CNN Host Asked Sen. Ted Cruz for Vote Fraud Evidence and Did NOT Want to Hear the Answers

CNN Host Asked Sen. Ted Cruz for Vote Fraud Evidence and Did NOT Want to Hear the Answers
By: Twitchy - Media Posted On: May 23, 2024 View: 15

The usual tiresome media tactic was displayed during Kaitlin Collins' interview on CNN with Sen. Ted Cruz. That tactic is to ask Republicans if they'll accept the results of the upcoming election and to answer only yes or no without elaboration, but they rarely if ever ask Democrats the same question. 


Everybody knows there's a parade of Democrats who not only have said the 2016 election was "stolen" (looking at you, Hillary Clinton) and some objected to the certification. 

Cruz went up against Collins on CNN and here's how the segment went. Predictably things kicked off with the host asking Cruz to only answer yes or no to the "will you accept the election results this year" question. Watch:

Collins also seemed to deny any vote fraud but then added the usual "at least not enough to make a difference" caveat. 

We'll now wait and see how many in the media won't accept the election results if Trump wins in November. 



Collins certainly didn't want Cruz to elaborate.

If Trump wins again "election denial" will be back in style.

Read this on Twitchy - Media

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