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No Honor Among Thieves

No Honor Among Thieves

This article was originally published on Badlands Media. You can read the original article HERE

The Deep State Is Eating Itself

Photo by COPPERTIST WU via Unsplash

Too often, people want to believe the Deep State is some cohesive unit, and that everyone within it are working in unison to achieve their goal of a one world government with totalitarian control. While it is true that there exists a group of people who share this goal and are working together to achieve this goal, there is still plenty of infighting and backstabbing going on. There has always been a struggle or a jockeying for position to attain more power and money, and throwing a fellow Deep Stater under the bus or stealing from them is all a part of the game—an accepted part of the game.

Recently, I stumbled across something that solidifies this idea in my mind. I did a deep dive on something I thought seemed pretty insignificant, and just kept discovering more layers and connections.

The Deep State web of deceit connects so many who appear to be random or unconnected. When researching, one discovers the Deep State players are in fact very connected and coordinated. It recalls the movie The Truman Show, where a small town works together to make the main character believe his life is real, when in fact it is all completely staged and filmed for the American public to watch on their TVs in order to escape their own reality. In the premise of the movie, it only takes around a few hundred combined actors, directors and stagehands to convince Truman his life is real, and by adding in some fear manipulation, they engineer a situation in which he has never left his little excessively controlled corner of the world, ever.

Q said there are a lot more good people than bad people, which I agree with. The thing is, this small group of bad people are so interconnected with each other, creating such a strong bond, that they cast a wide net—they cast such a large shadow that they appear to be greater in number than they really are. The more one researches, and the more one understands how deeply connected the Deep State players are, the more one comes to realize there probably aren’t as many of them as we might believe.

I tend to be a person who doesn’t do too many deep dives; I tend to be one who looks for trends closer to the surface. I read the tea leaves and try to figure out what narrative or agenda the Deep State is looking to put forth. Many times, 3-6 months before others are talking about a topic, I’ve already written about it. I’ve already predicted it will be the new narrative. I do this to prepare myself and others to not react to the new narratives emotionally, to understand that so many of the narratives are staged.

If we know a narrative or false flag is coming, we know it isn’t real, or at least that it is staged and coordinated. When we know something is coming, we hopefully won’t react in fear and anger. If we know a right hook is coming, we keep our left hand up to protect us. If we know a pitcher is going to throw a change-up, we know to sit on the pitch a little longer. I honestly can’t remember the last time something caught me completely off guard—maybe Trump becoming President. In the Fall of 2016, I still believed pretty much everything the media told me, but today I find myself often times predicting what the future news cycles will be—not with pinpoint precision, but accurately enough.

About a year ago, I wrote an article called Get Woke, Go Broke, where I tried to explain where the DEI agenda comes from and how it is used to control American companies.

Larry Fink, the CEO of BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager, was the guy who came up with the master plan of DEI, or at least, he is the muscle that enforces it.

DEI forces an adherence to woke policies. Essentially, American companies found themselves between a rock and a hard place. If their company didn’t submit to the DEI overlords, their company stock wouldn’t be included in BlackRock, Vanguard or State Street’s investment portfolios, but if they did succumb to the DEI policies, they ran the risk of upsetting their customer base, in many cases losing customers for life.

Very recently, I learned that Saba Capital, a hedge fund led by Boaz Weinstein, is trying to grab control of ten BlackRock CEFs (Closed-End Funds). When I first heard this, I thought, ‘good, these people at BlackRock are as Deep State as they come.’ The argument Weinstein gave for wanting to replace the board members of these BlackRock funds was that BlackRock was illegally creating a situation where the existing board members couldn’t realistically be challenged by the shareholders.

The way BlackRock achieves this is through manipulating the shareholder proxy votes. You see, anyone who owns shares of stocks or certain funds can vote each year on who is on the board of directors of that stock or fund, and in some cases, how it is run. BlackRock was/is counting every non-vote as a vote for their recommendations. This would be like counting every non-vote in the Presidential Election as a vote for Joe Biden.

The vast majority of investment shareholders don’t vote, and those who do vote usually have no clue about anyone on the board, and therefore vote in line with the company’s recommendations. Because the vast majority of shareholders don’t vote or have a clue about the board members, the votes are skewed to favor BlackRock’s recommendations; thus, no board members are ever replaced.

Due to out-of-control, crazy woke DEI policies, some shareholders have started to push back on woke companies. They’ve tried to present their frustrations to be voted on in companies’ annual proxy votes (shareholder votes).

Recently, there was an attempted mutiny at Disney, where investors tried to get more sane people on Disney’s board of directors, with people looking to actually grow the stock price and possibly remove Bob Iger as its CEO. Disney’s woke policies have led to Disney’s stock price being down -15% from where it was five years ago. (For reference, the S&P 500 is up +74% over this time.)

One can understand that when I first heard that someone was attempting to replace the board of directors on certain BlackRock funds, I was excited to hear about it. That was until I did a deep dive on who was actually trying to do this, and who they were looking to put on the board.

I will get into Boaz Weinstein of Saba Capital in a bit, but first, I want to talk about the three people he wants to put on BlackRock Capital Allocation Trust’s board of directors:

The first is Shavar Jeffries. I’m not going to go into details on him, but I find him plenty sketchy. He is the CEO of KIPP Foundation (Charter schools). Let me just say Charter schools are a good way of getting government funding without having to be transparent about anything involving how the money is spent or how the students are performing. And how does his background qualify him to be on this board?

The second person Weinstein wants to put on the board is Jennifer Raab, the president of Hunter College and of a stem cell foundation. Stem cell connections always shoot up a red flag for me. Think aborted babies. Both these people have plenty of connections to other Deep State people and organizations, but the third person Weinstein desires to put on the board of directors should ring a bell to many who are reading this:

Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman.

Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman is that weaselly former White House National Security Official who claimed he overheard the “perfect call” between President Trump and Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy that led to Trump’s first Impeachment. Some may also remember when Arnold Schwarzenegger did an interview with Vindman where Arnold said “screw your freedom” to anyone who doesn’t wear a mask or get vaccinated.

One of the most effective ways the Deep State derailed or slowed down Trump’s presidency was by putting corrupt, Deep State military officials into the White House to sabotage him. Vindman certainly fits the bill. He claimed to overhear Trump from across a room having a phone call with Zelenskyy, and mind you, this wasn’t a speaker phone conversation. From Vindman’s eyewitness testimony, seeming to be able to ascertain everything that took place in the phone call from across the room, of course, Trump was Impeached for trying to bully Zelenskyy into investigating his political opponent, Joe Biden. Isn’t that just a tad bit ironic?

Some may remember a few months ago that I wrote about the military coup that occurred against Trump the last eight months he was in office. The military coup started with a refusal to honor Trump’s request to allow the National Guard to stop the BLM/Antifa riots. There was a stolen election in the middle, ending with a refusal to allow the National Guard to be used on J6. The J6/National Guard part is currently in the news cycle today.

As I mentioned earlier, Boaz Weinstein, the hedge fund manager at Saba Capital wants to basically create a hostile takeover of ten BlackRock funds. Under the guise of wanting to make them run better, I believe his intention is to churn and burn them, screwing over BlackRock and their investors in the process—a clear example of Deep State players stabbing their teammates in the back for financial gain.

Weinstein grew up on the Upper West Side of Manhattan in a Jewish home. His father was born in the US and his mother immigrated from Israel. Boaz grew up a master chess player who later became a high stakes poker and black jack player, banned by some casinos. At 15, he interned at the investment firm Meryll Lynch. He graduated from the University of Michigan in 1995 with a philosophy degree (strange); while working the summers at Goldman Sachs. After graduating from UM, he worked for Meryll Lynch before settling in at Deutsche Bank in 1998. He started the hedge fund Saba Capital in 2009.

In 2010, Weinstein married an Iranian-Jewish woman whose family fled Iran when she was a child. Tali Farhadian later attended Yale, Oxford and was a Rhodes Scholar. (Deep State, Deep State and Deep State.) She is a former federal and state prosecutor and was a candidate in 2021 for the New York County District Attorney’s race. If she had won, she would be the one currently prosecuting Donald Trump in the ‘hush money’ case that Alvin Bragg is conducting. The case that is going so badly for the prosecution—more evidence that everything is staged. (Yes, I believe Bragg was hand-picked to expose the Deep State manipulation of the justice system.)

Boaz Weinstein became famous for the “London Whale” incident in 2012. This involved a $6 billion loss by JP Morgan. Here’s how it went down, and I’m going to try to keep it as simple as possible:

Weinstein found out that JP Morgan was shorting a particular investment class. (Shorting means betting that its value will go down.) This may make some people think about the meme stocks, especially the GameStop debacle. With the understanding that JP Morgan was shorting this particular investment class, Weinstein ironically enough spoke at an investment conference at JP Morgan and told the investors attending to invest in the investment class that JP Morgan was shorting. Weinstein had bought up that investment class as well. This raised the price of the investments and created a short squeeze that cost JP Morgan $6 billion, while Weinstein made a small fortune.

Again, the Deep State screwing over the Deep State.

Many reading this know Trump Media recently went public under the ticker symbol DJT. Many of you probably also bought the stock DWAC. In September of 2021, it was announced that DWAC was going to be the SPAC that would later merge with Trump Media. (A SPAC is a stock that is designed to later merge with a company. It’s basically a holding tank; it doesn’t do anything but collect investors’ money for a future merger.)

Hilariously enough, Weinstein owned 2.4 million shares of DWAC when it was announced who it would merge with. Upon hearing it was merging with Trump Media, Weinstein immediately sold all his shares due to his morals, i.e. hatred for Trump. He caught a little bit of the run up, but he got out well before the mass majority of the two-day, 1,400% increase in share price.

This doesn’t mean Wall Street didn’t eventually try to destroy Trump’s DWAC. As retail investors—people like you and me—were pouring money into DWAC to support Trump, large institutional investors were selling out of DWAC, taking our money with them.

Like the FDA who regulates Big Pharma, the SEC who is in charge of regulating Wall Street is as corrupt as anyone they regulate. They drug their feet for over two years before finally allowing the merger between DWAC and DJT to occur this year. This not only kept the stock price way down, but it kept Trump from getting access to billions.

Again, Trump now has that money, and he got it 7-8 months before the 2024 Election—not two years ago, but now.

Notice how everything is falling into place in 2024. Deep State corruption is being exposed to the masses in 2024, not three years ago. Everything is culminating right before the election. It’s all a part of a plan.

When I recently heard some hedge fund company that I knew nothing about was looking to take over the board of directors at some BlackRock closed-end funds, I would never have believed what I would discover after digging. It’s all connected, and nothing is random. It may seem like it would take 8 billion people to all be ‘in on it’ to keep the Deep State grift going, but it doesn’t. It takes surprisingly few people to control the masses.

A few people at the top of the CIA and FBI. A few people at the top of the DOJ. A guy like George Soros controlling Federal, State and Local politicians. A few people within a corporation, in Wall Street, the SEC, and the FDA. The vast majority aren’t in on it, but it appears like so many more are a part of the corrupt system than really are.

This deep dive reassured my existing beliefs that not only do Deep State players stab each other in the back to get ahead, but they are deeply tied together. I was reassured that what we are experiencing today was planned out years ago to culminate this year, the year of the election.

What are the odds that a Trump-hating hedge fund manager who sold his shares in DWAC as soon as he found out it was going to merge with Trump Media would also be married to someone who tried to get elected to the position that is currently prosecuting Trump? Or that this hedge fund manager would want to put the guy who was instrumental in getting Trump impeached on the board of the BlackRock funds he is looking to control?

It is a fact that the Deep State is doing everything in their power to keep Trump from being elected president again. It’s also a fact that everything the Deep State is doing is either falling flat or backfiring on them. I believe it’s all falling apart for the Deep State because all of their plans to destroy Trump have counter-plans in place; counter measures have been made to make sure these Deep State plans won’t succeed.

Traps have been set.

How is it possible that with everything the Deep State has thrown at Trump, nothing has stuck? It’s like flipping a coin and having it come up tails a thousand times in a row. It’s not possible, unless all these attacks on Trump were planned for well in advance.

Needless to say, I don’t believe any of what we are experiencing today is random, and all of it is a part of the plan.

The more I learn and the deeper I dig, the more I’m reassured that the Patriots are in fact in full and complete control.

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This article was originally published by Badlands Media. We only curate news from sources that align with the core values of our intended conservative audience. If you like the news you read here we encourage you to utilize the original sources for even more great news and opinions you can trust!

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