“War is when the government tells you who the bad guy is. Revolution is when you decide that for yourself.” – Benjamin Franklin
Recently, Donald Trump signed onto what he calls an order to stop anti-Semitism, which is, under pretenses, an attack on free speech (Isaiah 5:20). Propaganda outlet NPR disseminated Trump Signs Order Against Anti-Semitism At Colleges, Worrying Free Speech Advocates.
President Trump signed an executive order on Wednesday that will make Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act apply to anti-Semitic acts. The order is generating concern that it will stifle free speech by those who oppose Israel’s policy toward the Palestinians.
The executive order takes indirect aim at the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement that has generated intense controversy on college campuses. Title VI bans discrimination based on race, color, or national origin in programs and activities, such as colleges and universities, that receive federal funding. The executive order will extend the ban to discrimination based on anti-Semitism.
What Trump is doing here is inciting and pitting people, a revolutionary act, against one another while withholding the details of whom he intends to defend, and at the same time attack (Psalm 94:20; Mark 3:25). It is backfiring. Americans should be asking, for whom is he doing this and why he is defending without full disclosure?
First, it is the president’s job to enforce the law against all crimes (Article II, Section 3 of the US Constitution), and the problem they have and will continue to have is that this violates the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights. By the way, they know that it does.
Are people not allowed to dissent in the face of tyranny when they see it at work? Absolutely, they can, and they are doing so. Furthermore, they have every God-given right to do so (Psalm 94:16). They see Trump and those for whom he is working for who they are and how it is that they are playing the victims in the face of their crimes (Romans 2:28-29; Revelation 3:9, 12:10)
It is amazing to see how people think within themselves that a said president can do whatever it is that he wants without the people to resist.
It is also quite telling to see for what Trump will take a stand.
Did Trump enforce the law against those who are attacking the Israel of God, Christians? No, he did not. This bill means to silence those in defense of those Zionists, those that are of the synagogue of Satan, the ones that call themselves Israel.
Congress Means To Ban The Bible Under Anti-Semitism Bill – Not Here They Are Not!
No, friends, in the above case, they are doing their best to play the victim in hopes of browbeating their political opposition.
Oh, how right on when it was said, “If you’re not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.”
That is what this is about. They are doing this by leaving out the particulars when it comes to antisemitism.
If I were to look at two men who were Chinese, two men who were Russian, two men who were Israelis, and two men who were from America, etc., do I judge them because of their ethnicity? They are both from the same country. Of course, not!
Let me take another step with this thought in mind: Do I judge them because of the color of their skin, if they are black men, brown men, white men, yellow men, red men, etc.? Of course, not!
What distinguishes them from one another? Let me tell you. It’s the content of their character. That is how you are to judge them, and this applies to all people worldwide.
How many times have we seen a small group of people being used by the corrupt as a political battering ram against their opposition? When are the people going to see this for what it is? Know the Word of God, know the Constitution and you will see what corruption is once again attempting to do to the masses by setting a particular people in the place of the victim only to find that they are the ones, in many cases, perpetuating the crimes.
Eleanor Roosevelt said, “Pit race against race, religion against religion, prejudice against prejudice. Divide and conquer! We must not let that happen here.”
That’s up to the people now, isn’t it?
Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media