Baldwin’s scuffle with anti-Israel agitator ‘Crackhead Barney’ spilled onto sidewalk outside NYC coffee shop, photos show

Alec Baldwin’s scuffle with a loudmouthed anti-Israel agitator at a New York City coffee shop spille ...View More

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