Soros-Funded DA Mike Schmidt Concedes Portland Race after 20+ Hour Ballot Counting

Soros-Funded DA Mike Schmidt Concedes Portland Race after 20+ Hour Ballot Counting
By: Gateway Pundit Posted On: May 23, 2024 View: 18

Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt officially conceded defeat Wednesday evening. After 20+ hours of ballot counting, with Oregon’s infamous “vote by mail” system and a pile of newly found ballots that closed the lead for challenger Nathan Vasquez from 16% to 8%, Schmidt Show came to terms with reality and admitted his loss.

As we reported earlier today, Portlanders have rejected Schmidt, his Soros backers, and the “progressive reform” policies that resulted in massive spikes across the board in all areas of crime. Schmidt quickly gained a reputation for throwing victims under the bus and favoring criminals. The new boss, Nathan Vasquez, has served as a deputy DA in Multnomah county for nearly 25 years. But don’t hold your breath for too long. Compared to Schmidt Show’s far left buffoonery, Vasquez’s regular-left-wing-democrat policies will likely only move the needle slightly closer to sanity.

A quick gander at Schmidt’s Facebook and Twitter pages shows a plethora of ticked off citizens who couldn’t wait to vote him out. He will still hold the office until January.

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