Barack Obama Celebrates 12th Anniversary of DACA

Barack Obama Celebrates 12th Anniversary of DACA
By: Twitchy - Politics Posted On: June 15, 2024 View: 7

Talk about twisting the language in Orwellian ways — the Obama administration effectively rebranded the children of illegal immigrants as "Dreamers." How could you even contemplate deporting a Dreamer?


Barack Obama and the White House are marking Saturday as the 12th anniversary of DACA. So those children of illegal immigrants are now 12 years older and still under the DACA program. They're not children anymore. But they're still Dreamers.

… They’re serving their communities as teachers, doctors, lawyers, and having children of their own. But because the program that offered that protection remains temporary, they’re also living in fear of being sent back to a country many of them can’t even remember.

The Biden Administration has made it easier for DACA recipients to access federal programs, including getting health care through the Affordable Care Act. But until Congress acts, Dreamers will continue to live under a cloud of uncertainty.

That’s why I’m calling on Congress once again to pass a permanent legislative solution for Dreamers – one that offers them a pathway to citizenship and makes our immigration system fairer, more efficient, and more just.

Yes, we know, they're all doctors and lawyers.



Their home countries could probably use some good doctors and lawyers.

Both the White House and Kamala Harris accounts marked the occasion as well:

Donald Trump is promising a lot of things we wish he'd follow through on.


Why didn't the Democrats do a lot of things when they held both the White House and Congress?

The New York Post reported that illegal immigrants have been released into the country on the condition that they report to their court date to determine their asylum status — court dates are far out as 2035. Sure, just live here illegally for the next decade before we decide if your claim of asylum is valid. And then we'll deport you.

Hey, they were brought here by their law-breaking parents when they were just children. As President Joe Biden recently said, “Can you imagine a kid, two years old, saying, ‘Mom, don’t take me across the Rio Grande. It’s against the law.’ Give me a break. These have been model citizens.” Model what now?


The fact that there is a legal pathway to citizenship doesn't seem to occur to anyone.

We'd be happy never to hear from Obama again.


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