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He’s Not A War Hero

He’s Not A War Hero

This article was originally published on Badlands Media. You can read the original article HERE

Treason Doesn’t Pay Very Well in the End

When President Donald Trump bashed John McCain, he seemed to have a clear disdain for the man right from the beginning.

Do you remember when their feud first started?

It was way back on June 30, 2015, only two weeks after Trump had made his dramatic announcement that he was running for president.

Trump has been the driving force in revealing all the corruption in our political system. Trump has shown the American people that politics is just a big game. The two political parties are one and the same, with both parties not just corrupt, but also controlled by foreign puppet masters.

Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal was that puppet master.

Trump purposely picked these public fights with specific individuals in order to expose the lies by the media, which promoted these people as patriots and also having the American peoples best interest in mind. One of the biggest public fights Trump had was with John McCain.

It was John McCain who started this fight in the media with Trump and used a particular narrative deployment that the enemy has consistently used against Trump to this day.

What was it?

McCain basically called Trump a racist and accused him of bashing Hispanic Americans. This was a purposeful and coordinated narrative deployment by the enemy that was launched by a so called “fellow Republican,” which was then echoed throughout the media.

Why would a Republican call a candidate for president from his own party a racist?

Q often said “All Assets Deployed.”

This is a portion of Q drop 4645 — Sep 10, 2020:

This is information warfare. It is irregular warfare against an insurgency that has infiltrated our entire government and as Q said, it is a clear and present danger to the United States and the American people. The importance of controlling the narrative in this war is everything. Keeping the American people brainwashed is the only thing preventing real justice from coming to our enemies, and they all know it.

All assets were deployed.


They had nothing to lose because they had all committed treason, and they already knew the penalty for that crime. The controlled media constantly pushed propaganda on the American people, which is why Q said that you must show the people that they are lying, not just tell them. The narrative battlefield is the most important fight we face, and we must win the narrative war in order to create permanent change.

This was a “critical moment in time” because this is a real war, with real consequences.

John McCain quickly proved which side of this war he was on, and began a broadside assault on Trump to prevent him from becoming president.

According to AZ Central:

June 30, 2015: Two weeks after Trump announced his presidential candidacy in a speech widely criticized for calling Mexican immigrants "rapists" and drug runners, McCain put distance between himself and the celebrity billionaire

"I just disagree with his comments about the, quote, Mexicans," McCain told The Arizona Republic after he held a town-hall-style event at CAE Aviation Academy Phoenix at Mesa's Falcon Field airport.

July 10, 2015: The Republic published a story with the headline "McCain, Flake want no part of Trump's Phoenix rally."

Trump campaign sources subsequently confirmed that Trump himself was aware of the article, which quoted McCain speaking about Trump's comments about Mexicans on MSNBC.

"I just think that it is offensive to not only Hispanic citizenry, but other citizenry, but he's entitled to say what he wants to say," McCain said. "But I guarantee you the overwhelming majority (in Arizona) ... do not agree with his attitude, that he has displayed, toward our Hispanic citizens. We love them."

First of all, Trump wasn’t bashing Hispanic American citizens at all. He was bashing the people who were breaking the law by crossing our border illegally. They aren’t Mexican immigrants, they are illegals, and they aren’t just from Mexico either.

But what did Trump actually say that caused McCain and the media to paint him as a racist?

According to Time:

“When do we beat Mexico at the border? They’re laughing at us, at our stupidity,” Trump said as he announced his candidacy on June 16, 2015. “And now they are beating us economically. They are not our friend, believe me. But they’re killing us economically. The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else’s problems.”

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best,” he said in the same speech. “They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with them. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

Looking back now, who was right?

Was Trump right about the illegals bringing in drugs and committing crimes like rape? How many murders and rapes by illegals have we now seen in the national media over the last four years?

These crimes have helped make the border wall and illegal invasion one of the top issues in this year’s election. Trump helped expose the scam.

Many prominent Republicans, including McCain, often touted and passed legislation with their names attached that were only meant to fool the American people. Congress has passed a lot of border security bills over the years, but the problem was never fixed.

Where did all that money really go?

That money sure wasn’t securing the border, and the truth is, it was never meant to. That was just a narrative to fool the American people. Congress passes lots of bills into law and then goes home to campaign for re-election, claiming they solved a problem, when most of the laws just launder taxpayers’ money.

Border security was one of those money laundering bills. The Republican Party would announce, with much fanfare, that they had passed a bill on border security. But the flow of illegals would never stop and a wall to prevent it was never attempted until Trump.

This has been a festering problem in America for many decades, and Trump purposely focused on the border issue to show the American people who is serious about solving the problem, and who isn’t. Trump gladly engaged McCain on this border fight, and wasn’t afraid to do it right in McCain’s home state of Arizona.

More from the AZ Central article:

July 11, 2015: Trump appeared at a rally at the Phoenix Convention Center

"We have incompetent politicians, not only the president," Trump told the crowd. "I mean, right here, in your own state, you have John McCain."

The pro-Trump audience booed the mention of McCain's name. After the event, Trump hammered McCain some more. "I've supported John McCain, but he's very weak on immigration," Trump said. "... If the right person runs against John McCain, he will lose."

Trump went to Arizona and literally called McCain an “incompetent politician,” and connected him to Barack Obama.

Trump was exposing the corrupt political system to the American people.

He purposely pointed out the fact that McCain was “very weak on immigration.” That was very true. Way back in 2014, the Republican Party of Arizona censured McCain for being too liberal on issues such as immigration. His opponent in his Senate race, Kelli Ward, criticized his support for “comprehensive immigration reform,” which she described as a code word for “amnesty.”

This is what made John McCain one of the most dangerous puppets that Trump faced. He was a back-stabber, and a fellow Republican. McCain had taken years to cultivate an image for himself, with the help of the controlled media. He painted himself as a war hero, a patriot and someone who was above politics. He claimed to be just looking out for the American peoples best interests. McCain constantly pushed purposeful narratives to promote this image of himself by using terms and language that were only meant to “mask” the hidden truth from the American people.

Do you remember some of those key words and phrases that he often touted?

  1. Bipartisanship.

  2. Comprehensive legislation.

  3. Working together, “across the aisle.”

They were all meant to shape McCain’s image as being a war hero and above politics, working for the American people.

But, was he working for the American people, or against them?

Border security was one of the most important objectives of the Trump administration from the very beginning. Trump had campaigned hard on permanently securing the southern border. It shouldn’t surprise anybody that John McCain was his biggest obstacle in getting Congress to build the wall.

According to Blaze Media:

President Trump’s plan for a border wall will be sidelined and the Gang of Eight bill is coming back, if Senator John McCain, R-Ariz., has anything to say about it.

In an interview with The Arizona Republic Thursday, McCain said that he and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. are in agreement about bringing back the bipartisan amnesty legislation that would provide a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants.

"Basically it's what we passed last time, brought up to date with the new challenges, like opioids," McCain said. "It's still there. We got 68 votes, I think, the last time. I don't think that's going to be any different next time."

Trump’s plan was to build the wall that would stop illegal immigration once and for all. McCain was doing everything he could to derail Trump’s plans, which is why he proposed competing legislation on immigration reform. He was bringing back a bill that he got passed in the Senate years earlier, which had been rejected by the House.

I find it interesting that McCain was adding “opioid” legislation to enhance the bill to try and entice more votes in the House. Do you think it’s just a coincidence that the opioid epidemic exploded after Obamacare was enacted? Everything is connected.

But what was this legislation that McCain was proposing, and who were the “Gang of Eight” sponsoring it?

More from Blaze Media:

In 2013, McCain and Schumer, along with six other senators including Sens. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., Marco Rubio, R-Fla., Dick Durbin, D-Ill., Michael Benet, D-Colo., and Robert Menendez, D-N.J., worked together to craft a bill that would have granted amnesty to 11.5 million illegal immigrants, cost taxpayers trillions of dollars, and failed to reduce illegal immigration.

This was the famous “Gang of Eight” bill that would have granted amnesty to 11.5 million illegals. If that had happened, we would no longer have a chance at winning another election. It was also going to cost the taxpayers’ trillions of dollars.

Does it take trillions of dollars to build a wall?

What was all the money really for?

More from Blaze Media:

It is unclear why Sen. McCain thinks amnesty legislation will go anywhere under President Trump’s administration. The president dismissed the Gang of Eight bill as “amnestyback in February, and when asked specifically if the president opposes the bill, press secretary Sean Spicer affirmed “yes.” Signing such a bill would break several of President Trump’s key promises to the American people, including creating a physical barrier on the southern border to reduce illegal immigration.

Senator McCain is skeptical of President Trump’s approach to border security, saying a border wall won’t stop illegal immigration.

"I'm not against a border wall, OK, but go to China and you'll see a border wall there," McCain said. "We need technology, we need drones, we need surveillance capabilities and we need rapid-reaction capabilities. ... But to think that a wall is going to stop illegal immigration or drugs is crazy."

It’s true that the border wall alone will not stop illegal immigration altogether — most illegal immigrants enter legally and then overstay their visas — but the fact of the matter is that border fences work to reduce illegal immigration, and the Gang of Eight bill Sen. McCain supports had no provision requiring the construction of a border fence. Instead, the Gang of Eight legislation required DHS to submit to Congress a “strategy” for fencing: recommendations without physical construction. Toothless.

The philosophy of the Gang of Eight bill was “amnesty first, we’ll worry about border security later.” In Washington, D.C., “later” means “never.”

Did you catch the end of that?

Amnesty first, and “we’ll worry about border security later.” That has always been the scam. Push amnesty, but call it border security in the media narrative in order to fool the American people. A bill that would cost the American people trillions of dollars had no provision whatsoever to build a wall; it just asked DHS to submit a recommendation, all while granting 11.5 million illegals their new citizenship and changing the electorate forever.

What happened to McCain’s amnesty bill?

More from Blaze Media:

The Gang of Eight amnesty bill was killed in the House of Representatives after conservative backlash demonstrated the grassroots will not tolerate the pro-illegal-immigration, open-borders consensus of the D.C. establishment.

Yet Senator McCain remains a thorn in the side of conservatives, pleading for amnesty while Congress considers the RAISE Act, a true conservative immigration reform bill supported by President Trump.

John McCain was more than just a thorn in the side of conservatives, he was actually an enemy of the people.

Trump knew it, and took him head on.

Trump purposely insulted him after he announced he was running for president and again after his death nearly four years later. Why would Trump insult the man after his death? Trump knows everything McCain has done, and also knows he’s a traitor and doesn’t deserve respect.

According to CNN:

On July 18, 2015, then-candidate Donald Trump said this about John McCain: “He’s not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

On March 19, 2019, President Donald Trump offered this assessment of the late war hero and senator: “I was never a fan of John McCain and I never will be.”

Those two comments – almost four years apart and more than six months after McCain’s death – provide telling bookends to understand just how much Trump has changed Republican politics (and politics generally), and not for the better.

The media constantly painted McCain as a war hero to garner sympathy from the American people, and to protect him from criticism. It was a purposeful narrative deployment for one of the enemies’ biggest puppets in Congress.

More from CNN:

When Trump initially attacked McCain as something less than a war hero in 2015, it was covered as the end of a campaign that never really got started. Trump has been in the race for all of a month. He was still an asterisk in most polling. And everyone who knew anything assumed that attacking McCain’s five years spent as a prisoner of war in Vietnam – a time that left the Arizona Republican with lifelong wounds – was a death sentence of Trump’s political ambitions.

After all, while plenty of Republicans didn’t agree with McCain’s much-touted renegade nature – and his willingness to buck party leadership – no one ever questioned the man’s service to the country (in the military and in elected office). And doing so was seen as the easiest way to destroy your political future.

Except it didn’t destroy Trump.

The controlled media is the enemy of the people, and so was John McCain. They were working hand in hand to fool the American people and scam them out of trillions of dollars on border security, wars and everything else.

After Trump bashed McCain back in 2015, the media did a full court press to smear Trump as bashing veterans in order to force him out of the race. But Trump knew something that they didn’t. The American people aren’t stupid, and a majority of the American people knew how corrupt our government was, they just had no power to change it until Trump came along. He became their champion, and that’s why taking on a corrupt politician like McCain wasn’t a “death sentence” to Trump’s campaign.

This shocked the media and also John McCain, who was seen as one of the most powerful members of Congress. Trump was destroying this carefully created narrative of McCain as a war hero and “renegade” politician.

John McCain’s media allies gave him the nickname “Maverick;” not because he went against the political establishment, but because he often went against the Republican Party and his own constituents in Arizona. He became a darling of the controlled media, and was constantly promoted as “the voice of reason” any time that he voted against the Republican Party.

But there was one single vote that defined his entire career in politics and exposed who he really was. He wasn’t a “Maverick.” He was actually a TRAITOR.

This one vote not only proved that he was a controlled puppet of the enemy, but that he was going to fight Trump to the bitter end in this war.

This one vote would also help expose his allies in the controlled media, who painted him as courageous and a hero for standing up against Republican legislation.

According to Vox:

The Senate had been debating Obamacare repeal for two months, and it all came down to one night.

We already knew Sens. Susan Collins (R-ME) and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) would probably vote against the Republican plan to overhaul the Affordable Care Act, even the “skinny” version that didn’t do much more than repeal the individual mandate and would, some senators hoped, set up negotiations with the House over a real health care plan. Those two had held firm in their opposition for weeks.

This is very important to understand, and is often forgotten in this story. The Senate had been “debating” the Obamacare repeal for several months. It was called a “skinny repeal” because it basically only got rid of the government mandate, which was unconstitutional anyway. There were already two RINO senators who had committed to vote against the repeal of the government mandate. That left room for only one more “no vote” on the Republican side to kill the repeal.

The entire country waited on John McCain’s decision. He held the power to kill that mandate on the people, or preserve it. As a reminder, John McCain had “campaigned” on repealing Obamacare in his re-election campaign, and this wasn’t even a full repeal. Was he now going to go against his word that he had given to the voters in Arizona?

Of course he was.

He doesn’t care at all about the American people.

Why would McCain want Obamacare to continue even though the majority of Americans were always against it, along with most of the people in Arizona? There’s an easy answer. It’s the key to everything.


According to IWF.org:

America is drowning in nearly $35 trillion in national debt. We should be wisely saving every public penny we can, yet a depressing new report from Paragon Health Institute found that Obamacare fraud is likely costing us more than $20 billion this year.

Under an Affordable Care Act expansion by the Biden administration, millions of enrollees now receive taxpayer subsidies even though they earn too much money.

Obamacare has always been about fraud and money laundering. The law made it a lot easier to steal taxpayers’ money through medical fraud. It was purposely designed to be that way.

More from IWF.org:

What’s disturbing is that Paragon reports states have more enrollees within this income bracket than live in the state. The study reports:

Overall, fraudulent exchange enrollment appears to be a significant problem in nearly half of the states. We estimate that fraudulent enrollment at 100 percent to 150 percent FPL is likely upwards of four to five million people in 2024. We estimate, conservatively, that this cost will likely be upwards of $15 to $20 billion this year.

They have more enrollees than qualified people living in half of the states. It’s just one more taxpayers’ bailout of bankrupt states controlled by democrats, along with a way to steal money through fraud.

As a reminder, the architect of Obamacare admitted that it was a complete fraud from the beginning, and bragged about getting it passed anyway.

According to Medical Economics:

Despite being in effect for over a year, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is still riddled with problems stemming from badly designed rules and regulations, a flawed technical design, and poor implementation of the HealthCare.gov website and associated systems.

This state of affairs comes as little surprise in the wake of recent remarks by Jonathan Gruber, an MIT economist who served as a major technical consultant to the Obama administration and Congress during the drafting of the ACA, and who has been referred to as “the architect of Obamacare.”

According to Gruber, “[The ACA] was written in a tortured way to make sure [the Congressional Budget Office] did not score the mandate as taxes. If CBO scores the mandate as taxes, the bill dies. OK? So it’s written to do that. In terms of risk-rated subsidies, if you had a law which said healthy people are going to pay in—you made [it] explicit that healthy people pay in and sick people get money; it would not have passed. OK? Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical to get the thing to pass.”

Don’t miss that last part.

He said, “Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter.”

He said the quiet part out loud, while bragging to a leftwing group. He never thought it was being recorded, or would get out to the American people. They have always viewed the American people as stupid, and voters as easily fooled.

John McCain thought the same thing when he voted against repealing Obamacare, even though he had been re-elected by campaigning to repeal it.

This vote on repealing Obamacare was a lot bigger than most people realize.

It was a dramatic showdown.

It wasn’t just Republicans vs Democrats, or even McCain vs Trump. It was much bigger than that.


McCain had been activated by his puppet master to engage Trump and fight the narrative war in the United States against him. This vote against the repeal of Obamacare was just a continuation of that narrative war.

All assets were deployed.

Who was his puppet master?

It was the same puppet master of both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Al Saud.

Here’s Q drop #52 that was dropped just THREE DAYS BEFORE Alwaleed’s arrest in Saudi Arabia:

In my last article, I connected Obama to Alwaleed, who groomed him to become president. I also connected Alwaleed to the Clinton Foundation and his control over Hillary, who was supposed to be the next president in line. She was supposed to finish the enemies “sixteen year plan” to destroy America and the constitution.

Did you see what Q asked about the McCain Institute?

What is the John M INSTITUTE? Notice any patterns relating to the CF?

What is John M's net worth? How does it reconcile?

“What is the John McCain Institute? Notice any patterns relating to the Clinton Foundation?”

Both were huge money laundering operations.

Q tied the Clinton Foundation and the McCain Institue to Prince Alwaleed. They were both getting paid millions of dollars, and neither reported the true amounts or named Alwaleed as the contributor. This is the scam.

Alwaleed controlled our government and the media because he controlled the CIA, which allowed him to control the narrative. He also controlled the politicians who were constantly giving Alwaleed taxpayers’ money through foreign aid and wars. We were also funding our enemies, many of which Alwaleed controlled, which is why billions of dollars for the Iraq war ended up in a bunker in Lebanon funding Hezbollah.

I wonder how many bunkers around the world are full of tax payers’ money and is going to fund our enemies? I bet the answer would make us all sick. Alwaleed would then just funnel some of that tax payers’ money right back to the politicians who gave it to him, using their foundations and institutes.

Then a story leaked in the media with perfect timing considering that Trump and McCain were battling it out in the media at the time. Was it just a coincidence, or another example of the “Ghosts in the machine” exposing the corrupt enemy from within?

Does anybody remember this big story?

John McCain was confronted in the media for taking big donations from Saudi Arabia. His response was very telling.

According to the Washington Post:

“I’m proud that the institute is named after me, but I have nothing to do with itexcept that they use my name just as the Goldwater Institute uses Goldwater’s name.” — Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), quoted in news report, April 4, 2016

McCain is facing questions about his ties to an eponymous nonprofit, after Bloomberg reported the Saudi government had donated $1 million to the nonprofit’s fundraising arm. After a town hall event in Phoenix, McCain answered questions about the donation in a media scrum. McCain at one point distanced himself from the nonprofit, saying he had “nothing to do with it” beyond being its namesake. Is that really the case?

Does anybody believe that?

McCain said that he doesn’t have anything to do with the institute, he just lets them use his name. It’s ironic that he says it’s connected to him in name only, and Q refers to John McCain as “no name.” Why? Because he’s a traitor, and they don’t like to say his name.

More from the Washington Post:

Foreign campaign contributions to U.S. elections are banned under federal law. But there’s no restriction on donations to nonprofits with ties to candidates or sitting politicians. Companies and foundations, some that have business before Congress, have contributed at least $100,000 each to the foundation, USA Today reported in 2014. Ethics watchdog groups criticize the practice and the laws that allow it, saying such donations provide a means for foreign governments and special-interest groups to exert influence over politicians.

McCain made a name for himself by pushing “campaign finance reform.” It was a scam to fool the American people. It limited money given to political campaigns by Americans, but did nothing to prevent money from flowing into politicians’ personal institutes and foundations, including foreign money.

But was McCain connected to the institute, or were they just using his name, like he suggested?

More from the Washington Post:

In April 2012, McCain met with several of his longtime political allies in Sedona, Ariz., to discuss his vision for a nonprofit aimed to preserve his political legacy. Those in attendance included then-Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.), Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.), then-CIA Director David Petraeus, former U.S. ambassador to NATO Kurt Volker and actor Ben Affleck, the Arizona Republic reported in 2012.

The McCain Institute for International Leadership was created in December 2012, with an $8.7 million donation in unused funds from McCain’s 2008 presidential campaign.

So apparently it was McCain’s idea to start the nonprofit, and the head of the CIA at the time was part of it. He funded it himself by transferring $8.7 million of unused money from his previous presidential campaign to the institute. He basically donated the money to himself.

Why was he pretending to have nothing to do with the institute that he actually started? What was he trying to hide? Why was he panicked and trying to distance himself from his own institute?

More from the Washington Post:

McCain regularly attends events and fundraisers hosted by the McCain Institute. His wife, Cindy McCain, is on the institute’s Human Trafficking Advisory Council, working with the nonprofit to raise awareness for her main policy issue. Many of McCain’s longtime political allies sit on the nonprofit’s board of directors. Tax records show a longtime McCain fundraiser, Carly Eudy, maintains the McCain Institute Foundation’s financial records.

So John McCain didn’t just start the institute and fund it through campaign contributions, he also regularly attends events and fundraisers. His wife sits on one of the advisory councils, and many of his close associates sit on the board of directors. That doesn’t sound like he has “nothing to do with the institute.”

But did you catch the most important part of that information?

A “longtime McCain fundraiser” maintains the institute’s financial records. That seems like an important part of this story.

What would be the advantage of having your close friend control the institute’s financial records? What was he hiding? Is this why McCain was panicked and said he had nothing to do with the institute when the million dollar donation from Saudi Arabia was revealed?

His close ties to the institution were easily verified by the media, so he quickly backtracked from his previous statement.

More from the Washington Post:

Rachael Dean, McCain’s spokeswoman, explained McCain meant to express that he has no ties to the Saudi donation.

“Senator McCain intended to convey that he had nothing to do with the solicitation of the Saudi donation to the McCain Institute,” Dean said, and confirmed he has no position with the institute or role in its governance.”

Well of course he has “no position or role” with the institute, as he’s placed all of his allies in position to run the board of directors and oversee the financial records for him. I wonder what those financial records would reveal? Maybe direct ties to Prince Alwaleed?

Even the Washington Post said McCain was lying. They gave him two Pinocchios.

Now let’s go back to that dramatic showdown on the Obamacare repeal.

Right before this dramatic vote to repeal Obamacare, McCain had gone in for surgery.

Let’s go back to Q drop 52 — Nov 02, 2017:

Where did John M obtain his surgery? Why is that relevant? What surgery did he supposedly have? How many days until he was back in Congress and sitting on the OS comm? What is John M's net worth? How does it reconcile?

He had been diagnosed with a type of brain cancer, but why did Q say: “What surgery did he supposedly have?”

Here’s Q drop #5, which dropped about a week before Prince Alwaleed’s arrest in Saudi Arabia:

“What if John McCain never had surgery and that was a cover for a future out if needed against prosecution?”

Do you think that is far fetched and that his allies in the controlled media wouldn’t help him deploy this narrative?

Justice is coming, and they all know it. If Alwaleed can be arrested in Saudi Arabia and have his wealth confiscated, then it will surely come for all his puppets too.

We have it all, my friends. All the evidence of crimes and treason, down to the little details that would shock people.

Q asked an important question after Alwaleed was arrested in Saudi Arabia:

What will BANK RECORDS provide?

List names, family history, investment/ownership stakes, and point-to-point contacts.

Bank records from Alwaleed will reveal a lot of evidence.

George W. Bush, Barack Obama, the Clintons and John McCain were all puppets of Alwaleed’s. What do you want to bet that there are a lot of point to point contacts and bank transactions between them and their puppet master?

They weren’t the only ones, either. All of his puppets are now vulnerable, and that’s why they’re all panicked.

But why did John McCain become so defiant against Trump’s desire to repeal Obamacare after he had promised that he would vote to repeal it during his re-election campaign? And more importantly, why would McCain be wanting to fake a surgery for brain cancer right before he pulled his dramatic “thumbs down” vote on the repeal of Obamacare?

There was a really important reason for McCain to want to fake brain cancer, and a surgery, and I bet most people don’t know anything about it.

It really had nothing to do with Obamacare.

Timing is everything.

McCain was in a panic, because he got caught doing something that Pelosi had done in the past too. There’s a reason that Q linked Pelosi and McCain together when asking what their net worth was. Everything is connected.

Do you remember when I wrote about Pelosi’s secret trip to North Korea that nobody was supposed to know about? That nugget of information was in my article titled; ‘Everything Is Connected.’

Well, guess who else took a “secret” trip to visit one of our supposed enemies?

According to ABC News:

Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) made a secret trip to northern Syria last week to meet with U.S. troops and Kurdish fighters amid their longstanding battle to defeat ISIS, his office said Wednesday.

“Senator McCain traveled to northern Syria last week to visit U.S. forces deployed there and to discuss the counter-ISIL [another acronym for ISIS] campaign and ongoing operations to retake Raqqa,” a McCain spokesperson said in an emailed statement on Wednesday, referring to ISIS' Syrian capital. “Senator McCain’s visit was a valuable opportunity to assess dynamic conditions on the ground in Syria and Iraq.“

John McCain made a “secret trip” to Syria to supposedly talk to U.S. troops and allies who were getting ready to retake Raqqa from ISIS.

This article came out on February 17, 2017.

Donald Trump had recently become president, and McCain was panicked.


More from ABC News:

On Wednesday, the U.S.-led anti-ISIS coalition pushed further into Mosul, Iraq's second largest city, in a bid to wrest control of it from ISIS, which captured the city in 2014. Meanwhile, the U.S. military and its allies have for months been preparing a campaign to retake Raqqa in Syria, where ISIS has its de facto capital.

Members of Congress rarely travel to Syria, as it does not have diplomatic ties to the U.S.

Don’t miss these key data points:

Under President Trump, our military was preparing to retake Raqqa, which ISIS had declared its new capital. The U.S. doesn’t have diplomatic relations with Syria, but that didn’t stop McCain from sneaking into Syria.

Why was it so important for McCain to travel to Syria at this critical moment?

Sometimes the enemy needs a face to face meeting in order to hide their treason.

Why was McCain desperate to go to Syria for a face to face meeting? Did you know that this was the second trip McCain had made to Syria?

Both trips are connected.

More from ABC News:

McCain, who is chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, also traveled to the country in 2013 to meet with Syrian rebel leaders fighting the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

So McCain had traveled to Syria way back in 2013 while Obama was president?


He didn’t go there to meet with U.S. troops, he went there to meet with Syrian rebel leaders.

Why would he do that? Who were these rebel leaders?

Did you know that Q had a lot to say about that trip, and so did the media? It actually revealed something huge that will lead into my next article.

Q dropped a string of drops on the same day related to McCain and this first trip to Syria.

Here’s a portion of Q drop #1087 — Apr 08, 2018:

This meeting that John McCain attended in Syria back in 2013 is the key to revealing just how big of a traitor he was, and why he took a secret trip to Syria again in 2017, right after Trump was inaugurated.

Panic in DC.

McCain was afraid that Trump would find out about the real reason he had gone to Syria back in 2013.

What McCain truly feared was evidence of treason, which is why he faked cancer and brain surgery right before he voted down the repeal of Obamacare. He thought that would give him “health cover.”

But why did Q say “spider web?”

This “spider web” of corruption is huge, and connects a lot of top puppets within our government to one major conspiracy, including McCain.

Sum of All Fears.

But there was a more specific reason that Q used the term “spider web.” Q was trolling the enemy, and letting them know that we have everything.

Take a look at this picture and the background on the building.

From Q drop #1090 on the same day — Apr 08, 2018:

Trump and the military already know the exact location where this picture was taken, and why McCain went to Syria in the first place. They also know who all these people are in the picture.

I will reveal who they are in my next article, and the purpose of the meeting. I will also finally connect this back to Libya and Benghazi.

John McCain was no war hero. He was a traitor, and I’ve barely scratched the surface.

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