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WE'VE DONE IT! We've Found the Most Unhinged Anti-Trump VERIFIED Account on X (Note, It's NOT the Actor)

WE'VE DONE IT! We've Found the Most Unhinged Anti-Trump VERIFIED Account on X (Note, It's NOT the Actor)

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This article was originally published on Twitchy - Politics. You can read the original article HERE

We have covered a LOT of crazy in our time here at Twitchy, it's sort of what we do when you think about it so when we say someone is unhinged boy howdy, they are UNHINGED. Uncorked. Bat-crap. Nuttier than a squirrel's BM.


And if we think we've found the most UNHINGED Anti-Trump verified account that says a lot about the so-called nutburger who we think may well be Morgan J. Freeman. No, he's not the beloved actor, he's  ... well ... here's his bio:

Proud Girl Dad, TV Producer, Filmmaker, Vedic Meditation Practitioner, Human Rights & Racial Justice Advocate, Abolitionist. And I don't act!

Ummm. Yeah. 

But it's not just his bio that makes us think he's unglued, it's his posts and how often he posts and how quickly he posts. And it's mostly about Donald J. Trump.

We'll just go down his timeline and share a few in order so you can see what we're talking about:

Oh guys, it gets so much worse.


Yeah, he's not all that bright, either.

Pretty awful, yes? And you know just like that horrible Karen Piper woman who took joy from James Woods' home burning down, he thinks he's the good guy here.



Gosh golly gee, Democrats can't figure out why they keep losing.


We told you it doesn't get any better.

Wonder if Morgan is at all familiar with what happened when George Stephanopoulos called Trump a rapist?

While his entire timeline is a mess (a hot, crazy, bizarre mess) it was this post that got our attention today:

What in the world does Trump have to do with the fires in CA? Dude.


Full disclosure, for the longest time we thought the most unhinged Trump hater on X was Keith Olbermann but Morgan here makes Keith look like a solid, sane, even thoughtful person. Let that sink in for a minute.




WOW: Just When We Thought CA Democratic Leadership Couldn't Get ANY Worse They Did THIS (Screenshot)

WOOF! Check Out the LOOK Kamala Fired (PUN INTENDED) at Biden for Making Joke During Fire Presser (Video)

Trump Walks Back Into the Capitol and I Have ALL THE FEELS (Watch)

Time for CA to Demand NEW Leaders! Michael Shellenberger Just Goes OFF on CA Democrats in EPIC Throwdown

Read the ROOM! Adam Schiff Brags BIG-TIME About What He's Doing to Fight Fires and HOO BOY That Was Dumb


This article was originally published by Twitchy - Politics. We only curate news from sources that align with the core values of our intended conservative audience. If you like the news you read here we encourage you to utilize the original sources for even more great news and opinions you can trust!

Read Original Article HERE

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