Chris Christie made one sickening comment about Donald Trump that proves he is a total fraud

Chris Christie made one sickening comment about Donald Trump that proves he is a total fraud

Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 3.0,, via Wikimedia Commons

The entire ruling-class establishment is against Donald Trump.

Even those who claim to be “Republicans” are doing everything they can to undermine his campaign.

And Chris Christie made one sickening comment about Donald Trump that proved he is a total fraud.

Former New Jersey Governor and failed Presidential candidate Chris Christie is frantically attempting to keep himself relevant by attacking former President Donald Trump.

During the Republican Presidential Primary, Christie flat out admitted that he was only running – and kept his campaign going after it was clear he had less than 1% support amongst Republican voters – for the sole purpose of hurting Trump’s campaign.

And now, Christie is taking shots at Trump and fellow primary challenger Vivek Ramaswamy.

Death match

Commenting on his Primary experience during an event at the University of Chicago, Christie said he “would have preferred any of those people over Trump. Ramaswamy and Trump, I would’ve hoped for a death match where they both die.”

Trump and his supporters have been accused endlessly by the Democrats’ media allies of being violent, yet a roomful of obedient Democrats at the University of Chicago applauded the idea that Trump and Ramaswamy would “both die.”

Democrats project who they’re concerned about.

Trump, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, and later Ramaswamy, after he took aim at former Trump UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, received the most negative media coverage.

Democrats’ media allies even went so far as to attack DeSantis as “worse than Trump” – who they claimed was akin to National Socialist German Workers Party leader Adolf Hitler – because they fear he is the most formidable future Presidential candidate in the Republican stable behind Trump.

As for Ramaswamy, he went after Haley and Christie hard for being unabashed warmongers.

Why they hate Vivek

During a debate, Ramaswamy said, “If these people want to send your sons and daughters to go die in Ukraine—they’ve been arguing for it for a year. $200 billion of our taxpayers’ money sent over. Neither of them could name for you the provinces that they actually want to protect. And these are the people who have been touting their so-called ‘foreign policy experience.’ It is intellectual fraud.”

Congress recently approved another gargantuan aid package to Ukraine, so the graft continues.

Ramaswamy added, “These people are lying to you. The same people who told you about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq to justify that invasion didn’t know the first thing about it, yet they sent thousands of our sons and daughters to go die. The same people who told you the same in Afghanistan, where the Taliban is still in charge 20 years later. $7 trillion of our national debt due to these toxic neocons. You can put lipstick on Dick Cheney, it is still a fascist.”

The candidates who have the least interest in appeasing the ruling-class elites always get hit the hardest.

Former Democrat Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard found that out the hard way when she was considered a rising star within the Democrat Party.

As soon as she questioned the endless wars, she was slandered as an “Assad toady” and a “Russian agent.”

The establishment wants war, no matter what.

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