Robert Smith Tricks Morrissey Into Eating Meat: Fistfight Erupts 

Robert Smith Tricks Morrissey Into Eating Meat: Fistfight Erupts 
By: Madhouse Magazine Posted On: April 21, 2024 View: 12

In an unexpected twist of events, Robert Smith, the iconic frontman of The Cure, has managed to outwit his melancholic counterpart Morrissey by orchestrating a devious prank involving meat. Smith, renowned for his sly sense of humor, cunningly tricked Morrissey into consuming a meat-based meal, leaving the vegetarian singer in a state of shock and disbelief. Not to mention the projectile vomiting and explosive diarrhea. 

Robert Smith Tricks Morrissey

The prank unfolded during a clandestine meeting between the two legendary musicians at a dimly lit, goth-inspired café. Armed with a mischievous glint in his eyes and a menu prepared with the precision of a practical joker, Smith seized the opportunity to play with Morrissey’s dietary preferences. 

Under the guise of offering Morrissey a new vegan delight, Smith cunningly presented him with a seemingly harmless “meatless” burger. Little did Morrissey know that within its layers of buns and veggies lay a juicy beef patty, secretly hidden by Smith’s crafty culinary accomplice.

Hilarity Ensues

As Morrissey bit into the burger, expecting a mouthful of vegan bliss, he was met with the unmistakable taste of meat. The shock on his face was captured by an astute fan who happened to be in the café, resulting in an instantly viral image that has left fans of both artists in stitches.

Reports suggest that the café erupted in laughter as Smith reveled in his successful prank, enjoying every moment of Morrissey’s bafflement. Witnesses recall seeing Smith smirking mischievously while trying to suppress his laughter, clearly relishing the sight of Morrissey unintentionally devouring animal flesh.

Moz then attacked Smith and used Robert’s testicles as a punching bag. The fight messed up his hair which enraged Robert. Smith then displayed superhuman strength and lifted Morrissey over his head and spun him around before flinging him onto the vegan food table. Smith then pulled out Hamburger and Sausage and stuffed the meat into Morrissey’s mouth. Morrissey is a staunch vegan and went into convulsions. His body then began to reject the meat. Projectile vomiting and explosive diarrhea covered the room and Smith. 


Since the incident, Morrissey’s world has been turned upside down. The singer, known for his strong stance on vegetarianism and animal rights, has taken to his bed and vowed revenge on Smith. 

Meanwhile, Smith has remained unapologetic, basking in the glory of his prank’s success. In a cryptic message to the media, he stated, “Sometimes the cure for melancholy is a slice of humor. I simply added a pinch of meaty mischief to Morrissey’s life. It’s all in good fun.”

Whether Morrissey will ever fully recover from this meaty prank remains uncertain. One thing is for sure: Robert Smith’s mischievous maneuver has forever changed the dynamics between the two legendary musicians. From now on, Morrissey will think twice before accepting any meal from the cunning hands of his musical counterpart.

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